Interesting that you say it is scary. Interesting because the only people who seem scared are the true believers (Muslims as well as Christians), at the same time as they believe that their beliefs save them in some way.Yes, all are judged at the moment of death. But the general judgment is when God explains to all why each person was judged the way they were. All will see his justice in each case. So were aren’t really judged a second time, it is like opening the books for all to see, nothing will be hidden. And then our reunited bodies and souls will go to either hell or heaven.
Those who are still alive at the end will receive their individual judgments ( after they die ) like the rest of us did when we died. Then they will be a part of the General Judgment.
Kind of scary isn’t it? And you know what, it will happen to atheists as well. What they think now will make no difference. Quite a gamble they are taking isn’t it?
Actually Pope Francis understands the Day of Judgment rather well as he explained recently: catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm?storyid=22233 .
He said that the protocol that will be followed on the Day of Judgment is given in Matthew 25:31-46. Nowhere in those verses is atheism mentioned, but yes, they too will be judged using the same ‘protocol’.