If God is outside of time

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Yes, all are judged at the moment of death. But the general judgment is when God explains to all why each person was judged the way they were. All will see his justice in each case. So were aren’t really judged a second time, it is like opening the books for all to see, nothing will be hidden. And then our reunited bodies and souls will go to either hell or heaven.

Those who are still alive at the end will receive their individual judgments ( after they die ) like the rest of us did when we died. Then they will be a part of the General Judgment.

Kind of scary isn’t it? And you know what, it will happen to atheists as well. What they think now will make no difference. Quite a gamble they are taking isn’t it?

Interesting that you say it is scary. Interesting because the only people who seem scared are the true believers (Muslims as well as Christians), at the same time as they believe that their beliefs save them in some way.

Actually Pope Francis understands the Day of Judgment rather well as he explained recently: catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm?storyid=22233 .

He said that the protocol that will be followed on the Day of Judgment is given in Matthew 25:31-46. Nowhere in those verses is atheism mentioned, but yes, they too will be judged using the same ‘protocol’.
Interesting that you say it is scary. Interesting because the only people who seem scared are the true believers (Muslims as well as Christians), at the same time as they believe that their beliefs save them in some way.

Actually Pope Francis understands the Day of Judgment rather well as he explained recently: catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm?storyid=22233 .

He said that the protocol that will be followed on the Day of Judgment is given in Matthew 25:31-46. Nowhere in those verses is atheism mentioned, but yes, they too will be judged using the same ‘protocol’.
Linus meant “scary” to those who do not know the Gospel of Jesus being himself alive and risen from death, and know him as their Lord and themselves as his People. We are not afraid of that day, and if you were to read the beatitudes that the Pope called for you would see it is about practicing charity, knowing you are aiding your Lord, which is being required for the Son of Man to know you on that day. The only ones who should fear are those who live for themselves and are surprised when they are not granted entrance to eternal life. “I sought my own happiness all my life and now you are not letting me in to my eternal life for more of my own happiness???”
Interesting that you say it is scary. Interesting because the only people who seem scared are the true believers (Muslims as well as Christians), at the same time as they believe that their beliefs save them in some way.

Actually Pope Francis understands the Day of Judgment rather well as he explained recently: catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm?storyid=22233 .

He said that the protocol that will be followed on the Day of Judgment is given in Matthew 25:31-46. Nowhere in those verses is atheism mentioned, but yes, they too will be judged using the same ‘protocol’.
The only thing I would correct here is that not all Christians are sure of salvation, Catholics are certainly are aware that they too must have lead good lives, as per the ’ protocol. ’ I don’t know what Muslims think.

Yes yes, but we can change what we do, what we want, how we feel, and remember that nothing is imposible to God. Being Holy or not is not something that implies changing our being, it implies changing our soul, which can change just like our will and our feelings do, you can even make yourself Holy by following the teachings of the Church. Come on! Cross the Tiber, we really don’t want to loose you 🙂
Don’t worry, we won’t loose you! 😃
… The only ones who should fear are those who live for themselves and are surprised when they are not granted entrance to eternal life. …
So true! And to add, Matthew 25:31-46 is pretty specific about who we should care about - it is the ‘least of these’, it is those who need food, those who need healthcare and those who are strangers.

However, the important conclusion that we have come here seems to me, is that there definitely exists some form of time in all three places - heaven, hell and purgatory, at least till the Day of Judgment.
So true! And to add, Matthew 25:31-46 is pretty specific about who we should care about - it is the ‘least of these’, it is those who need food, those who need healthcare and those who are strangers.

However, the important conclusion that we have come here seems to me, is that there definitely exists some form of time in all three places - heaven, hell and purgatory, at least till the Day of Judgment.
And that some come to an end and other places last forever.

Continue forever: new earth, new heaven, & hell.
Come to an end: earth, heaven, & purgatory.
And where does exactly the line between holy and unholy resides? Either is something or we are talking nonsense.
Yes, that does sound a little smug doesn’t it. But it wasn’t meant to be. ’ Holy ’ in regard to the Church can be taken several ways. First it refers to the fact that the Church has been assigned to bring the Revelation of God to mankind and this is a ’ holy ’ work because the Revelation or Word of God is ’ holy, ’ which means it is a great spiritual necessity for mankind to know how to save their souls, which is a good and holy thing to do.

Secondly, to the Church has been intrusted the Sacraments which serve as conduits of God’s graces for the purpose of making men holy ( spiritually pleasing to God ).

Thirdly, it means that those on earth who do God’s will and those in heaven who have merited heaven because of their holy life are all holy. And all holy people on earth and in heaven belong to the Church because Christ founded the Church to be the means of salvation for all and none are saved except through the Church.

Therefore, the Church is holy. It does not mean that there are no devils in the Church, there are plenty of them and Christ knew there would be.

Hope that helps.

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