He could no change us without killing us. One example is enough.
You are correct, Bahman - God cannot change us without killing us. And that is exactly what he does. Have you never read the Scripture? “We were buried with him (Jesus) by Baptism, into death (we die), so that as Christ was raised by the glory of the Father, we too are able to walk in newness of life (holiness).”
He has no intention of bringing us sinfully into heaven, as if heaven would be filled with sin. But our revealed God is the God who kills and makes alive that which has died.
Now, all of this is aside from the point of the post, as to there being time in heaven, and God not being essentially in time. Since heaven is a creation, it had a “beginning”, it has “now”, and it will be, “future”. Have you also not read that “In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth”? Heaven is a creature of God, just as the Angels, and as we are, and as the earth is. All created Good, very Good. And all in time.
Yes, there is sin and evil and ungodliness here with us, but that was not a surprise to God when he created all that he created. He fully expected it, yet in order to have creatures who freely loved him to share his goodness, he created us with the full intention of saving us with our consent (not by force).