If I believe in God (and that Jesus dies on the cross) will I have all the forgiveness I always need

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You might simply find good fortune hung on a cross next to you. Or standing on an obscure road at the moment you are eye witnesses and condemned by the law. Forgiven apparently without repentance or request. In the end it is mercy, Mercy and mercy. If we can let go of the idea we have control with milk or cookies we would see that such ideas are the workings of an overactive ego. Love your neighbor. Whoever that might be.
Forgive others, our trespassers, so that you might be forgiven.
In all charity, all these quotes, again, taken out of context still do not say one is saved once they believe in Christ and no matter what they do there after, even if they choose to no longer believe, will enter heaven. It is just not part of God’s Divine Revelation.

Many of the quotes refer to the gift of salvation not being taken away by God and His gift of grace so we can persevere. The Church also realizes at times we can or will choose to no longer persevere.

God bless
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Happy the soul that can then address her Saviour in the words which St. Philip Neri used when the viaticum was brought to him: “Behold my love! behold my love! give me my love!” But, to entertain these sentiments at death, we must have ardently loved Jesus Christ during life.

Liguori, Saint Alphonsus. M. (1882). Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany: On the Death of the Just. In N. Callan (Trans.), Sermons for All the Sundays in the Year (Eighth Edition, p. 93). Dublin; London: James Duffy & Sons.

While on earth, we remain ever capable of committing mortal sin and of separating ourselves from God. Faith works by love. We must add to our faith with virtues and perseverance. If we don’t live it, we don’t believe. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our deaths. Only death removes us from the risk of sinning mortally and separating ourselves from God eternally. The fear of God is a foundation that we must maintain. God loves humanity collectively and individually but we must maintain a relationship with God by demonstrating human love for God and persevering in it. We must all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and give an account. The LORD will know those who are truly His. Love and serve your LORD.
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Do you get this just before death. Can one receieve it while on earth? Or is it something God does before death
Please don’t let yourself be deceived. We don’t know that we will get it, we hope for this, of course we do. We don’t know that we’re the ones with this gift unless it has been divinely revealed to us. We must work for our salvation with fear and trembling.

2091 The first commandment is also concerned with sins against hope, namely, despair and presumption:
By despair , man ceases to hope for his personal salvation from God, for help in attaining it or for the forgiveness of his sins. Despair is contrary to God’s goodness, to his justice – for the Lord is faithful to his promises – and to his mercy.

2092 There are two kinds of presumption . Either man presumes upon his own capacities, (hoping to be able to save himself without help from on high), or he presumes upon God’s almighty power or his mercy (hoping to obtain his forgiveness without conversion and glory without merit).
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… still do not say one is saved once they believe in Christ and no matter what they do there after, even if they choose to no longer believe, will enter heaven. It is just not part of God’s Divine Revelation.

The Church also realizes at times we can or will choose to no longer persevere.

God bless
Let’s see once again the teachings of the Church on these subjects.
The Catholic dogma
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA The predestination of the elect.

“Consequently, the whole future membership of heaven, down to its minutest details, with all the different measures of grace and the various degrees of happiness , has been irrevocably fixed from all eternity. Nor could it be otherwise.

For if it were possible that a predestined individual should after all be cast into hell or that one not predestined should in the end reach heaven, then God would have been mistaken in his foreknowledge of future events; He would no longer be omniscient.

Ante prævisa merita: Asserts that God, by an absolute decree and without regard to any future supernatural merits, predestined from all eternity certain men to the glory of heaven, and then, in consequence of this decree, decided to give them all the graces necessary for its accomplishment.”

CCCS 1990-1991; Justification is also our acceptance of God’s righteousness. In this gift, faith, hope, charity, and OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S WILL are given to us.
CCCS 1996-1998; Justification comes from grace (God’s free and undeserved help) and is given to us to respond to his call.

This call to eternal life is supernatural, coming TOTALLY from God’s decision and surpassing ALL power of human intellect and will.
John 15:16; You did not chose Me, but I chose you.
There is a supernatural intervention of God in the faculties of the soul, which precedes the free act of the will, (De fide).
Aquinas said, "God changes the will without forcing it . But he can change the will from the fact that he himself operates in the will as he does in nature,” De Veritatis 22:9. 31. ST I-II:112:3. 32. Gaudium et Spes 22; "being …

  1. CCC 2022; The divine initiative (supernatural intervention of God in the faculties of the soul) in the work of grace precedes, prepares, and elicits the free response of man.
  2. We will what God wills us to will, and we do what God wills as to do, (CCC 307 teachings is the same: God thus enables men to be intelligent and free causes in order to complete the work of creation, we are cooperating with God’s graces, without even knowing it).
  3. The Church most powerfully teaches, everyone who are saved and predestined to heaven, they are not only saved at their baptism, but God cast their salvation into stone from ALL ETERNITY.
God bless
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So, again, I understand what you are trying to say here with the quotes you are posting, again taken out of context of much, much larger documents, but I think I realize you are trying to speak more rather of single predestination rather than the protestant doctrine of once saved, always saved or perseverence of saints.

As a protestant I heard many different theories of once saved, always saved but for the most part this is it: accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and you will go to heaven even if you reject Christ even at death. You absolutely can not lose your salvation even if you throw it away.

This, above, is not Catholic teaching.

God has a plan for us, but we must cooperate in that plan. I am glad to see you included baptism. Many times in my experience OSAS did not include baptism.

With that does the Church teach predestination, yes, but not double predestination, nor the Calvinist approach to predestination.

Salvation includes both God’s grace and our free will:

CCC 2018 Like conversion, justification has two aspects. Moved by grace, man turns toward God and away from sin, and so accepts forgiveness and righteousness from on high.

CCC 600 To God, all moments of time are present in their immediacy. When therefore he establishes his eternal plan of ‘predestination,’ he includes in it each person’s free response to his grace

Council of Trent: the sacrament to wit of Penance, by which the benefit of the death of Christ is applied to those who have fallen after baptism. Penitence (the action of feeling sorrow for one’s sin) was in deed at all times neccessary, in order to attain to grace and justice, for all men who had defiled themselves by any mortal sin, even for those who begged to be washed by the sacrament of Baptism

St. Thomas Aquinas: “Therefore, as predestination includes the will to confer grace and glory; so also reprobation includes the will to permit a person to fall into sin, and to impose the punishment of damnation on account of that sin.”

I recently heard Father Mitch Pacwa in a Catholic Scripture Study state that the doctrine of “once saved, always saved” is NOT Catholic teaching and do NOT believe that it is impossible to lose your salvation.

Just as protestants will use the Bible to have what I call Bible verse battles, I have come to realize that Catholics can have Catholic document battles, so in all charity, I am going with the above very wise Catholic priest’s instruction and wisdom.

God bless
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God’s gift of Final Perseverance
Do you get this just before death. Can one receive it while on earth? Or is it something God does before death
To understand God’s gift of final perseverance we have to see it in context.

“If taken in its adequate meaning (prædestinatio adæquata or completa), then predestination refers to both grace and glory as a whole, including not only the election to glory as the end, but also the election to grace as the means, the vocation to the faith, justification, and final perseverance, with which a happy death is inseparably connected.
The so-called inadequate predestination (prædestinatio inadæquata or incompleta).

It is evident, however, that this (inadequate) predestination does not exclude the possibility that one chosen to grace faith, and justification goes nevertheless to hell.” – In fact, every one who are inadequately predestined goes to hell because they are not receive God’s gift of Final Perseverance.


“One must define which kind of predestination is being discussed.

If one is talking about predestination to initial salvation (prædestinatio inadæquata or incompleta), then the fact that a person will come to God does not of itself mean he will stay with God.

If one is talking about predestination to final salvation (prædestinatio adæquata or completa), then a predestined person will stay with God.

A Catholic may believe in perseverance of the saints, since a person predestined to final salvation must by definition persevere to the end.

Catholics even have a special name for the grace God gives these people: “the gift of final perseverance.” In the brackets added.

Without the special help of God the justified cannot persevere to the end in justification, (De fide).

CCC 2016 The children of our holy mother the Church rightly hope for the grace of final perseverance. – Given at baptism.

Every receiver of God’s gift of Final Perseverance INFALLIBLY protected from to die in mortal sin.

Every one of those
who are not receive God’s gift of Final Perseverance will die in mortal sin, there is no salvation without it.

THE MYSTERY OF PREDESTINATION John Salza (Catholic apologist)

Page 4; He grants the
efficacious grace of final perseverance only to His elect (prædestinatio adæquata or completa).

God causes the elect to persevere in grace because He lovingly wills them a greater good.

This is called the principle of predilection:
No one thing would be better than another unless it were loved more by God.

Because God’s love is the cause of all goodness in things, God favors the elect
because He gives them more, and not because of anything independently in them.” In the brackets added.”
God bless
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To receive forgiveness we must cooperate with God:

For if you will forgive men their offences, your heavenly Father will forgive you also. But if you will not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive you your offences. Matthew 16:13-14
You will be forgiven if you are sorry for your sins.
How are you so sure? Esau was sorry for his sins but lost hope. Saving faith is more than a head-game of intellectual assent. Saving faith must reside in the heart (Romans 10:9-10) and persevere to the end. God can spit you out (Revelation 3). A faith unaccompanied by love and good works is a dead faith and not a living faith.
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Numerous saints and Scriptures testify that Almighty God prefers to demonstrate mercy rather than strict justice. We’ve enjoyed God’s mercies every day of our lives. God’s judgment and wrath have been declared that they will happen but for now they have been held back and restrained. His mercies will endure forever for the heirs of salvation. Keep faith, hope, love alive in yourself. God loves you. Recommended: Love Him back through all your days.
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