If Mary appeared before you how would you test her?

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If any apparently corporeal body appears, we are permitted, even advised to ask them to give glory to God. The devil and his angels cannot and will not do that.
it took the Queen of Heaven a bit of time to reveal her identity at Lourdes. if it’s good enough for St. Bernadette, it would be good enough for me.
“[Padre Pio] learned a “rule of thumb,” which we also find in the writings of St. Teresa of Avila, and which he taught some of his spiritual followers. He noticed a certain timidity when the Virgin or the Lord first appeared, followed by a sense of peace when the vision departed. On the other hand, a devil in sacred form provoked an immediate feeling of joy and attraction, replaced afterwards by remorse and sadness.”

Also, there was a saint that the devil appeared to in sacred form and the saint asked it to sing the Divine Praises and it couldn’t do it so it fled. This is a good test.
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On the other hand, a devil in sacred form provoked an immediate feeling of joy and attraction, replaced afterwards by remorse and sadness.”
That is basically every single sin. When you about to commit the sin, there is a feeling of attraction/tendency toward committing the sin, and when you commit the sin, there is a feeling of joy/pleasure. But afterward, once the deed is done, you would feel remorse and sadness
If any apparently corporeal body appears, we are permitted, even advised to ask them to give glory to God. The devil and his angels cannot and will not do that.
This might be a silly question, but just how would we ask them to give glory to God?
(Like would we ask them to join us in an Our Father prayer, or the Glory Be prayer? Or is there another way?)
According to the Interior Castle by St Teresa of Avila, at first you would just feel a presence or a brief ‘vision’. It would be something beyond the senses so transcendent. Also, you would feel peace afterwards. Makes sense to me. The Devil would not grant such, but would try to trick you right away by saying something.
Zechariah doubted Gabrial when he appaeared. He ended up not being able to talk for 9 months because of it.
Well, now, wait a minute. The devil and his demons are entirely capable of disguising themselves as someone holy, and it’s prudent to try to discern if the apparition really is from heaven or not.

There are ways to determine this, and a good spiritual director should be able to guide you.
Doesn’t the Bible say that no one can say “Jesus is Lord” unless they have the Holy Spirit? Demons don’t have the Holy Spirit, so the test should be fairly easy I’d think.
Why would you think a demon could not mimic a prayer?

There is much lore from TV, seems to be stirred up again by the show “Evil”.

The thing to do, stay out of sin, when you do sin, make an act of contrition and go to Confession.
Doesn’t the Bible say that no one can say “Jesus is Lord” unless they have the Holy Spirit? Demons don’t have the Holy Spirit, so the test should be fairly easy I’d think.
1 Cor chapter 12 is specifically speaking of the gifts of the Holy Spirit which we all receive at Baptism and are completed in Confirmation. The passage also says that people who HAVE the Holy Spirit (validly baptized Christians) cannot take the name of the Lord in vain or cannot curse God. We know that is a sin with which many Christians struggle. This verse must mean more.

Scripture tells us “Satan also believes”.
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He noticed a certain timidity when the Virgin or the Lord first appeared, followed by a sense of peace when the vision departed.
And this is confession. Before your confession, you feel nervous/scared/timid. But after your confession, you feel peace. So if you want to experience what the saints feel when Jesus or Mary appeared to them, go to confession 🙂
What could I ask her to do/pray that the demonic would hate doing, they still believe in God so it would be easier for the demonic to pray the Glory Be than the Hail Mary?
From what I understand, it is not a good idea to converse with an apparition. This is what evil wants; a dialogue between them and humans. Pure trickery in my opinion.

If it happened to me, I would have to visit the bathroom, and then I would call Father.
Ask her to identify her Son by name. A demon will not confess, “Jesus is Lord,” except under extreme duress, such as during an exorcism.
I’ve always been told, that a good rule of thumb to determine if an apparition is truly Mary, or the work of the devil, is whether or not you can see her feet!
If Mary appeared before me, I would not feel the need to test her.
Well, I agree and disagree. In all of the major, approved apparitions, the Blessed Mother takes the time to prove who she is.

Whether it was at Lourdes, Fatima, Guadalupe, etc; she allows the seers and Church to slowly confirm her identity.

God Bless
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We cannot proof text, pull one verse out of context. I’d suggest studying the Letters to the Corinthians in full
Bit worried to answer any question on here now but I wouldn’t test Our Holy Mother.
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