Here’s a higher standard answer. Thank you.Ponder the fact that the Church is indefectible. Christ’s promise. The Church is Christ’s mystical Body. In all conflicts involving faith and morals, we are safer to assume that we simply misunderstand doctrine, or are allowing our egos to influence us. The Church has been tested time and again over 2,000 years. It is the oldest organization on earth. We cannot err if we willingly assent to the deposit of faith, the content of which has been added to as understanding improves, but never changed.
I’m glad you brought up the ego point. This is something I must continually be wary of and question myself. I will make mistakes and yes a decision I make will come from ego sometimes instead of from the spirit within. I do sin.
Of course I respect the Church. But do I have to obey every rule to the letter of the law every time? I don’t think so.
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