If the Roman Catholic Church Becomes Much More Strict and Rigid in Enforcing Catholic Morality and Combatting Heresy,

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They will either leave or continue being cafeteria Catholics. Not sure what more we could do to combat heresy and teach right morals that we aren’t doing now, yet most Catholics (at least in the USA) are immoral and ignore the teachings. They will not be obedient
It needs to start with the hierarchy. If a priest is teaching heresy or allowing staff at his church to teach heresy, the bishop needs to correct the priest. If the priest refuses to make the changes, he needs to be laicized. Same with the bishops. If the bishops are teaching heresy or allowing many priests under their control to teach heresy, the bishop needs to be removed.
This is very true! All heretical priests need to be warned and if they continue in their hersey then they need to be excommunicated.

Then, the same needs to happen with Catholic politicians and celebrities who publicly manifest or support mortal sin.

They need to stop or be excommunicated.

And it this makes the secular world hate the Church more, that’s fine - we should be ready
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The church is pretty rigid in the rejection and condemnation of sin.
I am referring to all Catholic morality the Catholic Church teaches Infallibly and any and all enforcement the Catholic Church has a right to uphold.
A smaller but more adherent church would arise from this scenario. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.
sounds exactly how the westboro baptist church came to be, a smaller, more fundamentalist and they would definitely say “more adherent” church. Be careful what you wish for.
I am referring to all Catholic morality the Catholic Church teaches Infallibly and any and all enforcement the Catholic Church has a right to uphold.
Sorry but that does not tell me anything. That is a vague generalisation. What exactly do you want the Church to do? Give us a specific example. So far you have not done that.
A few good friends is better than many false ones, as many sayings from the Bible to the world have stated
sounds exactly how the westboro baptist church came to be, a smaller, more fundamentalist and they would definitely say “more adherent” church. Be careful what you wish for.
We have the full truth of God, so it would be different
how would it be different and most importantly HOW would the church enforce and become more strict and rigid, no one has brought up any concrete examples.
Catholic morality does not revolve around just one moral issue.
  1. different by not being wrong. A few strong adherents to the full truth is what we would have. Westboro has a few strond adherents to lies
  2. excommunication, lack of dialogue, more separation from non-believers, more worldly involvement with condemning or praising openly what is good or right in the world, penalties for publically breaking moral laws, etc. That is how it would be more rigid
Catholic morality does not revolve around just one moral issue.
What is the point in starting a thread if you cannot explain what you mean when we ask questions. You still have not told us anything. Please give us a specific example.
The Catholic Church teaches those who die in disagreement with the Catholic Church go to hell.

It is a Mortal Sin to deny a Defined Dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.
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I am not at all referring to one thing; I am referring to Catholic morality as a whole. I am not a one issue person.
I am not at all referring to one thing; I am referring to Catholic morality as a whole. I am not a one issue person.
Stop being general. Give a specific example of one moral issue and what the Church should do about it.
even this is incorrect, NO ONE But God knows who goes to Heaven or Hell, and even those in Mortal sin could get to heaven, say if they sacrifice themselves to save someone, jump on a grenade, the 9/11 jumpers etc…Grace and forgiveness are divine mysteries.
The Catholic Church teaches those who die in disagreement with the Catholic Church go to hell.
The Church does NOT teach that. Some irony here - is this the kind of disagreement with Church teaching that should be punished?
even this is incorrect, NO ONE But God knows who goes to Heaven or Hell, and even those in Mortal sin could get to heaven, say if they sacrifice themselves to save someone, jump on a grenade, the 9/11 jumpers etc…Grace and forgiveness are divine mysteries.
Not correct. The Church teaches INFALLIBLY that anyone dying in a state of mortal sin goes immediately to Hell. We all have until our dying breath to repent and be saved. Nobody who dies in a state of mortal sin gets to Heaven. They must repent before death. If actions as you describe forgive their mortal sins then they would not be dying in mortal sin.
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