If the Roman Catholic Church Becomes Much More Strict and Rigid in Enforcing Catholic Morality and Combatting Heresy,

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Your analogy only works if there’s someone to try to correct the tax collectors and prostitutes. Unfortunately, in many Catholic churches, the tax collectors and prostitutes are being given the idea that what they’re doing is perfectly fine and good. Priests are afraid to tell them to “sin no more.”
Where’s the evidence?
Evidence for poor teaching:
The fact that a very large number of Catholics don’t believe in the Euchartist. The fact that large numbers of Catholics believe gay marriage is ok. The fact that large numbers of Catholics believe abortion is ok. The fact that large numbers of Catholics believe all people go to heaven. The fact that large numbers of Catholics believe birth control is ok.

I was being when I said priests are being afraid. Many are, especially after seeing how Fr. Altman was silenced by his bishop. Many priests, probably actively or passively accept the false teachings I mentioned above and just go along with it.
The fact that a very large number of Catholics don’t believe in the Euchartist. The fact that large numbers of Catholics believe gay marriage is ok. The fact that large numbers of Catholics believe abortion is ok. The fact that large numbers of Catholics believe all people go to heaven. The fact that large numbers of Catholics believe birth control is ok.
Are any of these phenomena among actively Churchgoing Catholics? Or just those who call themselves such due to family or habit?
Saint Alphone Marie of Liguori
May be a Saint, but does not necessarily reflect accurate teachings of the Church. Saints can be wrong.

I’m looking for actual Church teaching, not the writings of saints.
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church teaching = teachings of the saints
Wrong. Saints are not infallible. Only teaching that comes from the magisterium is infallible.

As an example, St. Bridget of Sweden taught that all sex is sinful and allowed only for the continuation of the human race. St. JPII taught that sex in marriage is beautiful and holy. They cannot both be correct, as Truth cannot contradict Truth. Therefore, the teachings of saints cannot be infallibly true.
the saints are not wrong, rather you cannot tell what is good and what is bad because you have pride
Ah yes, everyone who disagrees with you is prideful. What an uncharitable assumption.
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Canonization does not mean a person is impeccable, nor that they speak ex-cathedra.

The Church teaches very clearly about marital acts in official documents, the Catechism is a starting point and from there follow the footnotes to the more detailed documents.

These teachings are taught by our Church to couples during marriage preparation, through marriage resources, it is not appropriate to be the topic of a Sunday homily (except at a retreat for couples perhaps).
well, everyone can clearly see that you feeling offended because i told you, you have pride, is just a clear sign of you being prideful 🙂
Uhhhhh, can I get an explanation on how that follows at all, please? This statement makes no sense.

It also doesn’t help your own case relating to proving that the Church teaches certain things about sexuality that it doesn’t actually teach, according to my knowledge.
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There’s a term for that in the Catechism.

"2477 Respect for the reputation of persons forbids every attitude and word likely to cause them unjust injury.278 He becomes guilty:
of rash judgment who, even tacitly, assumes as true, without sufficient foundation, the moral fault of a neighbor;

2478 To avoid rash judgment, everyone should be careful to interpret insofar as possible his neighbor’s thoughts, words, and deeds in a favorable way:
Every good Christian ought to be more ready to give a favorable interpretation to another’s statement than to condemn it. But if he cannot do so, let him ask how the other understands it. And if the latter understands it badly, let the former correct him with love. If that does not suffice, let the Christian try all suitable ways to bring the other to a correct interpretation so that he may be saved.280"
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i can clearly see, you guys dont know Jesus for sure, you embrace the vice of pride but hate the virtue of humility, one small gesture of indifference make everyone feel offended
I suggest you see what I just posted from the Catechism on rash judgement.
i can clearly see, you guys dont know Jesus for sure, you embrace the vice of pride but hate the virtue of humility, one small gesture of indifference make everyone feel offended
Oh boy. Which one of us is the prideful one, again?
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