IF there was a Democrat who didn’t side with the Anti-America media, wasn’t pro-abortion, and didn’t constantly lie as do the big dems in office do. I would be more inclined to at the very least listen to what they have to say.
But if there was hypothetically speaking a pro life democrat out there, which I am sure there are ( just in hiding ), that candidate would not last long.
Democrats are notorious for eating their own. As can be currently seen with Joe Biden, he was beloved when in office with Obama, and his popularity died right after leaving office. But the swords came out once the party decided they dont want him on the ticket and all the dirt was found that could be found to destroy him. AN that was someone they liked.
The days of a balanced Democrat party are gone forever. It died with J.F.K and was on the way out the door during the hippy revolution of the 60s.
But if you want to go further back in time. Try 1776 and look at the political world from then lets say right up until 1960 on the nose. An how the Democrat party looked. You had the Federalists and Anti- Federalists that era of 1776, but the moral compass of society was well intact then. Abortion was extremely rare if unheard of in parts of the world at least as an optional choice. An was frowned upon by society not just on the woman but the man as well.
The left has constantly been trying to destroy Americas government an the country since it’s literal founding. You had loyalists to the crown back then, in the country, but the morality oddly enough was still intact back then. There were lines that were just not crossed.
Americas freedom is going to be under constant attack and the democrat party will always be leading that charge to one degree or another, an they do a great job by attacking the moral center first. and working outwards from there. But if it isn’t one party it is the other. While the Republican party is not as morally corrupt, their pig headedness, and willingness to appease democrats and be popular, make them the weakest political opponent . Only conceding to do what is morally right when the Democrats cross the line as they did with New York passing a full abortion law. An they only acted with creating a heartbeat bill, because they were not feeling as threatened with their political careers to do the right thing.
It takes constant vigilance by free citizens to keep our country free and to keep its moral conscience alive.