If We Can Ban Terrorism Campaign, then Why Can't We Ban Porn?

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It can be banned and the government has the tools to keep it off the internet - removing 80% or more internet content. Go ahead - talk politics, talk religion, but get rid of the greatest exploitation of women, and some men, in human history.

Human Dignity begins with Human Decency. Those aren’t just body parts. Each prostitute or sexual pervert is a person and some of them desire things that are sick.

You bring up a good point which has always bothered me too. In fact, this whole situation bothers me so much that I can’t seem to concentrate when I write.

Human dignity and decency. This is where I was trying to go with my first post.

What happened to change it all? As a society we want to be “modern” and up to date, we want to be open minded and so accept everything. I’ve said this before:

A person who believes in everything
believes in nothing

I’m afraid christians have become a small minority despite what polls say. The secular, open-minded and relative morals society has taken over.

TV caused a lot of change in the U.S. Now it’s going to happen again with ipads, smartphones and computers. Anything that can be good can also be bad, and human nature is so weak.

SSM took about 40 years to accomplish. But it got done. Christians couldn’t use those tactics? What are we doing wrong? How many movies do we see where “J.C.” is used like a curse word, or an expletive?

I had a boy in my catechism class about two years ago. He was 10/11. The other boys told me about how he watches R and X rated movies. I wasn’t surprised. He’s not the only one. And what concept do these boys get of girls? And the girls are helping them along with their attitude of wanting to be hip!

Yes. Where have dignity and decency gone?

Wanting religion to coerce the state into forcibly censoring porn is a horrible idea for numerous reasons.
  1. How would you censor Internet porn?**
You could force companies to censor their Domain Name Servers, what DNS do, is take a name of a website, such as Google.com, and pair it with its IP address, so instead of having to type, something which is hard remember, you type its a name and DNS will correctly match it to its IP address. If they were censored typing in a porn site would only take you too a error page.

However this is a bad way to implement state censorship. This is because you can still access websites just by using their IP address, also websites can easily change their name, hundreds, if not thousands of slightly different porn site names would have to be blacklisted each day, not only that, people can use what are known as proxies to access blocked data, proxies are essentially computers located in a nation that does not have totalitarian laws, this proxy then sends data, in this case porn, to the user located in the totalitarian state, because the data transfer is encrypted it is impossible to be censored using this method.

This is why freedom loving nations such as China and North Korea, use what is known as deep packet inspection.

What is deep packet inspection? Why is the absence of privacy!*** The destruction of web encryption! ***No nasty SSL to block the government from looking in at all your browsing habits. It is the equivalent of the government opening all your mail. Unfettered access to every detail of your online life available at any moment to the government.

And even then. Even if this hellish 1984 type scenario were to happen in my beloved nation. It still would not stop porn from spreading. As people would just simply transfer existing porn stashes that they have on hard drives via USB. Unless you want to install government spyware on people’s computers. Which I’m going to give everyone here the benefit of the doubt in saying that no one here would want that, right?

2. You would have to destroy the First Amendment and freedom of speech.

I think most people would agree that a good definition for porn whether it’s a video, image or story, is something that exists solely for sexual gratification.

So you ban porn. Great. Now what do you do when people start using regular movies as pornography? Are we going to have to burn all copies of Titanic, because of that one boob scene? Or James Bond movies? Troy? Twilight? Basic instinct? All of these movies are not porn. But could be used as such.

3. What would the punishment be for having porn?
Would it be a fine? Or maybe 2 years in jail? Perhaps you would like to give a 14-year-old a criminal record thus ruining his or her chances of employment, all because they committed a victimless “sex crime”.
4. The government has a lousy track record of legislating morality.**
Prohibition and the war on drugs is pretty good proof.

5. Why stop at porn?
Lets go full on theocratic and make all premarital sex illegal. After all it would be silly to ban porn but not the real thing right? That’s like banning drug paraphernalia but not drugs themselves.
You say:

“Wanting religion to coerce the state into forcibly censoring porn is a horrible idea for numerous reasons.”

So many other groups coercing the state into getting what they want, are we to just do nothing at all? And all those problems you bring up explaining why it would be difficult.
Some things are worth working for. It’s just that we’ve become too lazy to do so - or maybe too accepting of everything that comes our way. Seems to me like it’s even too late to really do anything about all the nonsense that’s going on; like a SS marriage for instance. They worked for that - maybe they thought it was worth it?

You see the obstacles Backhand - not the goal.
Problem is, I’m not sure most of us see the goal anymore.

Plus some of your points are rather silly; or not well thought out. Like having to destroy the 1st amendment, the regular movies idea, the punishment problem.

I mean, then let’s just not do anything about anything because of said problems!

Too bad we didn’t start 40 yrs ago.

And how does not having porn all around me help to create 1984? Have you noticed all the cameras around lately? Have you noticed google and facebook cookies and all the others? Your smartphone, GPS. I think 1984 is getting closer and porn, or the elimination thereof, has nothing to do with it.

You bring up a good point which has always bothered me too. In fact, this whole situation bothers me so much that I can’t seem to concentrate when I write.

Human dignity and decency. This is where I was trying to go with my first post.

What happened to change it all? As a society we want to be “modern” and up to date, we want to be open minded and so accept everything. I’ve said this before:

A person who believes in everything
believes in nothing

I’m afraid christians have become a small minority despite what polls say. The secular, open-minded and relative morals society has taken over.

TV caused a lot of change in the U.S. Now it’s going to happen again with ipads, smartphones and computers. Anything that can be good can also be bad, and human nature is so weak.

SSM took about 40 years to accomplish. But it got done. Christians couldn’t use those tactics? What are we doing wrong? How many movies do we see where “J.C.” is used like a curse word, or an expletive?

I had a boy in my catechism class about two years ago. He was 10/11. The other boys told me about how he watches R and X rated movies. I wasn’t surprised. He’s not the only one. And what concept do these boys get of girls? And the girls are helping them along with their attitude of wanting to be hip!

Yes. Where have dignity and decency gone?

The Body of Christ was gradually poisoned in the West by people who told us the wrong things, starting in the late 1960s. They got involved in changing things inside Churches and society as well. The ground had to be cultivated before the crops began to spring up.

The radical, anti-family group, the National Organization for Women was founded in 1966. Just go to now.org to see what damage they’ve done.

Like Babies? No, you should be afraid of them. In 1960, the FDA approved The Pill but it didn’t get a real marketing push until 1967.


“Contraception: Freedom from Fear” but no one was afraid of babies then. Not until the wolves came in and started telling us lies during a time period when we were far more trusting. Our trust was abused.

Certain Catholic institutions of higher learning needed “freedom” too. 1967, again.


1968, right in the middle of the Sexual - without love - Revolution, Pope Paul VI reaffirmed the Church’s constant teaching against artificial birth control. He predicted an increase in promiscuity if his words were not heeded, and here we are. Here is what he got in 1968:

"Within 24 hours, in an event unprecedented in the history of the Church, more than 200 dissenting theologians signed a full-page ad in The New York Times in protest. Not only did they declare their disagreement with encyclical’s teaching; they went one step further, far beyond their authority as theologians, and actually encouraged dissent among the lay faithful.

"They asserted the following: “Therefore, as Roman Catholic theologians, conscious of our duty and our limitations, we conclude that spouses may responsibly decide according to their conscience that artificial contraception in some circumstances is permissible and indeed necessary to preserve and foster the values and sacredness of marriage.”

Source: Regnum Christi.

Meanwhile, strangers calling themselves Hippies and anarchists came into our neighborhoods to preach their gospel: reject the Church, reject your parents, have sex with anybody, love porn and cuss out anybody you wanted. And drink and smoke dope, a lot. They published filthy underground comix and Communist/Marxist underground newspapers.

Then Porn bookstores opened everywhere, along with strip clubs and topless bars. Who asked for this? The sexual deviants wanted us to be like them. Go nekkid! Don’t trust anyone over 30! Just trust us to live a totally dysfunctional life.

In the late 1960s, movies began to get bad, followed by TV in the 1970s and for each decade up till today. More sex, more profanity, more killing and NO MORE GUILT, SHAME AND SIN. That was the goal. Nothing is good or bad anymore but bad is most of what the media is giving us.

So, after watching junk for hours on end, what happens? We lose our identity as Catholics, a little at a time. We don’t know who our neighbors are. They could be anybody doing anything. They wanted what they wanted and our religion was getting in their way.

Abortion? How did that get sold? Let’s go to 1969:


Jane Roe in Roe v. Wade (1973) never got an abortion. She is now a pro-life advocate. Her real name is Norma McCorvey.

In the 1970s, a group of radical feminists told us to hate men. We were “male chauvenist pigs” and ran everything. We needed to be overthrown - what they called “the Patriarchy.”
They created class warfare between men and women, confusing our natural relationship. Gloria Steinem, a feminist ‘icon,’ said, “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.”
Women would be in charge. They would be the predators, including where sex was concerned.

1980s NO-Fault Divorce out of thin air. I open the newspaper to the Classifieds and see lots of ads like this: "No kids? $75 and you’re out. Call 800-DIVORCE. No more divorce for cause, just pay up and sign the papers. Families were torn apart. Kids were scarred for life. But the media painted a different picture for us: A guy walks into a bar and announces he got divorced. Are his friends upset? No. Of course not! They tell him: “Don’t worry, you’ll find someone better.” Better? The woman he made a promise to before God and man was now just a few dollars and divorce papers?

1990s Into the abyss in every media. Lots of profanity and just dirty talk - on the radio too.

Recently, on a "popular TV show, an unmarried couple are shown laying in bed, talking. “What’s the big deal?” right? One character announces he is going to leave the room and masturbate. Or a character breaks up with his girlfriend and his buddies hire him a prostitute. He’s very grateful.

NO GUILT< NO SHAME> NO RIGHT OR WRONG, and no respect for anyone. What you want is what you want and you don’t have to worry about feeling guilty or sinful. It’s all good — oops, I mean – Do your own thing, whatever that is.

We’ve got two societies in opposition right now. Those with God and those who live like pagans.

Pope Benedict:

“If we cannot have common values, common truths, sufficient communication on the essentials of human life–how to live how to respond to the great challenges of human life–then true society becomes impossible.”

Pope Benedict:

"We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one’s own ego and one’s own desires. The church must defend itself against threats such as “radical individualism” and “vague religious mysticism”. [emphasis added]

And they want us to be like them. To like what they like. To act like they do as portrayed on TV and movies. Stick with Jesus.

Tapping content from ISP is violation of freedom of speech principle.
As said earlier, freedom of speech is not absolute. Courts have always maintained that basic standards of decency can be used in regulating free speech and a free press. Pornography has always been treated as a thing separated from other speech, just as threats and terror speech is separated from other speech.
I guess I’m saying that I resent that this stuff should be coming into my living room without my consent. And please don’t give me the “You don’t have to watch it” bit.
You are not alone. One reasonable first step could be to require ISP’s to block pornographic content. At the very least they could be required that a standard account not deliver pornographic sites. But none of this will happen. People want their porn.
Well you have some good points here. Some good thoughts. The only thing I can really say about child porn is that it used to be easy to get online. Like out in the open. And then society got mad and it went underground. So I think there might be two possibilities with this. But you’re probably right. I mean human nature is about looking for new, uh, pleasures(?). So as each frontier falls a new one gets found. But I don’t know. I think a lot of us would get pretty mad with this level of exploitation. Just like we’re mad about the fetus thing. But this is different in a way. There is a difference in knowing that the kid up the street is being approached by oily guys who are trying to sign him up for this. I think some of us would get some pretty big sticks to chase them away. I don’t know. Please don’t tell me we’d all be apathetic by then. Because there are some fights worth having. Out in the street if you have to. Or whatever.


Yes, you are right, I dont have any kids, but I did get close to a 2 yr old girl with an ex-GF, I came to love that little girl, and I can honestly say if anyone approached her with these intents, I would put them in the hospital, Im sure many would do the same thing.

Regarding the rest of the world, who knows, but I do know people that use alot of porn and are into that kind of thing, they get bored fairly quickly, they are always looking for more extreme things, hard core is not enough, always looking for the next thrill, something MORE hardcore, so that doesnt bode well for the future safety of children imo.
And how does not having porn all around me help to create 1984? Have you noticed all the cameras around lately? Have you noticed google and facebook cookies and all the others? Your smartphone, GPS. I think 1984 is getting closer and porn, or the elimination thereof, has nothing to do with it.
Our government has been intercepting all of our digital communications. It knows not only who we contact but the content of the message. What could be more intrusive? I guess actually recording our private conversations. ‘Conspiracy theorists’ have claimed our cell phones do just that. They were laughed at when they claimed the government was intercepting our digital communications. But it turns out they were right. It can’t get much more 1984 than it already is.

I’d suggest with the already existing intrusive government power it might be in their interest to allow porn. Since they know what you look at online they have good blackmail material. Allowing a man to more easily create embarrassing evidence against himself would be a great thing for the police state.
You are not alone. One reasonable first step could be to require ISP’s to block pornographic content. At the very least they could be required that a standard account not deliver pornographic sites. But none of this will happen. People want their porn.
Just go to a lot of non-porn web sites and read their User’s Agreement. No porn is common. Yeah, and they get called nazis too.

None of this will happen? The will to do something makes things happen. A network of volunteers tagging each pornographic web site? I’ll bet there are a lot of retirees that would put some time and effort into that.

Our government has been intercepting all of our digital communications. It knows not only who we contact but the content of the message. What could be more intrusive? I guess actually recording our private conversations. ‘Conspiracy theorists’ have claimed our cell phones do just that. They were laughed at when they claimed the government was intercepting our digital communications. But it turns out they were right. It can’t get much more 1984 than it already is.

I’d suggest with the already existing intrusive government power it might be in their interest to allow porn. Since they know what you look at online they have good blackmail material. Allowing a man to more easily create embarrassing evidence against himself would be a great thing for the police state.
The police state exists under the surveillance cover, and yes, law enforcement will pose as child porn web sites to get the disturbed people out there. Blackmail for what? If you are not and never have been a criminal or a terrorist or a Communist or any other kind of threat to national security, you, meaning the majority in this country, go to the bottom of the list.

And with our “anything goes” culture, what IS scandalous anymore? I can’t think of anything.


1980s NO-Fault Divorce out of thin air. I open the newspaper to the Classifieds and see lots of ads like this: "No kids? $75 and you’re out. Call 800-DIVORCE. No more divorce for cause, just pay up and sign the papers. Families were torn apart. Kids were scarred for life. But the media painted a different picture for us: A guy walks into a bar and announces he got divorced. Are his friends upset? No. Of course not! They tell him: “Don’t worry, you’ll find someone better.” Better? The woman he made a promise to before God and man was now just a few dollars and divorce papers?

1990s Into the abyss in every media. Lots of profanity and just dirty talk - on the radio too.

Recently, on a "popular TV show, an unmarried couple are shown laying in bed, talking. “What’s the big deal?” right? One character announces he is going to leave the room and masturbate. Or a character breaks up with his girlfriend and his buddies hire him a prostitute. He’s very grateful.

NO GUILT< NO SHAME> NO RIGHT OR WRONG, and no respect for anyone. What you want is what you want and you don’t have to worry about feeling guilty or sinful. It’s all good — oops, I mean – Do your own thing, whatever that is.

We’ve got two societies in opposition right now. Those with God and those who live like pagans.

Pope Benedict:

“If we cannot have common values, common truths, sufficient communication on the essentials of human life–how to live how to respond to the great challenges of human life–then true society becomes impossible.”

Pope Benedict:

"We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one’s own ego and one’s own desires. The church must defend itself against threats such as “radical individualism” and “vague religious mysticism”. [emphasis added]

And they want us to be like them. To like what they like. To act like they do as portrayed on TV and movies. Stick with Jesus.

Thanks Edwest. For the great explanation of how we got here. For focusing for me and putting it down on paper.

No need for me to go to any of your links. I lived through it all. Luckily for me, God always protected me and I always understood how harmful it all was.

All Pope John Paul predicted came true. It’s unfortunate that the church couldn’t stand its ground. Teach Humanae Vitae to all. We just assumed everyone had common sense and that it would never get to this.

And where do we go from here? You can’t go back. Unless everything comes to an end; society (civilization) imploding, like Greece, Rome. Eventually there is nothing to hold it up and it comes crashing down.

Or maybe it’s just time Jesus came back. If I’m not mistaken, we’re sharing the Temple Mount. One of the last signs of the end times.

We’re trying so hard to teach our grandchildren now how to be a real human being and how to demand respect. But it’s an uphill battle - we’ve become an elite Edwest.

Used to be the other way around.

I’m printing out your reply. It’s a good history lesson. Maybe it could be passed down.

At the very least they could be required that a standard account not deliver pornographic sites.
Those porn sites will complain/ sue ISP if ISP block their sites, they have the right of exposure like everyone else, under the freedom of speech protection. This can’t be done this way. ISP has no authority to do so I suppose (technically they’re capable to do so, but they have no authority to do so). But if ISP provide a service for customers to request for blocking porn, then ISP can block it without any freedom of speech violation, because it’s based on each customers consent. Not all ISP provide such service though.

Unless the law change: porn distribution is ilegal, then ISP may be given authority to remove them. But in doing so ISP may remove other content too. Supposedly the person in charge is an activist, he may block other content for his own benefit. Therefore making a law that allow ISP to block information (example porn) is against freedom of speech. To regulate google is less harmful towards freedom of speech, assuming google is neutral towards all information. If google isn’t neutral who is? 🤷
Those porn sites will complain/ sue ISP if ISP block their sites, they have the right of exposure like everyone else, under the freedom of speech protection. This can’t be done this way. ISP has no authority to do so I suppose (technically they’re capable to do so, but they have no authority to do so). But if ISP provide a service for customers to request for blocking porn, then ISP can block it without any freedom of speech violation, because it’s based on each customers consent. Not all ISP provide such service though.
All this talk of “freedom of speech” is making me a bit dizzy.

Porn is freedom of speech? Okay.

Is this freedom of speech?:

Posting the 10 commandments on a civil bldg wall.
Praying before classes begin.
Having a nativity scene outside a church or in a mall.
Hanging a crucifix inside an office of a public bldg.
Saying the word “Jesus” instead of “God” in a public prayer.
Teaching evolution in all grades but not creation.
Proclaiming your christianity and being ridiculed in a university.

Why is porn protected by freedom of speech and not the above?

Now I know how psycologically damaging it could be for someone to see a list of the 10 commandments or the nativity scene - may it never be!

I guess it’s not damaging for someone to be exposed to all this rubbish that will do nothing but harm us and our attitude toward each other.

Let me go. I have to read Edwest2’s post again.

This is not merely a question of free speech; it’s a question of practicality.

Like it or not, erotica has been around since the beginning of recorded history. How can you possibly ban a concept that’s so deeply ingrained in the human experience? It’s this kind of thinking that led to the 18th Amendment; they slapped a “BANNED” label on alcohol, and trusted that the simple existence of the ban would take care of the problem of drinking; look how well that turned out.
I don’t think it’s possible at this time to ban it; it’s too widely accepted and loved by our society. What would be possible, however, it so move it all to it’s own, already existing domain, and allow browsers to flat out block that entire domain. Right now, it’s difficult to effectively filter adult content because it’s all over the place, mixed in over several domains (.com, .net, .org, etc.). If it was mandatory for it to be housed under it’s own domain, with any site not complying being removed by the provider for refusal to follow hosting guidelines, then it could easily be blocked.
Thanks Edwest. For the great explanation of how we got here. For focusing for me and putting it down on paper.

No need for me to go to any of your links. I lived through it all. Luckily for me, God always protected me and I always understood how harmful it all was.

All Pope John Paul predicted came true. It’s unfortunate that the church couldn’t stand its ground. Teach Humanae Vitae to all. We just assumed everyone had common sense and that it would never get to this.

And where do we go from here? You can’t go back. Unless everything comes to an end; society (civilization) imploding, like Greece, Rome. Eventually there is nothing to hold it up and it comes crashing down.

Or maybe it’s just time Jesus came back. If I’m not mistaken, we’re sharing the Temple Mount. One of the last signs of the end times.

We’re trying so hard to teach our grandchildren now how to be a real human being and how to demand respect. But it’s an uphill battle - we’ve become an elite Edwest.

Used to be the other way around.

I’m printing out your reply. It’s a good history lesson. Maybe it could be passed down.

Thank you. Have hope. The young are discovering the emptiness of a culture that sees God and the Church as road blocks to temporary happiness. We must be the salt of the earth. Others have told us what happened. And a priest posted here some time ago, saying that Humanae Vitae was taught in Seminary but they were left with the impression that the Church would change its teaching about artificial birth control. So, when they became priests, they told parishioners who asked if it was OK that it was “a personal conscience matter.” That has changed.

For all young women out there:


For everyone:


Don’t keep your light under a bushel 🙂

The Church did stand its ground, the media did not and helped spread the poison.


No you didn’t understand about doublespeak. This is how they spoke in 1984. The govt, or Big Brother, was always telling you a positive to impose a negative. You know, like when the govt is telling you that they’re going to pass a law for your own good and then you find out that your privacy has just been abolished.

I read the article you linked re prohibition. I used to be liberal when I was younger, up until about 30’ish I’d say, and I was all for legalizing drugs and prostitution. For many of the reasons that the article speaks about and I also thought it would cut down on crime - stealing to buy drugs.

I’m older now and I feel like society needs a lot of help because we just don’t know how to do the right thing. So we need laws to protect us. But then why is alcohol legal and why is porn running rampant? This does confuse me.

It IS too bad we’re not smart enough to know when to just stop drinking, but truth is, we’re not. The sin nature is infused into us and it’s difficult to deal with it at times.

So, yeah, where’s that boundary line between when we’re being helped and when we’re being oppressed??

Not that I really expect you to know the answer, just a thought.
Hi Fran,

I had never heard of the term double speak or if I did I obviously forgot about it. I’ve never seen 1984, but I recall that sometime when I was 6 or 7 in 1980 or 1981, that was all the big kids were talking about. Then in 1985 and 1986 I saw the movie THEY LIVE. We are definitely living through that right now (except the alien part…maybe lol). Back to my point, I never saw how doublespeak was done in the movie.

The reason that porn is rampant, like other vices, probably has several factors contributing. But the number one motivator is money. That is why they push it so much. There is too much money to be made with that industry. I’ve read that the Home Video industry (VHS) took off the ground thanks to porn. You could “sneak” it and watch it at home now. The format wars between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray was decided when the porn industry backed Blu-ray in spite of the HD-DVD format having more advantages over Blu-Ray. The damn broke with the Internet and just made it to accessible to people.

Why do people look at it? This one you can write volumes on the psychology and sociology factors right? But I think a major factor is American culture itself. It’s focus and deification of individuality is a major factor in my opinion. We do not have a sense of community like other cultures do. I saw a documentary in PBS that studied Mexicans with a background with a heavy sense of community that immigrated to the USA. These individuals had less problems initially because they continued to hold strong community connections with their relatives and friends. But overtime, the American way of life started catching up with them and they eventually started seeing less of their family and friends. Then the problems, like stress, depression, etc. started. Their children were more or less Americanized and had the stress, depression, etc.that is part of life here. The moral of the story is that our culture causes people to feel disconnected and the psychology etc. explains that they seek other means to fill that hole. Those are just my thoughts. Our culture causes a hole and we look for false gods to fill that hole.
Our government has been intercepting all of our digital communications. It knows not only who we contact but the content of the message. What could be more intrusive? I guess actually recording our private conversations. ‘Conspiracy theorists’ have claimed our cell phones do just that. They were laughed at when they claimed the government was intercepting our digital communications. But it turns out they were right. It can’t get much more 1984 than it already is.

I’d suggest with the already existing intrusive government power it might be in their interest to allow porn. Since they know what you look at online they have good blackmail material. Allowing a man to more easily create embarrassing evidence against himself would be a great thing for the police state.
It’s a thought. At this point, I’m willing to believe anything.

Let’s remember though, that the dignity and decency we’re talking about should begin at the top and trickle down. But right now it’s the opposite - no dignity trickling down our way.

Hi Fran,

I had never heard of the term double speak or if I did I obviously forgot about it. I’ve never seen 1984, but I recall that sometime when I was 6 or 7 in 1980 or 1981, that was all the big kids were talking about. Then in 1985 and 1986 I saw the movie THEY LIVE. We are definitely living through that right now (except the alien part…maybe lol). Back to my point, I never saw how doublespeak was done in the movie.

The reason that porn is rampant, like other vices, probably has several factors contributing. But the number one motivator is money. That is why they push it so much. There is too much money to be made with that industry. I’ve read that the Home Video industry (VHS) took off the ground thanks to porn. You could “sneak” it and watch it at home now. The format wars between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray was decided when the porn industry backed Blu-ray in spite of the HD-DVD format having more advantages over Blu-Ray. The damn broke with the Internet and just made it to accessible to people.

Why do people look at it? This one you can write volumes on the psychology and sociology factors right? But I think a major factor is American culture itself. It’s focus and deification of individuality is a major factor in my opinion. We do not have a sense of community like other cultures do. I saw a documentary in PBS that studied Mexicans with a background with a heavy sense of community that immigrated to the USA. These individuals had less problems initially because they continued to hold strong community connections with their relatives and friends. But overtime, the American way of life started catching up with them and they eventually started seeing less of their family and friends. Then the problems, like stress, depression, etc. started. Their children were more or less Americanized and had the stress, depression, etc.that is part of life here. The moral of the story is that our culture causes people to feel disconnected and the psychology etc. explains that they seek other means to fill that hole. Those are just my thoughts. Our culture causes a hole and we look for false gods to fill that hole.
The destruction of community ties and cultural/family ties was engineered by those who hate real families. I actually heard this from a 17 year old who was about to turn 18, to his parents who did their best: “When I turn 18, I don’t gotta listen to you anymore!”

Who taught him that? Not his parents. Bad role models on TV and in movies. Bart Simpson wearing a T-shirt with the words: Underachiever and Proud of it.

The ongoing attacks on the family can be stopped now, today. Call that relative. Invite him or her to come over.


If I had millions of dollars, I would not use it to create the porn industry and the PLANNED ADDICTIONS that followed. People who hate the truth want us to love - not God - but vice. To live like they live. To do what they do. To love sexual immorality of every kind. Why? They hate the rule of God. They, Not God, gradually put actors on TV and Movies and told us -

Fornication is OK.
Adultery is OK.
Love Porn, Strip Clubs and Topless Bars.
Any kind of sex is OK.
Sex, sex, sex and more sex.
Use profanity all the time. Just let the F word out as part of your everyday language.

That will make them feel more comfortable.

Feeling guilt is bad.
Feeling ashamed is bad.
Feeling sinful is bad. It’s bad/wrong.

The more we become like them and act like them, they can argue that nobody cares anymore about God or sin or shame or guilt. They will always be wrong on that point.

Thank you. Have hope. The young are discovering the emptiness of a culture that sees God and the Church as road blocks to temporary happiness. We must be the salt of the earth. Others have told us what happened. And a priest posted here some time ago, saying that Humanae Vitae was taught in Seminary but they were left with the impression that the Church would change its teaching about artificial birth control. So, when they became priests, they told parishioners who asked if it was OK that it was “a personal conscience matter.” That has changed.

For all young women out there:


For everyone:


Don’t keep your light under a bushel 🙂

The Church did stand its ground, the media did not and helped spread the poison.

Ed, your above post is perfectly timed.

I have a small bible study in my home. Know what we did today? Mathew 5:13-16
You are the salt of the earth/ You are the light of the world.

Must be a message from God!

Will be checking out the links.

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