There are many good people who are atheists and agnostics. Some of them are better than Catholics and Christians I have known personally. I just always wonder if you can control your own selfish or evil impulses and you truly love your neighbor as yourself, why would you need God or religion? When I think people who need God, I think those with issues like alcoholism, promiscuity, poor self-esteem, poor, etc. If you are kind, well-put together person, why would you need to believe in God? What difference would it make in your life anyways? Some people can find peace within themselves, they are very independent and self-reliant and kind. Why need God? If we have full control over our decisions, why do we often to choose to sin? Why can’t people simply stop sinning, why do we need Jesus’s redemption or forgiveness at all if it is our own choice? Or are humans so helpless they honestly cannot stop sinning?
A very honest and sincere quest you are on… And such one which should warrant
the proper full detailed response/s.
However time and space is kind of binding here in this type of media…
It would certainly be most profitable for you in you could attend some Catechism class and have this issue presented too you in a better structured manner.
From my point of view and education… you are close to answering your own questions.
However you might could use a plainer foundation of your own faith and what the church
teaches in order to get your mind on a track for you to discover some reasonable answers for your personal questions.
Of course you have a one on one relationship with God through the leading,guiding and directions from God through his Messenger the Holy Spirit… Just as he promised…
“I shall send you back a comforter and he shall lead you into all truth”
“I will write my laws in your minds and hearts, and no man shall need teach his brother
or neighbor to know the lord… as all shall know me from the least to the greatest.
They shall be a people too me, and I shall be a God to them”…(Hebrews 8 and 10)
Yes all people regardless of which and what religious ceremonies they may have experienced have a living connection with God.
It is not so much question of how much of the law you know or how much you fail
certain laws. But more as to whether you are fulfilling the charity chores God has assigned for you. The same chores which require a certain amount of effort on your
behalf to achieve.
You may say… I am a good person, certainly better than that person over there…
But are you the person God designed you to be? Are you loving your neighbor
with the amount of love God has given you the ability to be or become?
The first lesson you need to grasp is that everyone is NOT the same… Everyone does
NOT have the same gifts or abilities to be…
(I certainly hope you are reading your scriptures daily in order to know what I am saying
is from the scriptures themselves… and not from me.)
Now how does being a member of the Catholic Church come into play on this issue?
The church is very compound and to keep this as short as I can…I shall just focus
on her role in dealing with the issue you have brought up only. But know that she has many other roles for the world…
Your spirit can grow… Your love can increase… You are not being all you can be.
You may have the ability to develop your love within your own volition.
However the scriptures state that we can “grow in the Grace of God”…(Peter.)
The Grace of God contains “attributes” which is an element to actually increase the proper quality of your human nature from within…
You can pray and receive further infusions of God’s Grace…
However the church can create other Sacraments (channels of God’s Grace) which can
help you to become the Christian through your Sanctification which God designed for you
from the foundation of his creation…
In the Monastic life there is a particular prayer where we go to the Sacrament of our Lord
in the chapel where he lies in the form of the Eucharistic bread. And we sit or knell in his
presence without any mental thoughts… We only focus on not focusing on any subject…
We attempt to erase our minds of any perception and we just pray… “increase my faith”…
and with our mind of faith alone… we seek for the Grace of God to enter into our
spirits thus to grow in God’s Love… Not for God to love us, or for us to love Him.
But to develop our Love so that it becomes more like God’s love… thus we can
love our neighbor more properly.
Keep in mind that God is love… and God is not in parts… God is all that he consists of.
Thus to have the proper love is to have God…literally…
And keep in mind that Jesus stated that when you loved any of your neighbors
then you are loving him personally as he is within each and every person in this world…
I am going to stop now… as this is long enough… and as usual I have not even scratched
the surface in the many wonderful aspect of thoughts and God’s truths your question has brought to my mind…
I may or may not have lite up our dark path with my limited abilities to teach…However
I had to attempt to respond too you as it is so wonderful and edifying to me to see
a person here (you) who has a inquiring mind and is not ashamed to come and seek
some ideas for your quest… Keep in mind it is God who is leading you to become more
familiar with who and what you are… and if you were complete…He would not have put these questions in your mind…
May God Bless you and keep in the warm folds of his loving heart…