I don’t agree with you at all. YOU took what I said out of context. I do mean ALL things are possible with God and don’t be so ridiculous as to compare that with a pregnant woman.
Yes, with God, all possible things are possible, but impossible things are not possible. So, things can be one thing only, like a woman can’t be a little bit pregnant: she is either pregnant or she is not pregnant. If Catholicism is correct, then any disagreement with Catholicism is incorrect. God cannot reconcile truth and untruth.
I’m sure God recognizes the existence of what we call other religions, but He also sees the errors. I know many Protestants who love Christ and God very much, but who do believe things which are wrong.
The way we perceive religion really has nothing to do with anything, what matters is how *God *perceives religion, no? Christ became Man and died on the cross for us; He told us that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Singular, not plural: one Truth.
I am sure that there are many who were not apparently attached to the Catholic Church on earth who are in Heaven, because they had a great love for God in the little they knew of Him. God judges us, we don’t.
She has written that she is discerning in the area of religion (see the upper right-hand corner of her posts) yet she continually sounds very atheistic. She does not sound like she is discerning or trying to learn, that’s why I said she **sounds like **a disciple of Dawkins.
Perhaps I was too brash in my admonition–I meant to describe the impression she gives rather than say that she was a disciple of Dawkins’.