Saying that god is required for morality pre-supposes that he exists in the first place.I don’t have time to wade through the multitude of pages already in this thread, but I wanted to post my response.
I would argue that one cannot be a good person without God, and that without God, any “goodness” is false. Following up on that, I would argue that good people (holy people if that’s more concise) are such because of God and through God, even if they aren’t necessarily aware of it themselves or outwardly professing it. So a given atheist may well be a “better” person than a given Catholic, however, for me that comes with the stipulation that a good person is good because that goodness comes from God. As such the atheist would necessarily have a better relationship with God than the Catholic in question.
In this hypothetical scenario, it would be logical to assume that the atheist does not disbelieve in God as He truly is (and based on their actions is probably quite devoted to Him) and instead is opposed to what they interpret as other people’s descriptions. As a result, they serve God in truth by their actions and treatment of others, and likely just have an incorrect understanding of theology?
I know that faith is a big thing on this forum but in my eyes you are basically building your house on sand, to borrow from Matthew.
Oh sweet delicious irony.