In 4.5 billion years, Intelligent life only occurs once (Scientists typically define intelligent life as species capable of producing art, calendars, written language and technology). What’s most intriguing is how this “one time” occurrence of intelligence takes place; only after the earth effectively accumulated the fundamental essentials required for advanced technological civilization, such as coal, crude oil, natural gas, organic compounds, etc… Considering the hundreds of millions of species throughout history (possibly billions), intelligence only occurred once, and in a relative instant. If intelligent life was introduced at any other point in Earth’s history, it would be a technological dead end, as humans would be trapped in a permanent stone age. Advanced civilization would not have been impossible because of the lack of the necessary natural resources for sophisticated development. We would not have fossil fuels, natural gas, or the organic materials crucial for plastics, rubber, etc. We would not have cars, computers, power plants, electricity, etc. Human civilization was only introduced when the natural resources permitted us to develop to our full potential. Humans were introduced at an exact point, when all the resources were in place to permit advanced civilization. In a naturalists world, one would expect multiple examples in the past of forms of intelligence on several different levels. There are none. For example, no one has ever found cave paintings, calendars or stone structures made by dinosaurs.
Petroleum and natural gas formed from the anaerobic decomposition of phytoplankton and zooplankton remains that settled at the bottom of proterozoic oceans. These tiny creatures first became abundant just prior to the Paleozoic era about 650 million years ago (2, 3, 4). Correspondingly, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists estimated that this complex process requires about the same figure; 650 million years of anaerobic decomposition to result in practical fossil fuels (5). If these scientific estimates are accurate, the first homo sapiens opportunely appeared shortly after the formation of these fossil fuels, indispensable for large scale industrialization. Other resources necessary for advanced civilization such as coal and methane were formed from terrestrial plants dating to the carboniferous era, about 360 million years ago. Coincidently, the first land plants appeared in abundance approximately 380 million years ago, making coal and methane available just prior to homo sapiens as well (6, 7). These strategic timelines reveal a logically intended sequence of events. Out of hundreds of million of species conquering every form of locomotion, intelligent creatures (capable of creating art, calendars, written language, and technology) occurred only once in all of earths history, and only after the resources for advanced civilization became available. Nearly all species conquered flight, even fish (flying fish), but not intelligence. It is easy to understand why intelligent creatures were only introduced once in all earth’s history, because these resources are a one shot deal. Once all the crude oil, natural gas, coal, etc. is used up, it would require over half a billion years for replenishment.