Ignorance of the gaps

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If properly predisposed, some people will believe in certain ridiculous unprovable claims, but that is out of faith and there’s no reason anyone else should take them seriously.
I see you have not read Pascal.

Nor have you read the Scriptures.

“Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father.” Matthew 10:32-33
I see you have not read Pascal.

Nor have you read the Scriptures.

“Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father.” Matthew 10:32-33
I have read Pascal, and I have read the New Testament, but neither he nor you have read the Qu’ran, which states clearly: “Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment.” and “We have prepared for disbelievers Fire. Its tent encloseth them. If they ask for showers, they will be showered with water like to molten lead which burneth the faces. Calamitous the drink and ill the resting-place!”

Wow, better start believing Islam!
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops posted a helpful article by Dr. Jem Sullivan on the relationship between faith and reason, including science:
Thank you, it is good to be reminded of these things. Though, the bottom line is " will man respond to the truth when he sees it and not be disuaded by ideologies, or the clamoring of the crowds?

I have read Pascal, and I have read the New Testament, but neither he nor you have read the Qu’ran, which states clearly: “Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment.” and “We have prepared for disbelievers Fire. Its tent encloseth them. If they ask for showers, they will be showered with water like to molten lead which burneth the faces. Calamitous the drink and ill the resting-place!”

Wow, better start believing Islam!
This shows you haven’t read Pascasl, since Pascal shows that Christianity, not Islam, is the way to go. 😉
They are as supported or unsupported as the claims of those believing in an Abrahamic god, or other anthropomorphised deities.
There are many, for example: Mary promised 3 children a miracle at Fatima on October 13, 1917 at 12 noon. 75,000 people gathered to see if it would happen. An exact date and precise time. It occurred and was documented in all the local newspapers, the same communist newspapers that were ridiculing the children for months prior. In addition, it was witnesses up to 32 miles away. What do atheists have to support their claim.
Kind of simplistic to blame “so many” teenage suicides on this fabricated over-arching reason. Actually, never heard that one articulated. Nor have I seen many, if any, religions offer very useful solutions to actual problems. It’s why I left the church as a teenager.
Paul Val, a music writer documented that school shootings skyrocketed each time prayer was curtailed in private schools: youtube.com/watch?v=j3Jx1vkKmD4
So what? That is an affirmation made in a bit of Paulist writing written through a lens of pious projection. It is as weak and useless as a “proof” as are the statements of the scientists quoted above.
Thousands of years before scientific explanation, the Bible was the very first text ever to describe the earth as a sphere; “It is He that sitteth upon the sphere of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as locusts: He that stretcheth out the heavens as nothing, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in” (Isaiah 40:22). Likewise, the Bible is the very first text ever to describe the earth as free floating in space; “He stretched out the north over the empty space, and hangeth the earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7).
Being an artist in four mediums myself, I do not see the mystery and awe of nature as any proof of the christianist conceptualization of a god. Actually, it disinclines me towards such a concept. The Abrahmic god as portrayed is much too small.
If we loose our moon, the earth wobbles 90 degrees like Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc. Computer models show that the polar ice caps settle on different parts of the equator every 11 years, killing all life larger than algae. The moon is a quarter the size of the earth, exactly one four hundredth the diameter of the sun, and four hundred times closer to the earth than the sun, perfect equilibrium. It wasn’t always like that, as the moon has been moving away from the earth one and a halve inches each year for 4.5 billion years. We loose our moon entirely in another 4.5 billion years. So in the 9 billion years earth moon relationship, for the first time they are in perfect alignment, the sun and the moon appear exactly the same size in the sky, enabling perfect eclipses. Life has been on earth for 3.8 billion years, humans for such a tiny fraction, that in a 5 mile stretch of highway, humans would be 1/64 of an inch. Yet this 1 in 9 billion lines up with our infinitesimal human occupation. There are plenty of more impossible coincidences like these.
That is pious fabrication, especially since the scientific method is a recent formulation and there is no mention of science in the Bible. Please explain what relevance this has to anything?
The Bible is the only book that explains how everything in the Universe came into being from nothing. The “Big Bang” theory based on 14 creation references in the Bible was first proposed by Catholic Priest Fr. Georges Lemaitre in 1927, and is the most widely accepted creation scenario among scientists for 87 years, holding that everything in the Universe was created from nothing, at an exact point 13.7 billion years ago. (1, 2, 3). Notwithstanding the puzzling folly of famous atheists such as Steven Hawking basing entire books touting Lemaitre’s mathematical redshift models (without ever mentioning Lemaitre’s name). His motivation was the Catholic Bible which asserts that God created everything from nothing (Genesis 1:1) (Hebrews 11:3), as well as 14 mentions of God creating the Heavens (and the Earth) in the Bible, 13 of which utilize the words "stretch, stretched, stretches, stretcheth, stretching, stretched-forth spanned, spreadeth and spread-out. “A common analogy explains that space itself is expanding, carrying galaxies with it, like spots on an inflating balloon” to illustrate the redshift of the galaxies moving away from each other in the “Big Bang” model. The Universe is literally stretching out, exactly as stated in the Bible. Pope John Paul II felt that the Big Bang theory was the Creation scenario closest to that portrayed in the Bible (4). The Universe is currently expanding. According to Fr. Lemaitre, the inevitable conclusion to the Big Bang scenario is the Big Crunch, when gravitational forces overcome and halt the expansion, causing the Universe to collapse in upon itself. The unfathomable gravity eventually creates one enormous massive super black hole containing all matter in the Universe, collapsing in on itself with such great gravitational force as to approach zero in size. The properties of matter falter as this super black hole reaches critical mass and explodes into pure energy, triggering another Big Bang, forming a new Universe. This cyclic recreation process is confirmed in both the Old and New Testament, God creates a new Heaven and a new Earth, as the old Heaven and Earth pass away (Isaiah 65:17, Revelations 21:01).
Not at all. I’m an atheist in a very narrow sense, though I wouldn’t accept that as a general label for my viewpoint, save that I cannot believe in the anthropomorphized christianist god concept.
That’s because its not a concept
In fact, it is exactly that methodology that leads many to atheism. On the other hand, having seen the alleged “science” of ID, one has to wonder how a mind that can think is able to have the astonishing cognitive dissonance required to force some parts of good investigation into a contorted mess and serve it up as acceptable. It is only proof that in those cases the proponent of ID had become an ideologue and is bending everything to serve an emotional attachment an unproven and improbable fantasy. The "not for lack of evidence is pious projection.
In 4.5 billion years, Intelligent life only occurs once (Scientists typically define intelligent life as species capable of producing art, calendars, written language and technology). What’s most intriguing is how this “one time” occurrence of intelligence takes place; only after the earth effectively accumulated the fundamental essentials required for advanced technological civilization, such as coal, crude oil, natural gas, organic compounds, etc… Considering the hundreds of millions of species throughout history (possibly billions), intelligence only occurred once, and in a relative instant. If intelligent life was introduced at any other point in Earth’s history, it would be a technological dead end, as humans would be trapped in a permanent stone age. Advanced civilization would not have been impossible because of the lack of the necessary natural resources for sophisticated development. We would not have fossil fuels, natural gas, or the organic materials crucial for plastics, rubber, etc. We would not have cars, computers, power plants, electricity, etc. Human civilization was only introduced when the natural resources permitted us to develop to our full potential. Humans were introduced at an exact point, when all the resources were in place to permit advanced civilization. In a naturalists world, one would expect multiple examples in the past of forms of intelligence on several different levels. There are none. For example, no one has ever found cave paintings, calendars or stone structures made by dinosaurs.

Petroleum and natural gas formed from the anaerobic decomposition of phytoplankton and zooplankton remains that settled at the bottom of proterozoic oceans. These tiny creatures first became abundant just prior to the Paleozoic era about 650 million years ago (2, 3, 4). Correspondingly, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists estimated that this complex process requires about the same figure; 650 million years of anaerobic decomposition to result in practical fossil fuels (5). If these scientific estimates are accurate, the first homo sapiens opportunely appeared shortly after the formation of these fossil fuels, indispensable for large scale industrialization. Other resources necessary for advanced civilization such as coal and methane were formed from terrestrial plants dating to the carboniferous era, about 360 million years ago. Coincidently, the first land plants appeared in abundance approximately 380 million years ago, making coal and methane available just prior to homo sapiens as well (6, 7). These strategic timelines reveal a logically intended sequence of events. Out of hundreds of million of species conquering every form of locomotion, intelligent creatures (capable of creating art, calendars, written language, and technology) occurred only once in all of earths history, and only after the resources for advanced civilization became available. Nearly all species conquered flight, even fish (flying fish), but not intelligence. It is easy to understand why intelligent creatures were only introduced once in all earth’s history, because these resources are a one shot deal. Once all the crude oil, natural gas, coal, etc. is used up, it would require over half a billion years for replenishment.
In 4.5 billion years, Intelligent life only occurs once
Well, once as so far observed. So far we haven’t conducted any truly useful search for intelligent species. So that sentence is closed in admitting to what might already be an actuality outside our ken.
(Scientists typically define intelligent life as species capable of producing art, calendars, written language and technology).
Well, that is your interpretation of what some likely think. It’s only to say that intelligent life may not be exactly congruent to what we would self identify with. In fact, some have said that much of what we do with machinery to some kind and degree could be done mentally. That indicates that to some degree machinery as we use it could be n abdication of inherent abilities.

We also, as the human form of “intelligent life,” or more precisely, life capable of some kinds and degrees of intelligence developed to some useful degree, have less than one percent perceptual ability of the EM spectrum. Lots of room for octaves of abilities there, yes? And, our history is actually one of wholesale stupidity to a large extent, mitigated by a few candles of actual relative intelligence in specific areas. The mass of humans adopt the advances of those few and sport the deluded notion that they are of the same kind an quality of intelligence as an Ada Lovelace, a Buddha, or an Einstein.
What’s most intriguing is how this “one time” occurrence of intelligence takes place; only after the earth effectively accumulated the fundamental essentials required for advanced technological civilization, such as coal, crude oil, natural gas, organic compounds, etc… Considering the hundreds of millions of species throughout history (possibly billions), intelligence only occurred once, and in a relative instant.
No kidding. Are you aware of the subtextual assumptions of your grammar here? For one, you are postulating Earth as an entity capable of doing “gathering.”

Yes, to the relative instant, if you restrict your meaning to form. Further, if I read you correctly, you are assuming a sharp dividing line between intelligent and non intelligent. Some animals make and use tools (even some birds), emote vocally, make artful dwellings, and many have clocks in their heads, and certainly many communicate with each other. So we have to at least acknowledge some sort of continuum. But another, more subtle, argument can be made about intelligence which you seem to bypass.
If intelligent life was introduced at any other point in Earth’s history, it would be a technological dead end, as humans would be trapped in a permanent stone age.
What in Bog’s name does that mean??
Advanced civilization would not have been impossible because of the lack of the necessary natural resources for sophisticated development.
Same question
We would not have fossil fuels, natural gas, or the organic materials crucial for plastics, rubber, etc. We would not have cars, computers, power plants, electricity, etc. Human civilization was only introduced when the natural resources permitted us to develop to our full potential.
So you are saying that civilization was “introduced?” You mean like Earth was cooking for billions of years and when properly simmered there was a dash of homo sapiens added for flavoring?
Humans were introduced at an exact point, when all the resources were in place to permit advanced civilization.
You are kind of giving me a headache with this “introduced” hingy-bingy. What the heck do you mean?
In a naturalists world, one would expect multiple examples in the past of forms of intelligence on several different levels. There are none. For example, no one has ever found cave paintings, calendars or stone structures made by dinosaurs.
No, they were dinosaurs.
Petroleum and natural gas formed… making coal and methane available just prior to homo sapiens as well (6, 7). These strategic timelines reveal a logically intended sequence of events.
Whoa; who am I talking to here? Am I conversing with you, or are you just lifting chunks of stuff and pasting them in your posts? Or did you write all that somewhere else and copy it? Can we have some clarity here?

“strategic???” “Intended???”
Out of hundreds of million of species conquering every form of locomotion, intelligent creatures (capable of creating art, calendars, written language, and technology) occurred only once in all of earths history, and only after the resources for advanced civilization became available. Nearly all species conquered flight, even fish (flying fish), but not intelligence.
All of this relies on a definition of intelligence that discounts intelligence as a broad spectrum phenomenon. It is in fact arrogant, and dismissive, even if one believes in the improbable Abrahamic god concept. Also the semantics of “conquered” is both inaccurate and misleading.
It is easy to understand why intelligent creatures were only introduced once in all earth’s history, because these resources are a one shot deal. Once all the crude oil, natural gas, coal, etc. is used up, it would require over half a billion years for replenishment.
Again, the word “introduced” implies some magical external agency playing with a toy world, or some such. Where do you get this stuff?
Well, once as so far observed. So far we haven’t conducted any truly useful search for intelligent species . . .
We are pretty hard to miss.
If humanity weren’t this incredibly huge spike in intellectual abilities over all other life, if there were anything even close to us in this respect, they would have approached us.
I haven’t heard of any dolphins wanting to understand Plato. I did see an elephant splash some paint on a canvas.
In 4.5 billion years, Intelligent life only occurs once (Scientists typically define intelligent life as species capable of producing art, calendars, written language and technology). What’s most intriguing is how this “one time” occurrence of intelligence takes place; only after the earth effectively accumulated the fundamental essentials required for advanced technological civilization, such as coal, crude oil, natural gas, organic compounds, etc… Considering the hundreds of millions of species throughout history (possibly billions), intelligence only occurred once, and in a relative instant. If intelligent life was introduced at any other point in Earth’s history, it would be a technological dead end, as humans would be trapped in a permanent stone age. Advanced civilization would not have been impossible because of the lack of the necessary natural resources for sophisticated development. We would not have fossil fuels, natural gas, or the organic materials crucial for plastics, rubber, etc. We would not have cars, computers, power plants, electricity, etc. Human civilization was only introduced when the natural resources permitted us to develop to our full potential. Humans were introduced at an exact point, when all the resources were in place to permit advanced civilization. In a naturalists world, one would expect multiple examples in the past of forms of intelligence on several different levels. There are none. For example, no one has ever found cave paintings, calendars or stone structures made by dinosaurs.

Petroleum and natural gas formed from the anaerobic decomposition of phytoplankton and zooplankton remains that settled at the bottom of proterozoic oceans. These tiny creatures first became abundant just prior to the Paleozoic era about 650 million years ago (2, 3, 4). Correspondingly, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists estimated that this complex process requires about the same figure; 650 million years of anaerobic decomposition to result in practical fossil fuels (5). If these scientific estimates are accurate, the first homo sapiens opportunely appeared shortly after the formation of these fossil fuels, indispensable for large scale industrialization. Other resources necessary for advanced civilization such as coal and methane were formed from terrestrial plants dating to the carboniferous era, about 360 million years ago. Coincidently, the first land plants appeared in abundance approximately 380 million years ago, making coal and methane available just prior to homo sapiens as well (6, 7). These strategic timelines reveal a logically intended sequence of events. Out of hundreds of million of species conquering every form of locomotion, intelligent creatures (capable of creating art, calendars, written language, and technology) occurred only once in all of earths history, and only after the resources for advanced civilization became available. Nearly all species conquered flight, even fish (flying fish), but not intelligence. It is easy to understand why intelligent creatures were only introduced once in all earth’s history, because these resources are a one shot deal. Once all the crude oil, natural gas, coal, etc. is used up, it would require over half a billion years for replenishment.
E, you are beating your head against a stone wall. S is obviously a committed ideologue. Only God can move him, and maybe not even God. Why is he here? Good question, he may have a " peanut gallary " chreering his every post. Otherwise I can’t see what he gets out of it.

Well, once as so far observed. So far we haven’t conducted any truly useful search for intelligent species. So that sentence is closed in admitting to what might already be an actuality outside our ken. Well, that is your interpretation of what some likely think. It’s only to say that intelligent life may not be exactly congruent to what we would self identify with. In fact, some have said that much of what we do with machinery to some kind and degree could be done mentally. That indicates that to some degree machinery as we use it could be n abdication of inherent abilities.
Let me know when gold fish land on the moon.
We also, as the human form of “intelligent life,” or more precisely, life capable of some kinds and degrees of intelligence developed to some useful degree, have less than one percent perceptual ability of the EM spectrum. Lots of room for octaves of abilities there, yes? And, our history is actually one of wholesale stupidity to a large extent, mitigated by a few candles of actual relative intelligence in specific areas. The mass of humans adopt the advances of those few and sport the deluded notion that they are of the same kind an quality of intelligence as an Ada Lovelace, a Buddha, or an Einstein. No kidding. Are you aware of the subtextual assumptions of your grammar here? For one, you are postulating Earth as an entity capable of doing “gathering.”
No, but it is quite evident that the earth was being carefully prepared for human habitation by a Creator.
Yes, to the relative instant, if you restrict your meaning to form. Further, if I read you correctly, you are assuming a sharp dividing line between intelligent and non intelligent. Some animals make and use tools (even some birds), emote vocally, make artful dwellings, and many have clocks in their heads, and certainly many communicate with each other. So we have to at least acknowledge some sort of continuum. But another, more subtle, argument can be made about intelligence which you seem to bypass.What in Bog’s name does that mean??Same question
So you are saying that civilization was “introduced?” You mean like Earth was cooking for billions of years and when properly simmered there was a dash of homo sapiens added for flavoring?You are kind of giving me a headache with this “introduced” hingy-bingy. What the heck do you mean? No, they were dinosaurs. Whoa; who am I talking to here? Am I conversing with you, or are you just lifting chunks of stuff and pasting them in your posts? Or did you write all that somewhere else and copy it? Can we have some clarity here?
The goal was human occupation, everything leading up to that was a preparation of the planet.
“strategic???” “Intended???” All of this relies on a definition of intelligence that discounts intelligence as a broad spectrum phenomenon. It is in fact arrogant, and dismissive, even if one believes in the improbable Abrahamic god concept. Also the semantics of “conquered” is both inaccurate and misleading. Again, the word “introduced” implies some magical external agency playing with a toy world, or some such. Where do you get this stuff?
You mentioned ID, I just googled it and found the Catholic version: ArguingWithAtheists.com/Pages/Intelligent_Design.htm
Let me know when gold fish land on the moon.
Won’t be long:
No, but it is quite evident that the earth was being carefully prepared for human habitation by a Creator.
I think you have it a bit wrong: The gold fish have been rising humans in order to build a finny empire. Get modern, EB!
The goal was human occupation, everything leading up to that was a preparation of the planet.
You’ve quite a sense of comedy, EB, so I answered in kind. Thanks for the yuk! 👍
You mentioned ID, I just googled it and found the Catholic version: ArguingWithAtheists.com/Pages/Intelligent_Design.htm
Sorry, EB, having a religion doesn’t save one from the exigencies of error or falacy. If I’m not mistaken, one of those in charge of the Vatican observatory argues for a geocentric universe. Go figure. Like I said, the hugely vast majority of us are riding on the coat tails of the few who are actually intelligent. Seems it was the goldfish all along…

o)))}’< ’
We are pretty hard to miss.
If humanity weren’t this incredibly huge spike in intellectual abilities over all other life, if there were anything even close to us in this respect, they would have approached us.
I haven’t heard of any dolphins wanting to understand Plato. I did see an elephant splash some paint on a canvas.
This is sad. I’m guessing that you are stating this with the confidence of one who has journeyed to all the exoplanets and moons in this galaxy and all the others from Big Bang til the end of the star phase of the Universe and come up with zilch. I was hoping we had brothers and sisters of some kind out there. What a waste of stuff. Looks nice from here, though, eh? 🙂
This is sad. I’m guessing that you are stating this with the confidence of one who has journeyed to all the exoplanets and moons in this galaxy and all the others from Big Bang til the end of the star phase of the Universe and come up with zilch. I was hoping we had brothers and sisters of some kind out there. What a waste of stuff. Looks nice from here, though, eh? 🙂
Not really, is it a waste that things get small to 10 the power of -35 to create this meter long table that I’m sitting at? and this all expands to 10 to the 27, potentially for the same reason?
But then I don’t know, God may have created other beings like ourselves.
Check out: htwins.net/scale2/ BTW. If you haven’t come across it yet; you will like it.
Seriously though, don’t you consider it possibly more than a coincidence that while the intellectual capacities of animals is all really low, we shoot up like a redwood among the grass, on this planet.
Not really, is it a waste that things get small to 10 the power of -35 to create this meter long table that I’m sitting at? and this all expands to 10 to the 27, potentially for the same reason?
But then I don’t know, God may have created other beings like ourselves.
Check out: htwins.net/scale2/ BTW. If you haven’t come across it yet; you will like it.
Seriously though, don’t you consider it possibly more than a coincidence that while the intellectual capacities of animals is all really low, we shoot up like a redwood among the grass, on this planet.
Why can we not think beyond either/or propositions? That is the lowest and least inclusive form of analyses. Thanks for the link! 🙂 Yes, that is one of many similar ones. They are all wonderful concept expanders! Fact is I only seem contrary on here because of the insistence on that narrow form of either/or interpretation. Fact is, either/or excludes both/and, as well as other possibilities.
Why can we not think beyond either/or propositions? That is the lowest and least inclusive form of analyses. Thanks for the link! 🙂 Yes, that is one of many similar ones. They are all wonderful concept expanders! Fact is I only seem contrary on here because of the insistence on that narrow form of either/or interpretation. Fact is, either/or excludes both/and, as well as other possibilities.
Heaven or Hell. Good or evil.

Our Lord Jesus Christ said He is the Truth and the Way. He is the Truth. Believe first then understand.
Heaven or Hell. Good or evil.

Our Lord Jesus Christ said He is the Truth and the Way. He is the Truth. Believe first then understand.
Well said, opus. Simplistically wonderful. I guess you don’t have a color TV yet?
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