"Some bold unsupported articulations by renowned atheists:
They are as supported or unsupported as the claims of those
believing in an Abrahamic god, or other anthropomorphised deities.
[personal comment: No wonder we have so many teenage suicides, we are teaching kids that they’re nothing more than the forward edge of evolutionary sludge].
Kind of simplistic to blame “so many” teenage suicides on this fabricated over-arching reason. Actually, never heard that one articulated. Nor have I seen many, if any, religions offer very useful solutions to actual problems. It’s why I left the church as a teenager.
Conversely, Romans 1:20 affirms that God’s existence is “clearly perceived in the things that have been made”
So what? That is an affirmation made in a bit of Paulist writing written through a lens of pious projection. It is as weak and useless as a “proof” as are the statements of the scientists quoted above.
similarly to how a painting is proof that there must have been an artist who painted it.
Being an artist in four mediums myself, I do not see the mystery and awe of nature as any proof of the
christianist conceptualization of a god. Actually, it disinclines me towards such a concept. The Abrahmic god as portrayed is much too small.
As the Bible explains, when we scientifically analyze “the things that have been made”, we find God’s fingerprints all over them.
That is pious fabrication, especially since the scientific method is a recent formulation and there is no mention of science in the Bible. Please explain what relevance this has to
Atheists espouse exclusive believe [sic] in science.
Not at all. I’m an atheist in a very narrow sense, though I wouldn’t accept that as a general label for my viewpoint, save that I cannot believe in the anthropomorphized christianist god concept.
Notwithstanding science is an investigation of the natural world, they seem to refrain from applying such principals for investigating the existence of God.
In fact, it is exactly that methodology that leads many to atheism. On the other hand, having seen the alleged “science” of ID, one has to wonder how a mind that can think is able to have the astonishing cognitive dissonance required to force some parts of good investigation into a contorted mess and serve it up as acceptable. It is only proof that in those cases the proponent of ID had become an ideologue and is bending everything to serve an emotional attachment an unproven and improbable fantasy. The "not for lack of evidence is pious projection.
It’s certainly not for lack of evidence, in as much as an unwillingness to proceed in the direction that science leads them.
That is a horrifyingly naive and twisted assumption, as methodology doesn’t lead, it reveals. It is the prejudice of the scientist that might “lead” A perfect example of thin might be a person who has bastardized their intellectual clarity by introducing a foregone conclusion of a “designer.” In other words, only a pseudoscientist would be capable of the attempted pollution of any clear thought with the suggestion of a “designer.”
Unbelievers abandon the pursuit of genuine truth,
This is a pathetic straw man attempt, as it pre-defines unbelievers as not in pursuit of genuine truth. That, EB, is balderdash, and I’m surprised you didn’t censor that bit of obvious trash from your quotation.
…in place of a manic quest of finding unattainable naturalist explanations.
Again, this is a distortion, as science is a methodology for discovering the nature and dynamics of the measurable aspect of the world we live in. And if it had not found naturalist explanations for much, you and I would not be sitting in front of screens typing to an invisible audience, yes? It is also emotionally loaded by use of the word “manic” as a maneuver designed to elicit condescension. Have you read this page you quote so blithely from with any reference to semantic or psychometric principles?