Columnist Jan Herron from Maine has really taken Catholic Charities to task over this entire issue and its involvement:
"…As citizens mounting nationwide campaigns to end all public assistance to illegal aliens, we could easily overlook an important source of “safety-net assistance” to illegal aliens: government funding to “non-profit” groups who knowingly and intentionally provide assistance to illegal aliens. Federal law (USC Title 8, Chapter 12, subchapter II, Section 1324) has a name for this: “aiding and abetting illegal immigration.” It’s a crime punishable by a fine and/or jail time. Several seemingly “faith-based” groups are involved (Lutheran Social Services, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, American Friends Service Committee), but the largest is Catholic Charities USA.
Most people believe Catholic Charities is funded entirely by voluntary donations, but they couldn’t be more wrong. In FY 2002, over 60% of CCUSA funding came from government grants and contracts, another term for “taxpayers’ money!” Don’t let the ostensibly “religious” title fool you, because these groups often promote a communistic/atheistic agenda.
Only by public disclosure of these groups and their activities can Citizens demand that Congress cease funds to such groups. Since President Bush recently met with “faith-based” representatives in the effort to increase “immigration/refugee” numbers, contacting the President is futile.
Various Catholic Charities officials have openly admitted “aiding and abetting,” and the organization’s website ( openly promotes its open borders agenda:
"Welcome Refugees, Asylees, and Immigrants
Immigrants-including documented and undocumented workers, refugees, and asylees come to the U.S. seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Often, they are fleeing racial, religious, social, or political persecution in their home countries.
All immigrants are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity. To this end, CCUSA promotes legislative reforms to restore federal benefits to legal immigrants, increase admissions of refugees and asylees, create better opportunities for undocumented workers to earn legalization, allow immigrants to reunite with their families more easily, and improve protections for immigrants under federal laws, including labor laws."
Those agencies who openly aid and abet illegal immigration and in other ways “bite the hand that feeds them” is not only an insult to every American taxpayer, but an indictment to every government official charged with administering public money. Giving taxpayers’ money to groups who openly defy our laws is an outrage! April 15th is soon approaching - if you aren’t angry, you should be!
Oregonian Barbara Anderson recently published a website report to Catholic Citizens of Illinois how two “Catholic Charities” groups use taxpayers’ money to undermine and violate our laws.
“Time was when the poor widow in the pew gave her mite, assured that she was helping someone even more vulnerable than she was. That is no longer true, as the money being given may or may not end up feeding the poor, clothing the naked, etc. Two of the “Catholic” charities sanctioned by the bishops have become circuitous routes leading to unexpected ends.” 1