Illegal Immigration: What to do?

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What should be done?? Anything?? Is it just too big to stop?? Is it too beneficial for employers who vote GOP and Democrat pols who love the voter bloc?? Isn’t this issue less about payroll taxes or votes, and more about NATIONAL SECURITY??
Not quite as simple as it sounds once the “anchor baby” is born on the US side.

"…In fact, the increasing number of illegal aliens coming into the United States is forcing the closure of hospitals, spreading previously vanquished diseases and threatening to destroy America’s prized health-care system, says a report in the spring issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.

“The influx of illegal aliens has serious hidden medical consequences,” writes Madeleine Pelner Cosman, author of the report. “We judge reality primarily by what we see. But what we do not see can be more dangerous, more expensive, and more deadly than what is seen.”

According to her study, 84 California hospitals are closing their doors as a direct result of the rising number of illegal aliens and their non-reimbursed tax on the system.

“Anchor babies,” the author writes, “born to illegal aliens instantly qualify as citizens for welfare benefits and have caused enormous rises in Medicaid costs and stipends under Supplemental Security Income and Disability Income.”

In addition, the report says, “many illegal aliens harbor fatal diseases that American medicine fought and vanquished long ago, such as drug-resistant tuberculosis, malaria, leprosy, plague, polio, dengue, and Chagas disease.”

While politicians often mention there are 43 million without health insurance in this country, the report estimates that at least 25 percent of those are illegal immigrants. The figure could be as high as 50 percent.

Not being insured does not mean they don’t get medical care. …"
I’m all for good Catholic Latin-Americans immigrating here. Anyone know of any organizations that helps them immigrate legally and (relatively) easily?

I am really wondering about the Guest Worker program. IF it were done properly, required actual, verifiable ID and provided that such guest workers would be better monitored, I do not have a problem with those who come here to work, particularly when the work is temporary or seasonal.

It may well be too late for such a program. As has been stated, there are already many folks here under the radar screens and they are absolutely depleting the resources of hospitals, schools and social services agencies. Further having dialogued with a woman who works with migrants, while they are allowed to attend public school (on our nickel) once they graduate, it is very difficult for them to get real jobs as they do not have the paperwork or documentation. So we are basically just putting people through a pipeline that will end with more and more government dependence.

It is a MESS. I wish SOME politician had the courage to address the problem in both a compassionate and rational manner. I think frankly a serious talk with Vicenze Fox is in order as the corruption in the Mexican government is feeding these migrants’ desire to leave their own country.

Lisa N
deport all illegals. and stop pretending that we dont know where they are.
create a system for peopel to obtain work visas with relative ease. and police the system
Stop with the PC frear, if you see a person that you are suspicious of, entering at an odd boder (EG a saudi entering across the rio grande) stop him, ask him some more questions.
For me the key word here is illegal.

I have nothing against immigration and don’t feel the slightest twinge about saying no to those who have no right to be here. Some will say it’s wrong to turn anyone away from a chance at the american dream, but that’s just bull. America’s done it in the past and it was smart to do it then and smart to do it now. Irish, German, asian, etc… have all been “blackballed” from entering at various points in history for the same basic reasons as now. Too many, too poor, too much of a strain on the american system, american money being shipped back home to bring relatives, etc…

As for the hospitals and schools being free - that just absolutely infuriates me! When was the last time anyone on this board had to deal with the local public school or a medical facility? It isn’t just a “walk in and we’ll take care of everything” kind of deal. They want everything on that kid: immunization, a signed form that you refuse the immunizations, a birth certificate, ssn, address, phone number, medical background, your great grandmothers eye color , you name it. Heaven help you if you need prescription drugs! I remember my dh and I struggled to buy his medications after a job loss 11 years ago - let me tell you not ONE single person ever said “here you go, the state will cover it”. Then the bills came, and came and came - we eventually filed bankruptcy.

We’re doing much better financially now, although certainly not wealthy by any means, but I’ll always remember how hard it was and be a little more carefull in assuming anything about another person in this area. A car wreak, a job loss, or a diagnoses or who knows what - and all of the sudden you have no ground to stand on and wonder if you ever will again.

I don’t know why everyone seems to think poor people in this country can just walk up to a state agency counter and walk away with a wad of cash - it doesn’t work that way and if, by some miracle, someone does qualify for help - you can bet they probably need it. Yes, some abuse the system - but most don’t and go through a lot of **** and hoops to get what little help they get- often too late to do any good. I think people are just too jaded and cynical these days. That and they secretly think those poor people deserve their hardships, because to admit otherwise would be to admit that it wouldn’t be that hard for their own lives to twist until they are in that poor persons shoes. Knowing how fickle life can be and how quickly a persons life can fall apart usually gives a person a more generous spirit to their fellow man.

Okay now I’m going to step off my soapbox!
Rob's Wife:
For me the key word here is illegal.

I have nothing against immigration and don’t feel the slightest twinge about saying no to those who have no right to be here.
You’re absolutely right. The key word is “illegal.”

First of all, illegal immigrartion serves as camouflage for a lot of crimes, from smuggling to downright slavery.

Secondly, in today’s climate it’s insane NOT to register every person who comes across our border. Who knows how many terrorists cross the border each day, and what they bring with them.

Third, it’s an injustice to make people who play by the rules wait years for a visa, while those who break the rules get in free.

We should welcome LEGAL immigrants, and put a stop to illegal immigration. At the same time, we should have a migrant worker program so those who come here to make money doing jobs American citizens won’t do can get in, do the work, and go home again.
Dear friends

This is a fine line to tread for any politician who dares to handle this problem and it is a problem because it is not being controlled, the fine line is racism and not helping those who are seeking asylum.

Here in the Uk they have built holding centres where people who declare asylum are held and those who are found to be illegal immigrants are also held until their cases are processed.

Problem being people don’t seem to want to live near to the holding centres and campaign against them being in their neighbourhood.

The powers that be just can’t seem to win on this one and I think that holding centres are the way to go they are fed and looked after whilst their cases are processed and if they are given asylum then they stay and those that do not are sent back home.

Those who secure a job in the UK and then come to this country with a visa have every right to be here and many of them are doctors which to be honest presently are holding up the NHS due to a severe lack of UK medics.

Illegal is simply what it is and anyone genuine declares asylum the minute they touch British soil, those who slip in the country under the cover of night see the UK as the land of milk and honey and are here to get some! There are plenty of UK people who are poor and rely on the state to support them, it simply drains the resource pool if illegal immigrants calim from the state by way of medical care, benefits and over-stretched charitiable organisations.

I am sure many people would rather not come to this cold, rainy miserable country and leave their families behind if the world powers addressed world poverty and if that was addressed people would be happier to stay in their own countries. It is better to be poor by British standards than it is to be poor in some other countries. I think if the United Nations joined with other Euro friendly alliances such as the USA and Australia and truly began to address world poverty and increased border control restrictions, I would expect to see a significant drop in illegal immigration.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friends

This is a fine line to tread for any politician who dares to handle this problem and it is a problem because it is not being controlled, the fine line is racism and not helping those who are seeking asylum.
Asylum is one thing, immigration for economic opportunity is another. And** illegal** immigration is still another.

I would find it difficult to believe any significant number of people would oppose granting asylum to those who would be subject to death, torture, or other oppression.

Nor does it make sense to oppose the entry into the country for those looking for work – particularly when there is work American citizens won’t do, and employers are willing to pay.

The real problem is, we have a right – and a duty – to know who’s crossing our borders.
Rob's Wife:
As for the hospitals and schools being free - that just absolutely infuriates me! When was the last time anyone on this board had to deal with the local public school or a medical facility? It isn’t just a “walk in and we’ll take care of everything” kind of deal.

Okay now I’m going to step off my soapbox!
Look I am sorry about your situation but you are absolutely dead wrong if you think illegals cannot send their kids to ANY public school (which must accommodate their lack of English among other problems) or walk into ANY emergency room and be refused care. You do not have to prove citizenship for either school or medical treatment. I DO deal with a large Catholic hospital every day and I ASSURE you illegals are a serious financial burden for this hospital that already provides millions every year in charity care…for citizens and non-citizens alike. Not only do they have to provide medical care but they also must have translators on staff as many illegals cannot speak English. Most of our illegals are from Mexico and South America so having someone who speaks Spanish will usually suffice. But again, why does the hospital and the school have to bear this burden for people who are not here legally?

FWIW in this county the Hispanic population has increased 45% in just a few years. It IS a problem.

Lisa N
I happen to live in a part of grand rapids michigan where there are a lot of ilegally imigrated hispanics. I live nextdoor to a hispanic family(that refuses to learn english still after 4 years of being there. and I deliver lots of pizza to them in my second job. most of them, Id estemate 70 to 75% in my area just dont want to asimilate. most wont learn english, which linguistically is more close to their langauge than any of the languages my ancestors spoke. they seem to have their own separate society on my side of town with having their own stores and clubs. I can think of 4 parishes near me with spanish Masses. which the diocese organized for them, not by them selves. enough is enough. close the borders, and what we cant send back learns english of get sent back anyway. my ancestors spoke polish , austrian(german), and Irish gaelic, my wifes ancestors spoke french, dutch, and lithuanian, and noone learned those languages for them. they had to learn eglish on their own and Im not learning spanish for them. if one wants to learn english and assimilate fine. theres a vietamese refugee family that my family helped with that 30 years ago and they are all good lawabiding citizens. but the freeloading has to end.
Lisa N:
But again, why does the hospital and the school have to bear this burden for people who are not here legally?

FWIW in this county the Hispanic population has increased 45% in just a few years. It IS a problem.

Lisa N
I watched an interview with one of the law enforcement people in AZ and he said one county spent $50 million last year of American tax dollars just to hold illegals for deportation as the Feds don’t pay…the county is going broke and services being cut as the numbers continue to rise.
Columnist Jan Herron from Maine has really taken Catholic Charities to task over this entire issue and its involvement:

"…As citizens mounting nationwide campaigns to end all public assistance to illegal aliens, we could easily overlook an important source of “safety-net assistance” to illegal aliens: government funding to “non-profit” groups who knowingly and intentionally provide assistance to illegal aliens. Federal law (USC Title 8, Chapter 12, subchapter II, Section 1324) has a name for this: “aiding and abetting illegal immigration.” It’s a crime punishable by a fine and/or jail time. Several seemingly “faith-based” groups are involved (Lutheran Social Services, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, American Friends Service Committee), but the largest is Catholic Charities USA.

Most people believe Catholic Charities is funded entirely by voluntary donations, but they couldn’t be more wrong. In FY 2002, over 60% of CCUSA funding came from government grants and contracts, another term for “taxpayers’ money!” Don’t let the ostensibly “religious” title fool you, because these groups often promote a communistic/atheistic agenda.

Only by public disclosure of these groups and their activities can Citizens demand that Congress cease funds to such groups. Since President Bush recently met with “faith-based” representatives in the effort to increase “immigration/refugee” numbers, contacting the President is futile.

Various Catholic Charities officials have openly admitted “aiding and abetting,” and the organization’s website ( openly promotes its open borders agenda:

"Welcome Refugees, Asylees, and Immigrants

Immigrants-including documented and undocumented workers, refugees, and asylees come to the U.S. seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Often, they are fleeing racial, religious, social, or political persecution in their home countries.

All immigrants are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity. To this end, CCUSA promotes legislative reforms to restore federal benefits to legal immigrants, increase admissions of refugees and asylees, create better opportunities for undocumented workers to earn legalization, allow immigrants to reunite with their families more easily, and improve protections for immigrants under federal laws, including labor laws."

Those agencies who openly aid and abet illegal immigration and in other ways “bite the hand that feeds them” is not only an insult to every American taxpayer, but an indictment to every government official charged with administering public money. Giving taxpayers’ money to groups who openly defy our laws is an outrage! April 15th is soon approaching - if you aren’t angry, you should be!

Oregonian Barbara Anderson recently published a website report to Catholic Citizens of Illinois how two “Catholic Charities” groups use taxpayers’ money to undermine and violate our laws.

“Time was when the poor widow in the pew gave her mite, assured that she was helping someone even more vulnerable than she was. That is no longer true, as the money being given may or may not end up feeding the poor, clothing the naked, etc. Two of the “Catholic” charities sanctioned by the bishops have become circuitous routes leading to unexpected ends.” 1
First, the US imports more oil from Mexico than any other country in the world. (So I hear.) Second, Mexico is actually a wealthy nation with a lot of poor people.

Nothing will change until the political elite in Mexico adopt the Catholic principal of charity.

US will not pressure Mexico to adopt more humane policies for its rural poor as long as we are dependent on their natural resource. US must find a way to reduce oil consumption (hybrid, alternative energy source) or we will never stop being victimized by the Saudi and our other so called friends.
First, the US imports more oil from Mexico than any other country in the world. (So I hear.) Second, Mexico is actually a wealthy nation with a lot of poor people.

Nothing will change until the political elite in Mexico adopt the Catholic principal of charity.

US will not pressure Mexico to adopt more humane policies for its rural poor as long as we are dependent on their natural resource. US must find a way to reduce oil consumption (hybrid, alternative energy source) or we will never stop being victimized by the Saudi and our other so called friends.
You bring up a good point. Who takes care of the Mexican poor?? The United States does!! The Mexican Government doesn’t have to do it, doesn’t have to pay for it, and while the working poor cross the border to find jobs at 5 times the current pay in Mexico, THOSE DOLLARS COME BACK TO THE MEXICAN ECONOMY when the money is sent home!!

The analogy of Mexico and Saudi works to a certain extent. Economic prosperity (because it is ALSO a national security issue) isn’t always a pure-as-the-driven-snow endeavor.
I think that holding centres are the way to go they are fed and looked after whilst their cases are processed and if they are given asylum then they stay and those that do not are sent back home.
I can’t imagine staying in jail waiting until someone decides my future and that’s all a “holding center” is. They should either be here legal or not at all. Assylum is rarely approved for an individual, it’s usually reserved for a more over-all situation. A past example would be jews fleeing nazi controled areas. And I can’t blame anyone for not wanting to live next door to a prison.
Look I am sorry about your situation but you are absolutely dead wrong if you think illegals cannot send their kids to ANY public school (which must accommodate their lack of English among other problems) or walk into ANY emergency room and be refused care. You do not have to prove citizenship for either school or medical treatment
Okay, where’s the social security card?? If you have a student/patient/employee show up with no papers - all you should need to do is pick up the phone and call in an illegal action. Of course, I understand all the stupid hoops that legal workers are put through too and know it probably isn’t that easy for some stupid reason only a government official could come up with.

And it’s true you don’t have to prove citizenship, but what I want to know is how come it’s so easy for them to just walk in and get treatment, but a citizen has go through the fire and brimstone?

Yes, the hispanic population has grown extremely in my area too. I don’t care if they learn english or not - although I think it’s stupid not to because it makes them dependent on another to speak for them. I don’t care if they move next door with their untire clan - frankly I envy and aspire to their family bonds. That’s not the issue.

The issue is why does the government HAVE to do anything for them at all?? They are not citizens. They are not here legally. They should have no say in how our schools, businesses, agencies are run. And they sure don’t have a rightful claim on any funds from citizens. Yet, why does the government not just say “NO!”
First, the US imports more oil from Mexico than any other country in the world. (So I hear.) Second, Mexico is actually a wealthy nation with a lot of poor people.

Nothing will change until the political elite in Mexico adopt the Catholic principal of charity.

US will not pressure Mexico to adopt more humane policies for its rural poor as long as we are dependent on their natural resource. US must find a way to reduce oil consumption (hybrid, alternative energy source) or we will never stop being victimized by the Saudi and our other so called friends.
I would suspect that it is the moral and ethical responsbility of their own government to solve their problems - they continue to foster illegals coming to the US because it relieves them of that responsibility and beaucoup American dollars pour into their nation - if the illegal traffic came to a halt, they will be forced to deal with their own citizenry and do something about all their problems.

It frankly has nothing to do with oil or the US using oil - no matter what money comes to the government if a corrupt government continues to pay it out only to those on top, ignoring the needs of the nation as a whole, nothing much will change.

It is also interesting to note that their southern border is heavily guarded by the Mexican government who don’t want “immigration” pouring into their country.
Be very careful friends, remember, as far as the native American Indians are concerned, most of your ancestors were illegal immigrants!!!😃
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