I'm a protestant Christian....ask me anything!

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Do you think that the Bible Canon of 66 books is correct?
No, personally I prefer the LXX translation of the Old Testament. So i accept a 73 book canon. I haven’t dug into an Orthodox bible and i know they accept a couple more books than Catholics, plan to do that at the start of next year.
I believe the church fathers are essential to correct Christian doctrine. They were great thinkers and theologians and they were extremely important to the church. I believe protestants don’t place a large enough importance on them.
You nailed that! Not sure why Protestants aren’t extremely interested in reading and learning even a little bit of their contribution, especially Church of Christ.
Not sure why Protestants aren’t extremely interested in reading and learning even a little bit of their contribution, especially Church of Christ.
It comes from an anti-catholic attitude, i think. The issue is most protestants don’t even know what they’re protesting anymore. I would wager 90% haven’t even read Luther’s writings. I’ve not read a lot of it but I have began to and I’ve come to learn there’s so much I was never taught.

Other than that I don’t protestants ever really think about them.
Keep reading and looking at history, you’ll wind up in RCIA. Check out Fr John Riccardo on YouTube. Put in his name and RCIA. Specifically look for him. There are some great ones but he has a way that to make things very clear. Also Steven Ray has some great presentations.
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I think all of them know they are protesting the Pope.

Besides that, I’d venture to say like 80% don’t know what an indulgence is and 90% couldn’t name more than 1 Church Father.

We have some informed non Catholics in this forum, though. Informed and pleasant people overall…so they are not included in my estimates as they actually do some homework and are willing to step out of their comfort zone.
I don’t really have any questions, at least right now. However, I would like to welcome you to our little family here 😃
Well when I first started going to school I was at a Lutheran church but later I believe that I was also going to a catholic church and I studied the Catholic faith there but I follow the things Lutherans do like we don’t require confessing sin to the pastor but I am not a huge fan of sin be committed in thought word and deed , not the thought part at least but also I was adopted by grandparents and I believe my grandma is Catholic and grandfather is Lutheran
TED Talks can be delivered electronically but the Eucharistic bread and wine (conveying the Real Presence of Jesus Christ) must be delivered physically to the tongue (preferably while kneeling).
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How do you excommunicate a protestant?
It may be in the Bible but so is the authority of the Twelve Apostles. Apostolic succession is a real thing from Peter and the Twelve and continuous across the centuries.

If one Protestant group did excommunicate you, you could easily go to a different group. Pastors are generally always looking for new members for their particular group.
Apostolic succession is a real thing from Peter and the Twelve and continuous across the centuries.
I’m about to ask a really stupid question, so forgive me. I’ve seen this claim a lot and I’ve wondered if there’s any resources where i could see the succession lineage.
When will you “swim the Tiber”? 😃

You sound like an intellectual. Many intellectual Protestants wind up swimming it 😃
So then, your understanding INCLUDED the Catholic Church?

Which IS comprised of ALL its members, INCLUDING its shepherds.
I’ve seen this claim a lot and I’ve wondered if there’s any resources where i could see the succession lineage.
Here’s a short Catholic Answers tract about apostolic succession. Apostolic succession was one of the main draws to the Catholic Church for me. To think that a Priest I know has been touched by someone who has been touched by Jesus! Wow!
CA: Apostolic Succession
Wikipedia’s article on apostolic succession and the Popes through time is also a good reading.
However as with most claims from the first centuries (Catholic, Orthodox or otherwise) at a certain point it becomes a question of faith.
How do you excommunicate a protestant?
Ehh protestants don’t really excommunicate
Here’s the reason why when speaking of doctrine and practice, the use of the term “Protestant” is folly.

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