I'm Ashamed of Portland, Oregon: Part 19

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I live on the red side of the gorge in WA - but about a month ago I had to drive in to Portland to pick up supplies at Oregon Leather (I am a saddle maker/leathersmith.
When I was about to Cascade Locks I looked in my rearview mirror and to my horror realized I still had my Bush Cheney 2004 sticker in the back window of the Ford Pickup!! :eek:
When I got to Troutdale I had to find a box knife with a blade to scrape that sucker off of there. NO WAY was I going to drive downtown Portland in my huge pickup with a Bush sticker on the window! The fruits and nuts would attack for sure!

BTW - there is still a movement out there of folks from N. California all the way to the Canadian border who want to make a new states. N. Cal succeeding from the state, and Eastern WA and OR succeeding, everything on the east side of the mountains.

Wish it would happen sort of. The common mentality over here is that the politicians on the west don’t work in favor of us ruralites on the east side.
There was actually a bill proposed in WA a month or so back. Went nowhere to my knowlege and was looked at as a joke. We on this side weren’t laughing.
NO WAY was I going to drive downtown Portland in my huge pickup with a Bush sticker on the window! The fruits and nuts would attack for sure!
I also live in the Portland metro area. I used to be afraid to put political, pro-life or other bumper stickers on my van. Then I heard Fr. Frank Pavone talk about how they have received calls and e-mails from people who literally changed their mind about having an abortion after seeing a pro-life bumper sticker.

I have two on my van and I’ve never been vandalized, never had a rude comment. In fact, people stop me and ask where they can get a similar bumper sticker.

Sometimes I do get people who pass me and give me a dirty look and I think “What? I didn’t do anything?” Then I remember it was probably one of my bumper stickers and I just say a prayer that God will change their hearts.

Especially in liberal and un-churched areas we need to be the light on the hill, the beacon in the night, to show others the way to Jesus. Don’t be afraid to let your light shine! God will richly bless you for it.
BLB Oregon you definitely pegged it. We have the STRANGEST politics here. I’m involved with a group that is mostly (all but me!) made up of VERY liberal people. I attend meetings and listen to them stereotype all conservatives as bigoted, selfish, hateful people. Anyone who voted for Bush or watches Fox News is some knuckledragging mouthbreather.

It’s really disappointing because quite honestly they really don’t KNOW any conservatives (except me and I almost never divulge my political leanings). When ever someone disses the Church because of the stand on abortion or homosexual marriage, I point out very few churches or other private organizations do as much good in the community as the Catholic church. I truly do not know why conservatism, either socially or politically has virtually nothing but negative connotations.

BTW you really don’t need to worry about prolife bumper stickers but Bush/Cheney will definitely get you a one fingered salute on the freeway.

Lisa N
I actually have a friend who essentially said that my parish must be full of rich people, because we follow the rubrics of the Mass. Compliance to Church Rules = Rich. Ack!!!
Where did they go to Mass, St. Francis in SE Portland? I think they are too poor to buy a book of rubrics…
Have you guys talked about the Oregon public school system? It is a very sad picture.
I keep hearing the most disturbing advertisements and “budget” proposals by elected officials!, it is their new way to earn money. Its called GAMBLING!!! Yes, they want state sponsored gambling to pay for education. If this isnt pure insanity I dont know what is.
I hear different numbers each time, but its something like $6500 dollars per child per year in the public school? Public university costs less than that, and what are they teaching the kids…nothing. We have one of the worst academic performances in the nation, and they keep cutting days out of the year.
Can you picture people feeding slot machines and then show kids going to school from that money? Dont forget the new gamble at home packs they are giving out for people to gamble from the comfort of their own room!
God help us, this is insanity!

On no I got started up again, dont forget the baseball stadium they wanted to build and use casinos to fund it as well. And Im not even going to start on the Blazers.
Catholic Dude:
Have you guys talked about the Oregon public school system? It is a very sad picture.
I keep hearing the most disturbing advertisements and “budget” proposals by elected officials!, it is their new way to earn money. Its called GAMBLING!!! Yes, they want state sponsored gambling to pay for education. If this isnt pure insanity I dont know what is.
I hear different numbers each time, but its something like $6500 dollars per child per year in the public school? Public university costs less than that, and what are they teaching the kids…nothing. We have one of the worst academic performances in the nation, and they keep cutting days out of the year.
Can you picture people feeding slot machines and then show kids going to school from that money? Dont forget the new gamble at home packs they are giving out for people to gamble from the comfort of their own room!
God help us, this is insanity!

On no I got started up again, dont forget the baseball stadium they wanted to build and use casinos to fund it as well. And Im not even going to start on the Blazers.
The state is ADDICTED to gambling revenue. When they first allowed the casinos the money was specifically designated but now everyone has their finger in the pot.

Speaking of providing great examples, our latest is a “Rose Princess” who just had a baby. What a wonderful role model for the rest of the high school girls. For those not aware of Portland’s famous Rose Festival, each high school elects on young lady to represent their school at the Rose Festival. There is some kind of pageant that supposedly stresses academics, poise and talent and the winnah is the Rose Festival Queen (I don’t know if they still use “Queen”) At any rate one school elected a Rose Princess who had a baby about two weeks prior to the election. I don’t know if it was merely a sympathy vote or a pretense at tolerance. But given that single motherhood is one of the greatest causes of child poverty, I don’t consider this a particularly good example to set. Wouldnt’ you know that there aren’t any prohibitions against pregnant princesses.

LIsa N
Lisa N:
Wouldnt’ you know that there aren’t any prohibitions against pregnant princesses.

LIsa N
And the irony! This happened during the same year that Mr. Potter came out against the Mrs. American pageant. Now mind you, I have no idea what on earth being a wife and mother or even an exemplary student has to do with a contest that looks for all the world like one for performers and runway models vying for the right to wave themselves numb on parade floats. Why do we recognize exceptional merit among women by the giving and receiving of*…*tiaras? I wouldn’t ban them, but I look forward to the day when they are no more than a fun little piece of jewelry.

I don’t think pageants are demeaning, although I think they’re a poor use of talent and determination. IMHO, the entire pageant business is only a shallow expression of that deep truth we recognize even as little children: we are of noble birth, and royal blood, and immense dignity. So, in that sense, of course that poor new mom ought to have a tiara. Bless her soul, the whole world gave her an awful and secret out so that her indiscretion need never have been known, but she stepped up and made a decision to welcome and love her innocent child.

No, don’t get rid of the tiaras. Let everyone wear them, if only as a reminder that we all labor on real crowns, and should hope in joy to see the day when we all throw them at our Lord’s feet. But if we’re going to do the princess thing, let’s honor those who model a path that others would do well to follow, and not those who have chosen to do it the hard way, however bravely.
Where did they go to Mass, St. Francis in SE Portland? I think they are too poor to buy a book of rubrics…
Who knows… it seemed more of a “the rules are status quo and only the rich want the status quo” type attitude, but that is just how I took it… and I have been pretty vocal about what a mistake that can be. Reading more into it than what they said is asking to get myself in trouble!
Not to go exploiting this sad day, but did anyone hear or see any signs of mourning in the portland metro area?
The only radio station was the KBVM, and on tv a few clips on local news of people at the St Mary’s Cathedral. Its good to know that there are still a chunk of good folks in the area. Also I did see a motorcycle shop with a huge American flag at half mass. But other than that people acted as if it was an ordinary day, I know they call Oregon one of the most unChurched states (both in prot and Cath) so that might explain it, or is this the usual all across the nation?
BTW you really don’t need to worry about prolife bumper stickers but Bush/Cheney will definitely get you a one fingered salute on the freeway.
My wife was rear-ended ON PURPOSE in the drive-thru at Coffee People at NE Weidler and MLK. last October because we had a W’04 sticker on our minivan. She gets out of the car to see what the heck is going on and the man who did it yells at her about how stupid she is. My little kids are in the car while this is going on! The Coffee-People employees witness this…and do nothing. With no support, no damage to the vehicle, and with line forming behind my wife, she decides it just isn’t worth it to fight it out or call the police, so she left. INsanity!!!
Catholic Dude:
Not to go exploiting this sad day, but did anyone hear or see any signs of mourning in the portland metro area?
The only radio station was the KBVM, and on tv a few clips on local news of people at the St Mary’s Cathedral. Its good to know that there are still a chunk of good folks in the area. Also I did see a motorcycle shop with a huge American flag at half mass. But other than that people acted as if it was an ordinary day, I know they call Oregon one of the most unChurched states (both in prot and Cath) so that might explain it, or is this the usual all across the nation?
KATU did interview several people who have met JPII. All if them go to my parish!! Great great families!!

St Stan’s I think was packed on friday and saturday from what I understand. Huge Polish population I think.
KATU did interview several people who have met JPII. All if them go to my parish!! Great great families!!

St Stan’s I think was packed on friday and saturday from what I understand. Huge Polish population I think.
I thought some of the local news coverage was decent and respectful. What bothered me was of course the photo right on the front of the “Living” section that had a woman applauding the suggestion that there be ‘equal opportunity for women’ in the church. I assume it was a dig at the prohibition against female priests. What that had to do with mourning Pope John Paul II I have no idea.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
I thought some of the local news coverage was decent and respectful. What bothered me was of course the photo right on the front of the “Living” section that had a woman applauding the suggestion that there be ‘equal opportunity for women’ in the church. I assume it was a dig at the prohibition against female priests. What that had to do with mourning Pope John Paul II I have no idea.

Lisa N
Ah yes, the Oregonian.

Clueless. Simply clueless.
Ah yes, the Oregonian.

Clueless. Simply clueless.
Oh yeah, the same paper that first hid and then suggested we forgive and forget about Neil Goldschmidt who as a thirty year old married man had a sexual relationship with a fourteen year old child. They deemed the relationship as ‘an affair’ as if two consenting adults were involved. Of course once Willamette Week scooped them on the story they had to admit that many had known it for some time and through a conspiracy of silence they hid this horrible act from the public…with the help of the Oregonian, the sherriff and a few other notables. You can bet that there is ‘selective coverage’ of many events in this city.

Lisa N
Ah yes, the Oregonian.

Clueless. Simply clueless.
How did you like when a full wave of articles flooded the papers for over a month all dealing with “meth problems”. I just shook my head and said that really explains the mess were in in this state. Meth this meth that, it was like Oregon was producing more drugs than south america. They shoved it down our throats almost every day for a month
Lisa N:
Oh yeah, the same paper that first hid and then suggested we forgive and forget about Neil Goldschmidt who as a thirty year old married man had a sexual relationship with a fourteen year old child. They deemed the relationship as ‘an affair’ as if two consenting adults were involved. Of course once Willamette Week scooped them on the story they had to admit that many had known it for some time and through a conspiracy of silence they hid this horrible act from the public…with the help of the Oregonian, the sherriff and a few other notables. You can bet that there is ‘selective coverage’ of many events in this city.

Lisa N
Like CNN in Bagdad…Eason Jordan, eat your heart out.
Hey! Be proud. Did you just hear that the Willamette Week won the PULITZER PRIZE for ‘outing’ our resident child molestor, Neil Goldschmidt! Go WW.

For those who aren’t aware Willamette Week has been around about 30 years, is a weekly, well know for the ‘personal’ ads. It used to be considered a bit of a tabloid. You DIDNT want to be featured in WW because they tended to the purient. OTOH they do have some really good, in depth features, one of which was the Goldschmidt story.

Lisa N
From what I have read in it the WW is nothing but a call-girl funded paper. It has very anti-family, and anti-Christian articles, and its target audience is single college age misguided hippie/punk kids. The thing that is the worst about it though is all the ads in it, its like every page is at least half ads.
Catholic Dude:
From what I have read in it the WW is nothing but a call-girl funded paper. It has very anti-family, and anti-Christian articles, and its target audience is single college age misguided hippie/punk kids. The thing that is the worst about it though is all the ads in it, its like every page is at least half ads.
As I mentioned, it was known mostly for the ‘personal’ ads…

You are right, it’s pretty vulgar as far as the advertising. But they did win the Pulitzer so maybe they will clean up their act? NAH! They have a weekly column by a homosexual with some kind of odd title like 'Queer Nose" or something. Blech!

I agree they tend to anti-Christian, anti-conservative articles. I did read the Goldschmidt article when it came out. I certainly remember when Neil could move mountains with a phone call. I guess he started thinking with the wrong head. How the mighty do fall.

The point though is that the Oregonian kept a lid on this story for decades and even when faced with a rival getting the scoop insisted on down playing the reality that the former Mayor of Portland, former GOVERNOR of the State, former US Secretary of Transportation (under Carter) was actually a child rapist. Pretty amazing that it was kept underground so long.

Lisa N
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