I am a convert to the Catholic faith. This is what being tossed about by any wind of doctrine can lead to. I could believe before that just about anything was ok, since so many Christian churches taught so many different things, you begin to see truth as relative. IMOWhat really pains me is that she doesn’t understand why I reacted the way I did at all and finds it unnacceptable. I explained the adoption thing and that sometimes I try to grasp that my being wouldn’t even be in existence if my birth mother decided it would be easier to have an abortion. She just responded with “well maybe if you feel that way and the thought of someone else choosing abortion makes you feel that uncomfortable than you need help”.
Really offended and hurt me. Appreciate the prayers though. Just so dang hard to find an orthodox catholic girl these days.
I am actually praying more for her than for you because she will not be able to see this without God’s help.