She’s not letting a career get in the way of an engagement. This is about her belief system. She is PRO-CHOICE. Whether she works at PP or not is irrelevant. She could take any other job but still hold her pro choice ideals and that could spell disaster for you and your future children.I just don’t understand how someone could let a career get in the way of an engagement. Especially since there are many other options that wouldn’t offend me. I’ve looked away on so many things and sincerely wish I could do the same here. But I can’t.
This thread really saddens me. For you, for the people she is “counselling”, and for her. Her soul is in jeopardy and she doesn’t even know it. She thiks she is doing the “right” thing by supporting a woman’s right to choose.
** And, in today’s society, I almost can’t blame her. The issue of abortion and pro choice has been so emotionalized that, without a firm moral compass to guide us, we are made to feel “oppressive” and “insensitive” and “controlling” if we are not “supportive” of “choice”.**
You have received excellent advice so far and tons of prayers (add mine to that too!). I know this is tough. I know this is depressing. But you are NOT alone. God will always be with you and you can pray for Him to show you His will. By staying with this girl you have been most likely acting on YOUR will. God will be so happy when you abandon your earthly attachments and turn to Him when you are sad and broken. There are better days ahead!!! Trust in Him and you cannot go wrong.
There are many good ways to find a good, faithful Catholic girl to date IF you are being called to marriage. For now, get involved in pro LIFE issues to reaffirm to yourself why you could never be with someone who thinks that murdering babies is OK for any reason.