Free will? What are you talking about? Who’s will? A woman who unknowingly becomes pregnant and has a spontaneous abortion (also unknowingly) willed it? How does that work?
I’ll try to make this simple for you:
When we sin.
We affect other people,
People who didn’t know it was going to happen to them.
They suffer the consequences of.
Of our free will choice to sin.
Sin causes pain, disease, and disasters in the world.
My personal choice to sin.
Affects the whole world.
In ways that I can’t even imagine.
But it’s my choice.
And I do it freely.
Even though I know.
That I can’t predict what the consequences will be.
Including the deaths of innocent people.
The anger in my heart.
If I choose the anger.
If I choose on purpose to
not forgive.
Could become a volcano.
That kills a million innocent people.
Or a cancer.
That takes the life of a seven year old boy.
That’s what “sin” is - a disruption that fissures out into the whole world, in what direction, and with what result, we cannot know.
The body and the spirit are one thing. We are also all connected to each other. And we are all connected to the world. What we do, good or bad, in the open, or in secret, literally affects the whole world.
In chaos theory, they tell us that a butterfly in Tokyo, by fluttering its wings just so, can start the wind that grows to become the hurricane in Florida - and the butterfly didn’t intend for that to happen - she was just trying to get a better view of the flowers.
Sin is a kind of chaos. (Probably the
worst kind.) It doesn’t affect
only the sinner.
It is not just the few direct, foreseeable consequences that we can see, here and now.
Once sin is out in the world, it’s like that butterfly breeze - it can go anywhere, and it can do anything - any kind of damage. Terrible things. Things we never wanted, or intended.
But God allows it (doesn’t
cause it -
we cause it, by committing sins), so that we will eventually come to understand why it is that we ought not to commit sin.