I'm leaving Catholicism

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If you are trying to claim the Vatican is poor you are bound to lose.
I am not. But you are going after a straw man. This happens all the time. I guess that’s it for contradictions then. Thanks.
Does it not bother you the amount of riches that the Catholic Church holds?
This point does not bother me that much. The Church has done a lot for the poor and the sick. Most priests are not really paid all that much at least when you compare with the salaries of other professionals. Some even take a vow of poverty. Beautiful churches can be a source of inspiration for many. Some religions have tithing and more or less demand or require 10% of your total income. You don’t have that in Catholicism, at least as I have seen it. OTOH, i don’t like the huge amounts of money that they have been paying to lawyers. That does seem like a waste.
I guess that’s it for contradictions then. Thanks.
I don’t think so. If ONLY the Father knows the day or the hour, how can the Holy Spirit know the day or the hour? What does the word “only” mean?
Does it not bother you the amount of riches that the Catholic Church holds?
I would be more bothered if the Church sold it off, in effect commercializing or privatizing the art and architecture which is currently free for everyone.
I’ve already answered this. Jesus was getting the point across that only God in heaven knows. Jesus wasn’t giving a treatise on the Trinity here. The Holy Spirit hadn’t even come yet.

There’s no contradiction.
I think his point was to mention that the Holy Spirit had not descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost, much less when Jesus breathed upon them.
No contradiction? Trinity tells us Jesus IS the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit IS Jesus!
The Holy Spirit didn’t come until Pentecost. You are correct that the Holy Spirit was present from all eternity along with the Father and the Son.
Trinity tells us Jesus IS the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit IS Jesus!
You obviously don’t understand what the Church teaches about the Trinity. You should read the Catechism. The first section deals with the creed and goes into enough detail.
if you can find just one, just one Bible verse that contradicts a Catholic teaching, I will cease to be Catholic immediately.
Can you see God face to face?
“… I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” — Genesis 32:30

“No man hath seen God at any time…”– John 1:18

Are all things possible with God?
“… with God all things are possible.” — Matthew 19:26

“…The LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.” — Judges 1:19

Turn the other cheek if your enemy smites you
but Catholic teaching allows self defense.
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To OP,

A Really great article about this. I recommend reading the page 4 about Aquinas seeming to deny the transitivity of real identity. it says: “This denial is based on Aristotle’s distinction between relations and absolute beings: the former has its being in reference to another, but the latter has its being to itself. Aquinas draws from Aristotle an analogy, the road between Athens and Thebes. Absolutely, the road is one thing, but relationally there are two things: the road from Thebes to Athens and the road from Athens to Thebes. These are not really identical to one another since they are opposed relations, even though they are identical with the one absolute reality (that is, the road considered absolutely).”
Hope this helps
Can you explain that Jesus says the meek shall inherit the earth but the Catholic Church is the richest private institution in world history?
And biggest charity organization of the world. Sounds fine to me.
And why would not the Holy Spirit know the day and the hour?
You could provide us with Orthodox stance on the issue. Might be interesting how Orthodox see the Trinity… provided you yourself believe in it. I don’t quite get why would you support side of argument asserting Trinity is contradiction and be Orthodox. If you do not believe in Trinity you can’t consider yourself Orthodox.
Didn’t Jesus also say that it is more difficult for a rich man to enter the Kingdom than camel to go through the eye of a needle?
Eye of the Needle was a gate in Jerusalem. When camels needed to go through they had to bow because it was small. Rich man will go through if only he humbles himself. Abraham was blessed by wealth. Why would God bless Abraham with something “wrong”?
If you are trying to claim the Vatican is poor you are bound to lose.
Fact is Vatican does actually use wealth to support good causes. As a government they cant just go and hand over all the wealth at once though. That’s just now how that works. Abraham didn’t hand over his wealth either.
Check out the definition of the word “only”.
Circumcision was covenant “forever”. Solomon built temple of Jerusalem to stand “forever”. Check out definition of word “forever”. Contradiction? No. What Scripture conveys by message is true- only God knows.

Same as when one Evangelist told us our Lord said “bring only a staff” and other Evangelist told us “bring not even a staff”. Contradiction? Perhaps on account of precision but nevertheless theological implications are the same.
Turn the other cheek if your enemy smites you
but Catholic teaching allows self defense.
Other cheek was reference on Jewish form of highest insult- slapping someone with back of the hand. Most people are right handed hence being slapped on right cheek means to be slapped by back of the hand. Being slapped on left means to be slapped normally. Turn the other cheek meant try to make your enemies hate you less.
So, I am not going to play whack-a-mole with every supposed contradiction within the Bible itself. A Google search, just like you did, will pull up many from atheist bloggers, which they undoubtedly got from other atheist bloggers. Anyway, my challenge is for Protestants who say a particular Catholic doctrine iis contradicted in the Bible. It wasn’t for atheists.
Take care.
I would only beg that you read the academic article I posted above. It is wonderful and may help answer your doubt. Please.
Corruption has always been a part of the Church Christ founded. Jesus never promised the Church would be perfect. In fact, if you have a Church claims to be “perfect” I can say that 1) they are lying and 2) it isn’t the church.
The fact that the Catholic Church is the Church Christ founded and continues to this day is not overturned by examples of sin within it. I see you’ve given up on the Bible contradictions all together. If you have any more, I’ll respond, otherwise you seem to be saying the same things over and over again.
I see you’ve now moved on to just trying to dismiss the Bible. Have fun with that!
So are we done with talking about the Trinity? Many of the recent posts would fit better under new threads.
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