Thank you very much!Yes, there is room for you. Unlike the political tents, Catholicism embraces all and it’s emblem is the Cross not an elephant or donkey.
Thank you very much!Yes, there is room for you. Unlike the political tents, Catholicism embraces all and it’s emblem is the Cross not an elephant or donkey.
Stats, please.Take away access to contraception and people who don’t want to have pregnancies will be much less likely to have sex
Sounds like good Catholic reasoning to me. And yes, abortion is a symptom of deeper causes. Making it illegal is exactly what you say–a band aid, not a cure.I lay more blame at the feet of those who make women feel as if there is no other choice but to abort than I do at the feet of the woman herself. In cases of rape, incest, even elective abortion for financial reasons I find myself more upset at those who would make someone think there was no other recourse. Of course I wish that abortion would cease immediately, but fear that overturning Roe vs Wade would put a band-aid over a festering problem rather than curing it.
Of course contraception is forbidden. But look up statistics yourself–how many Catholics–even those who go to Mass every week–don’t think contraception is evil?I support contraception use as a means to drastically reduce abortions
Depends on what you mean by “support” gay marriages. Certainly wishing them well and hoping they have a good life is not just permitted, but recommended. Voting to legalize gay marriage is not; there are alternatives. But again, your own conscience should be your guide.I also love and support the relationships and marriages of my LGBT friends and family.
No. If that were true, the Church would probably lose 80-90% of its members.As far as dogma, am I compelled to support bans on abortion, contraception, and LGBT relationships in order to be a good, practicing Catholic?
There are plenty of liberals here.You will find (this thread is a perfect example) that most (90%?)
It looks like there are two of us at least. I’ll throw in Bradski and niceatheist too, although they aren’t Catholics!There are plenty of liberals here.
Thank you so much for this, as well as your thoughtful answers! I guess I don’t look for justification of my opinions as much as I look for any reason acceptable to keep them in the Catholic church. Maybe I’m looking at it backwards? In any case, thank you again. This has given me a lot to think about.Man has the right to act in conscience and in freedom so as personally to make moral decisions. He must not be forced to act contrary to his conscience.