I understand. I don’t agree but I understand.
I just don’t buy into the fear of conspiracies, the fear of Marxism, the fear of teh gayz, etc. but, I’m not religious, plus I’m old…I just don’t fear much anymore. I’m very active in my grandkids schooling. I watch my 15yo online classes at will. These fears just aren’t happening in these kids school lives. I won’t deny it may be happening somewhere but it’s not happening here and I’d bet it’s not happening in most schools. If parents or grandparents aren’t involved in their kids schooling but are reading these articles and assuming it’s happening everywhere, they need to get more involved to calm themselves down. Believe it or not, kids are much more influenced by their parents views than their teachers. In HS, it’s their peers…until they finish growing up and return to their parents values…usually. Even college liberalism wears off after college…usually. I’m just not one to fall for every “sky is falling” out there. But, I’ve noticed, many are.