I. Whensoever the Senate shall receive notice from the
House of Representatives that managers are appointed on their
part to conduct an impeachment against any person and are
directed to carry articles of impeachment to the Senate, the
Secretary of the Senate shall immediately inform the House of
Representatives that the Senate is ready to receive the
managers for the purpose of exhibiting such articles of
impeachment, agreeably to such notice.
II. When the managers of an impeachment shall be introduced
at the bar of the Senate and shall signify that they are ready
to exhibit articles of impeachment against any person, the
Presiding Officer of the Senate shall direct the Sergeant at
Arms to make proclamation, who shall, after making
proclamation, repeat the following words, viz: ``All persons
are commanded to keep silence, on pain of imprisonment, while
the House of Representatives is exhibiting to the Senate of the
United States articles of impeachment against ------ ------ ‘’;
after which the articles shall be exhibited, and then the
Presiding Officer of the Senate shall inform the managers that
the Senate will take proper order on the subject of the
impeachment, of which due notice shall be given to the House of
III. Upon such articles being presented to the Senate, the
Senate shall, at 1 o’clock after noon of the day (Sunday
excepted) following such presentation, or sooner if ordered by
the Senate, proceed to the consideration of such articles and
shall continue in session from day to day (Sundays excepted)
after the trial shall commence (unless otherwise ordered by the
Senate) until final judgment shall be rendered, and so much
longer as may, in its judgment, be needful. Before proceeding
to the consideration of the articles of impeachment, the
Presiding Officer shall administer the oath hereinafter
provided to the Members of the Senate then present and to the
other Members of the Senate as they shall appear, whose duty it
shall be to take the same.