I think Pope Benedict said it best when he said one could only vote for an abortion supporter if there was a “proportionate reason” (equally grave) reason to do so. So, all things being equal, one cannot vote for the abortion supporter.If a candidate thinks that overall morality doesn’t count as long as he or she covers the single moral question that is most important to me,
But they’re not equal. Which Dem candidate has tried to lower my taxes? Which one let the Little Sisters off the HHS Mandate hook? Which one aided the DOW to gain 11,000 points in three years? Which one removed the onerous requirements of WOTUS that put every farm pond under the jurisdiction of the Army? Which one defeated ISIS? Which one rid the world of Baghdadi and Soleimani? Which one got rid of NAFTA and got bipartisan support for its replacement? Which one negotiated a fairer interim trade deal with China?
Abortion is sufficient reason to vote for Trump, but it’s not the only one.