A few things…
- I don’t at all see this discussion as Anti-Catholic on any level. I don’t see articles about this discussion as Anti-Catholic. Somehow celibacy has been associated with Catholicism as a way to define Catholicism. To me this is unfortunate. I see this discussion of priestly celibacy as a healthy discussion for Catholics to have.
- I’m not blaming the church for anything. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Pope Paul VI reaffirmed celibacy. I think he was right to do so. The Catholic church in Europe and the US had an abundance of priests. This is not the case any more, so they are considering Viri Probati. Again I think the church is right to do this.
- Lay people have a stake in this…all Catholics do. I just don’t agree that only missionaries should be able comment on the value of their missionary efforts. “Why take foreign missionaries from a place where the ratio is 1 priest to 5000 lay people and send them to a place where there is a ratio of 1 priest to 2000 lay people.” This is a fair question that I believe every Catholic should ask if they want.
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