Standing by way too much over gradually more and more over the decades,
with a clear disconnect from the 1990s with ‘grave moral’ language truths of not consenting to the deliberate murder of helpless children in the most immense mass murder by ideology in humankind’s history as opposed to other concerns
like serious society forces effecting the poor. Especially in regards to how many
ideologies and agenda in history were put forth using concern for the poor,
but disregarded the solidarity of the dignity and sacredness of life of every human
being - justifying their actions with ideological agendas.
Where is the loud persistent to raise awareness of things like Good Counsel Homes, and Sisters Of Life — with so many lacking an informed conscience;
where seeds of the word can be planted, consciences spared — and children’s
lives spared.
The Holy Spirit revealed this via “Evangelium Vitae,” “Living The Gospel of Life,”
and many Church writings. And it is no coincidence that John Cardinal O’Connor,
who received the Church’s Official Charism of Life asked John Paul ii to write
an Apostolic Exhortation on The Sacredness of Life, resulting in Evangelium Vitae.
And it is no coincidence that it was exactly 100 years after Leo xiii’s Encyclical “RERUM NOVARUM” warning of collectivism, which is alive and well today in disguise in the free nations.
Those who uncover these things, like Fr. Pacwa, show they are as true as the sky is blue. I can understand how concerns to help one another in society can cloud this, but it there is a ‘strong delusion,’ regarding certain sins of consenting, complacency, or omission in protecting helpless little children and their parents to have an informed conscience and laws to protect them. Creating a more and more Sacredness of Life atmosphere.
God commands this. “Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless. Speak for them and be a righteous judge. Protect the rights of the poor and needy.” - Proverbs 31:8-9
Someone could use all the rhetoric in the world, and it has been done for
decades to cloud the issue, knowingly or unknowingly — but the response
in magnitude of the atrocity leaves much to be desired.
God help us!