“It should not be done for delight.” That’s where I’m hung up. I think it’s a language issue. I don’t associate the word “delight” with carnal or sexual pleasure. As a parent I think it’s delightful to kiss my child on the head. Very delightful. Certainly not sexual, but very delightful. Kissing one’s grandmother could be delightful for her as well…the examples are endless.
By “delight”, I meant to describe kissing for its own sake, “for the thrill of it”,
not as a way to show affection or love. It feels good, it is exciting, it is pleasant, but none of those things, taken by themselves, are sufficient reasons to kiss someone, and I think that is what the passage from Denzinger was referring to — while it may be indulged in for pleasure
without the act, in and of itself, rising to the level of mortal sin, still it remains venially sinful. Kissing for that reason, “because it’s fun”, is really kind of objectifying the other person. On the other hand, to kiss one’s beloved, or one to whom someone has a romantic attachment, as long as it is brief and chaste, is no sin at all. It may “cross a Rubicon” of sorts —
“well, I guess we’re a little more than just friends now” — but sometimes “crossing a Rubicon” is just part of life.
I would like to assure CAF readers, especially non-Catholic and secular CAF readers, that the recommendation of withholding kisses, or any other form of physical affection, until engagement (or possibly until marriage), is
not the teaching of the Church, nor is it common practice, even among more traditional Catholics. It is a highly restrictive practice that, quite frankly, I had never heard of until I read it here. I would really hate to see young, faithful Catholics struggle with scruples, worrying that they committed a mortal sin because they briefly and chastely kissed their boyfriend or girlfriend good-night after they’d been out to see a movie.
is the teaching of the Church, on the other hand, that we are to avoid passionate, prolonged kissing or other prolonged physical manifestations of affection (“making out”, “necking”, “heavy petting”, and so on) that the secular world just takes for granted — this inflames the passions and can make for grave temptations against purity. There is a world of difference between a brief kiss, or chastely holding hands, and a prolonged “make-out session”.