We don’t need a Green New Deal. The country is going green with or without a government policy that says they have to. The car companies have stated they are ready and planning for higher fuel economy standards and electric cars. The energy companies are seeing the fallings costs of wind and solar power and are making plans right now to phase out coal and eventually oil. Just as Christmas came to Whoville without the stuff the Grinch took, so a green economy is coming to America, even without subsidies.
Correct, the driving force behind most innovation is to improve efficiency and reduce costs. But there is a problem when Govt regulation tries to over force natural innovation. Obama’s green fuel standards were idiotic, not achievable. My hybrid couldn’t even meet his standard.
While solar is becoming cheaper, it’s not going to replace base load generation. The large solar plants built in the last decade are underwhelming in their results. They can’t survive without subsidies. Crescent Dunes is a prime example