My wife just retired from a teaching job where she was a lead teacher supervising another teacher. The other teacher left early everyday, left the difficult or “dirty” stuff to my wife, and got paid 3X what my wife did because she had so much seniority.
Well then, if you saw something unjust once, you clearly know everything about the entire system for all time.
I don’t know where or when your wife was a teacher, but the situation you describe certainly isn’t the current reality, at least here in Colorado.
There is no longer such a thing as tenure for teachers – thanks be to God! Tenure was a bad idea, most teachers I knew thought so, AND it was abolished in a legal activism kind of way, not through generalized complaining and throwing out of insults on random internet boards.
Currently, every teacher in Colorado is evaluated every year, and if we meet certain standards, we can move from “probationary” to “non-probationary,” or the other way if we fail to meet those standards.
A full 50% of our evaluation is based on student achievement.
The other 50% is based on everything from how we teach to how we interact with parents and how we work to improve the instructional abilities of our colleagues!
I think another system should be implemented where those who work harder, smarter, longer get paid more than those who don’t.
And by what standards do we decide someone is working harder, smarter, and longer?
They’ve tried that with education and the main result is that no one is willing to work with the most challenging communities – those with high populations of immigrants (children who aren’t fluent in English tend to fail the tests), those with high crime rates, those with high poverty, those with high teen pregnancy/parenthood rates…
The result is that the lowest performing schools were left with the worst teachers with the lowest pay. Is that what we really want for our students with the highest need? Or should those children just be thrown under the bus as lacking any real potential so who cares?
I guess union employees have the right to be grossly offended by someone suggesting something that might affect their pay. But the taxpayers are not allowed to voice a complaint against having to pay for your pay.
Grossly offended by my pay be affected? Is that what you think this little thread is going to accomplish? You can’t be serious!
Every aspect of my life is in God’s hands. My job is His to with as He pleases. If He takes it away tomorrow, may He be glorified. If He allows me to remain there until I retire at 65, may He be glorified. I hold nothing back for myself. If He lets my pay stay where it is, if He allow me to be forced to work for free, if He lets others abolish my pension as unfair – may He be glorified and praised forever! “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, and blessed be the Name of the Lord!” (Job 1:21)
But I say again, that your aspersions on my character (that all I’m concerned about is my pay) and on the hearts and souls of all government employees are calumnious. You cannot throw such a broad net of accusations without thought for the individuals you are accusing. Your assumptions to know that all, or most, or even some government employees are lazy, money-grubbing imbeciles is arrogant and judgmental.
That you keep throwing out your insults and accusations, and then try to couch them in statements that what you’re really attacking is the system, does not change the fact that your posts make false and defamatory statements in order to damage someone’s reputation. Try looking up “calumny” in the
May God bless you and your students.
I hope you are sincere in your blessing of my students. You have no idea of the needs and the dangers and the sorrows in their little lives. We have seen so much violence over the mere eight years since our school opened.
Drive-by shootings in broad daylight, murders and attempted murders and suicides within our school families. Parents imprisoned for all manner of crimes, families without homes living in their cars, children unable to play outside their trailer because of drugs and gangs in their trailer park…
These children aren’t statistics to us. They are human beings created by God in His image and likeness, and we know every one of their names. And we care for their physical needs as well as their academic needs day in and day out. And we love them and their families and are truly laying down our lives for them in their service.
Yes, I get paid for what I do. And I’m not apologizing for that.
And the public absolutely, 100% has a say in what I get paid. They can approve tax hikes, or refuse them. They can even put a measure on the ballot to reduce taxes in the future. They get to vote for our school board members, which is more than most of our teachers can do because we don’t live within the district’s boundaries. And when it comes to mill levies and school board elections, boy do we have activists in our community!
These people (mostly senior citizens) are also the ones who petitioned the county to FINALLY put in sidewalks along a busy road next to one of our schools, and put in stoplights at critical intersections, and who volunteer at the school. They keep things like spending in check, challenge both the district administration and the union, and they strive to serve where they can. And God bless and reward them for the difference they are making in the lives of so many families!
Action, where the rubber meets the road. Not just complaining.
I’m done here now. Enjoy your ranting.
God bless and keep you.