If each cause was equally infinite, then each cause would not need to be caused, to be, or to exist,you would not have a series of cause and effects. Infinity means no beginning and no end. Cause and effect apply to things that have a beginning. Once a thing is caused by an infinite , or uncaused cause, it can be sustained infinitely and still remain finite in its nature. It is illogical to think that an infinite cause could transfer its infinity to another already infinite cause. A cause produces an effect, to bring a thing into existence, or completeness. An infinite cause already exists, and supposedly do the other infinite causes. And there can be only one infinite cause, multiplicity and individualization are earmarks of creation, finite, not infinite, limited, not unlimited.I’m going to try to answer my own question real quick:
If each cause was equally infinite and transferred its infinity to the next one, what would the difference between them be? Can’t we just consider them all the same thing?
Can’t we? Seriously, I need to know if I’m wrong.