Aaargh! It’s not random!If people cannot do so how it could be by random evolution?
Aaargh! It’s not random!If people cannot do so how it could be by random evolution?
And when the Catholic Church expounds authoritatively on the nature of God, it uses words. Whoops, looks like we have th same problem all over again. God being “beyond words” causes a huge philosophical problem. See the eighth Ox Herding Picture for one possible solution.Yes, we do have to be careful when we read the Bible, which is why we have the Church as a guiding and interpretive authority.
The designer is obviously functional; if it were not functional, then it could not have designed anything. Intelligence is functional, so intelligence requires FCSI as well as plain CSI. ID’s problem with the origin of the functional intelligence inherent in the designer remains.No it doesn’t. Functional complex specified information.
Not exactly. Chimps have a baculum; humans do not.Common design
I am Buddhist, so I approach philosophy from the Buddhist point of view, specifically the Madhyamika of Nagarjuna. God takes actions in time, such as parting the sea for Moses. Whatever part (or whole) of God did the parting has changed from not-parting to parting and back to not-parting. An immutable God cannot act, a mutable God has parts that differ in time, not space.I’m surprised by this assertion. I was thinking that you were sufficiently well-versed in philosophy that you knew that God does not have attributes, per se (since it implies that God is composite, not simple).
Yes, see The marbled crayfish (Decapoda: Cambaridae) represents an independent new species.Could you point a sample for evolution? Do you have ever hear that a new species emerged by evolution?
There is no physical part of a human that is not also present in a chimpanzee. The proportions are different, but all parts are present. There is no big evolutionary barrier between the two species.
In a working memory intelligence test, chimps beat humans. See Chimp vs Human: Memory Test.
If all the above is true then you have identified an uncomplicated intelligence greater than human intelligence which refutes your assumption that any intelligence greater than human is as, or more, complicated.Chimpanzee intelligence is not designed according to science, but is designed according to ID.
Call it contributory negligence on my part. The hijackers knows who who he is.Umm…
If you want to address me directly – since you responded to rossum’s response to me – you know you can do so, right? And, no… I’m not trying to hijack the thread.
No I have not. Chimps can beat humans at one aspect of intelligence; humans can beat chimps at other aspects.If all the above is true then you have identified an uncomplicated intelligence greater than human intelligence
Christian philosophy avoids this conclusion by asserting that the ‘acts’ of God do not change Him.An immutable God cannot act
We are. Everyday the evidence gets stronger and is the best explanation. Some have just not caught up yet.I do not see humans as designed, absent any modern genetic engineering therapies. ID proponents are the ones who claim design, and it is they who need to justify their claims.
No it does not. You are still stuck in our own frame of reference.ID’s problem with the origin of the functional intelligence inherent in the designer remains.
Yes, I agree. But this thread is a conversation on the merits of your argument that ID is self-refuting. It has been argued that your second assumption, upon which your argument depends, is false. Do you have a reply?I do not see humans as designed, absent any modern genetic engineering therapies. ID proponents are the ones who claim design, and it is they who need to justify their claims.
It also seems from your video link that chimps, or at least those chimps, learned to count to ten. Remarkable!Chimps can beat humans at one aspect of intelligence; humans can beat chimps at other aspects.
Really now… Is it because of other things like too much sittng, being sedentary, lifting too much? Naw…Then the designer wasn’t terribly nice. Our spines are only partially adapted for bipedalism, so millions of people suffer back problems.
No doubt they contribute, but the curvature of the human spine is not optimized for bipedalism. It’s a compromise, the sort of thing that one would expect from evolution.niceatheist:
Really now… Is it because of other things like too much sittng, being sedentary, lifting too much? Naw…Then the designer wasn’t terribly nice. Our spines are only partially adapted for bipedalism, so millions of people suffer back problems.
What did our spines look in the prototypical human? Do you know?
Yes, I’m sure it’s just a design problem, not an operator error.Then the designer wasn’t terribly nice. Our spines are only partially adapted for bipedalism, so millions of people suffer back problems.
All three theories can be compatible. ID goes beyond the claims of evolution and theism goes beyond the claims of ID. One can hold all three. But to do so, one must dismiss evolution’s inference that all biological change is wholly blind and non-directed.None of this disproves an Intelligent Designer, but at the very least it suggests even an Intelligent Designer seems to operate much like evolution operates, which leads to the question why invoke ID at all? Theistic evolution seems a more sensible middle ground.
Granted we are not designed to be sedate but active. If the muscles that strap the spine – the core muscles – are not used then the spine takes up the load. The spine was not designed to do so.Not everyone who has back problems is overweight. I’m not overweight, I’m not even that tall, and I’ve had recurrent back problems for years. The intelligent designer I have to thank is the guys who designed the anti-inflammatory I use.