Of course we are not.
I am responding to the absurd claim that proponents of naturalistic evolution have to have ‘seen’ mindless things produce something with a mind in order to be able to hold their position, and am pointing out that:a) we have done so, trivially
b) the theistic crowd have a
far more challenging task if they are to meet
their own standardYou, on the other hand, appear to be (arguably dishonestly) trying to treat this response as a complete naturalistic argument for how sentience arose and then affecting surprise at the fact that the alleged argument is incomplete. I may as well criticise your post as being an incomplete explanation of how to clean my car’s EGR valve.
So the answer to my question is “No”? Of
course you have not seen an immaterial omnipotent being create intelligent beings ex nihilo, that is because the proposed test is a silly one. Yet it was proposed
by your side and you have not only embraced it, but extended the dishonesty by trying to treat my response as something that you cannot, for one second, have believed it to be intended as.
Nope. The topic of this thread is “Intelligent Design” - so if you wish to defend that thesis it is for
you to produce an argument. If I start a thread about a
complete naturalistic explanation for consciousness, that is a different matter. But so far you are just pulling the usual ‘argument from ignorance’ trick of trying to shift the burden of proof.