Well, no, you are not asking Bradski to move the goalposts, rather you have already done so yourself.Objection, Bradski.
I am not asking you to move the goalposts, just that you turn on the lights down on your side of the field.
You have taken a response to a simple question (“how often have you seen mindless things producing intelligent beings”) and tried to criticise it for not being a complete description of exactly how mindless things might do so. Yet you have not even attempted to answer the equivalent questions:
How often have you seen an omnipotent immaterial being create intelligent beings ex nihilo?
How exactly did this omnipotent, intelligent, immaterial being come about, what is it made of, how exactly does it work?
Please, spare my blushes!You, Rossum and DrTaffy (all the big guns are here, it seems)

Well that seems remarkably like good sense to me. Observing something happen does rather imply that it can happen.want to insist that OBSERVING the emergence of mind from matter is sufficient to “prove” minds can emerge from matter.
Now if you want to assert that something else was involved that we did not observe, feel free to present your evidence.
Well, at least we have a proposed mechanism, one which has been observed and is open to further testing, rather than an appeal to pure magic.To bolster your claim, you scurrilously bring in “a long time,” as if having both time and darkness on your side clinches the result. Oh, yes, you also appeal to random mutation as if basking the issue in even more obfuscation will magically bring it to light.

‘Naturalism’ would, to me, mean us insisting on only natural mechanisms. So I would correct you to say that we (or I) only want you to start by accepting the known, natural mechanisms, such as natural selection, and provide evidence or even proof that something further is required.So, the issue isn’t moving the goalposts so much as turning on the lights on your side of the field. Continuing to play the game fairly requires it, especially since you have home field advantage and, since you keep demanding that we play by your rules of naturalism, you have taken control of the light switch.