I fully agree. And I find it sad that an atheist (no disrespect Bradski) has to tell us what we Catholics should have accepted long time ago.
The Catholic Church has fully accepted the theory of evolution and rejects ID as a scientific theory. I don’t know what this discussion is all about. Are you guys telling our Pope that he is wrong when he says that the Catholic Church has no problems with the theory of evolution?
Having “no problems” with the theory of evolution is somewhat of a misstatement of the position of the Church. Neither does having “no problems” entail the Church fully endorses or proclaims it as the correct view.
What “accepting” means, in this instance, is the Church accepts that the theory of evolution COULD be correct given certain qualifications - the most important being that there can be no denial that God, ultimately, is and must be the Creator of the universe. As soon as the theory of evolution begins to be expressed as a “no God is necessary” proposition, that is when the Church will and must object. I suppose you missed the connection between Bradski being an atheist and his contention that the theory of evolution, at least on his view, means, precisely that no God is needed to bring about life.
Yes, I understand theistic evolution pushes the necessity for God a bit further back in time, and Bradski is quite happy to affirm that move BECAUSE he views it as another instance of the “god of the gaps” retreat. The bluff being played is that Darwinian evolution fully explains life, I would challenge that merely on the grounds that it neither logically nor sufficiently explains life as we know it. I don’t need to be an ID proponent to see that, nor to point it out.
Now, if you can find a statement by the Church that it views evolution - in the full Darwinian sense of blind and unguided - is sufficient to explain all forms of life on Earth, including human beings, then post it. Otherwise, stop making claims that the Church’s acceptance of evolution means it has categorically rejected all alternative explanations. It hasn’t.
What “acceptance” means in this instance is that the Church has NOT categorically denied that the theory of evolution could be correct, within certain parameters, but that is not a full and unmitigated rejection of ID that you seem to be claiming. Your view on this is not the Church’s view and you ought to be challenged on this point because it simply misrepresents the Church’s actual position.