Science by its own definition has a limited say about the universe, limited by our 5 senses, 3 dimensions and time. Besides being provisional it cannot say anything about the supernatural.I didn’t say that it was. I said that you were demanding lower standards of evidence for your explanation of the origin of life than you demanded for ours, by classifying yours as ‘philosophy’ rather than ‘science’. So you are the one asserting that philosophy requires a lower standard of proof than science.
And, again, as regards your first demand that we have seen mindless things produce intelligent beings, we have answered that. You still whine that it is ‘unreasonable’ to expect you to meet the same standard, your own standard! That you demanded of us and that we met!![]()
Empirical science, observable, repeatable and predictable is science. When dealing with one-time events deep in history (not empirical) crosses into philosophy. Evo claims the god of BUC (bling unguided chance) and theism claims God the creator. Evo claims the god of BUC because it “cannot let the Divine foot in the door”.