Natural selection of a large population over many generations with assortative mating and mutations
not a conservative process, and that is what we are discussing.
Even in large populations it is conservative.
With assortative mating and mutations, it is potentially
very creative. This is proven, undeniable. It is
used as an engineering design technique.
Compare with:
The difficulty comes when a mechanism such as blind, unguided and “random” mutation is proposed to be the very means by which God creates life, in particular, where the telos or end form intended is human life.
You like to single out natural selection, and claim that since it is conservative it cannot explain the evolution of life, then single out mutation and claim that since it is unguided it cannot explain the evolution of life. Yet the two together
Mutation (and assortative mating and other processes) produce new material, natural selection provides guidance.
And at least we have a concrete mechanism, susceptible to experiment and examination and proof. What equivalent does ID have? What is your God made of, by what mechanism does he interact with the world, how does
his sentience come about as you assert that intelligence
cannnot arise by itself?
If you want ID to be treated as science, not fairy tales, produce an actual scientific argument.
I have no idea what argument you are trying to draw from that paper, or what you mean by it being “
the peer reviewed paper on Natural Selection”. It makes a rather woolly argument about a rather minor point of evolutionary theory, and as far as ‘peer review’ goes it is yet another paper from ‘Bio-Complexity’ - a vanity publication by the Discovery Institute set up to act as a platform for their views.
If it has a valid argument, let alone being “the” peer reviewed paper on Natural Selection, why is it not in a reputable journal? :ehh:
If you want bigger eggs you keep selecting the hens that are laying the bigger eggs, and you get bigger and bigger eggs. But you also get hens with defective feathers and wobbly eggs.
artificial selection. With natural selection any serious defects will be weeded out quickly.
Natural selection eliminates and maybe maintains, but it doesn’t create.
Again, mutation and similair processes
do create. This has been
demonstrated beyond doubt in fields such as evolvable hardware.
I was taught over and over again that the accumulation of random mutations led to evolutionary change — led to new species. I believed it until I looked for evidence.
Such as the observed cases of speciation?
Meanwhile, this thread is
putatively about intelligent design, yet where do we see evidence
for ID presented, as opposed to complaints about mainstream evolutionary biology and demands for proof from the naturalistic side?