One way of getting rid of cognitive dissonance is to ignore new incoming information.
Ignoring new information generally does not remove or get rid of cognitive dissonance since the new information could not, logically, be the source of existing dissonance. One would have to deny what is already known to get rid of dissonance.
Just for fun, let’s create some dissonance.
Secondary causation makes sense in terms of front loading the cosmos with the kind of causal fine tuning that would determinably, result in life and the appropriate environments coordinated to life. That possibility would seem unproblematic.
The difficulty comes when a mechanism such as blind, unguided and “random” mutation is proposed to be the very means by which God creates life, in particular, where the telos or end form intended is human life.
This would be unproblematic for an atheist since atheists have no prior commitments in terms of evolution having to account for specific outcomes. Theistic evolution proponents, do, however, have this problem.
The issue of ensoulment came up earlier in the thread. The perplexing question is: Why would God choose an unsuperintended process involving an indeterminate series of essentially random events to bring about an intended end if he wanted to end up with a morphological form that would perfectly match the intricately superb and technically precise specifications required for each individual rational human soul that would “inhabit” or embody that physical form in due time. It just seems an odd way for God to go about business.
I could see God using random mutation as a process if he, too, simply wanted to express gleeful surprise each time some new entity came into existence - “Well, I never expected that!”
But why in heck would he deliberately USE random or indeterminate mechanisms to create the determinate life forms that he intended to exist?
There you go…
… resolve the dissonance!