Intelligent Design

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Yes. But they changed over time and the changes were driven by natural selection. The change was cyclical because the environment (the weather in that case) was also cyclical. Natural selection drove changes to follow the changing environment. The environment changed cyclically, so natural selection drove change cyclically.

Merely because it was cyclical does not mean it was not change. The cyclical part is not relevant. Natural selection was not conservative in that case, it drove change. Your earlier statement is not correct for all cases. Only in a static environment is natural selection uniformly conservative.

Natural selection drove the change from pale to dark. Then when the air became less polluted it drove the reverse change from dark to pale. Natural selection in a changing environment is not a conservative force, it is a force for change. This has been shown by many examples. The deep sea is a relatively unchanging environment, and there change does indeed move very slowly.

Natural selection is not intrinsically conservative; it reflects the environment. Conservative in a static environment, a driver of change in a non-static environment.

No one argues change, we argue the leap of faith that it will take you all the way from molecules to man.

Natural selection is conservative in allowing limited variation to accommodate changing environments. It is not creative, it preserves the organism.
I don’t think judges are supposed to “decide” what is legal in the sense of creating laws or determining the content of science classes. Judges are supposed to merely rule according to existing laws.
Which is precisely what Judge Jones did. He made no new laws. The existing laws said that it is illegal to teach religion in a science class. He determined that ID was religion, not science, and hence it was illegal to teach it in a science class.
The judge has no jurisdiction in terms of deciding what the content of “science” ought to be and especially not what science is.
Both sides in the case asked the judge to rule on whether ID was science (and hence allowed in classes) or religion (and hence not allowed). Both sides presented their evidence and the judge decided, ans both sides had requested him to. For his decision, see Whether ID is Science.

The case hinged on what could legally be taught in science classes. That is why both sides wanted the judge to decide whether ID was science or not. The ID side was, obviously, hoping to win and hence have ammunition for teaching ID in science classes elsewhere. They failed, and Judge Jones’ ruling on the point, which I linked above, is well worth reading.

Which is precisely what Judge Jones did. He made no new laws. The existing laws said that it is illegal to teach religion in a science class. He determined that ID was religion, not science, and hence it was illegal to teach it in a science class.

Both sides in the case asked the judge to rule on whether ID was science (and hence allowed in classes) or religion (and hence not allowed). Both sides presented their evidence and the judge decided, ans both sides had requested him to. For his decision, see Whether ID is Science.

The case hinged on what could legally be taught in science classes. That is why both sides wanted the judge to decide whether ID was science or not. The ID side was, obviously, hoping to win and hence have ammunition for teaching ID in science classes elsewhere. They failed, and Judge Jones’ ruling on the point, which I linked above, is well worth reading.

It was a judges opinion. The rebuttals are worth reading too.

Almost 10 years have gone by and ID is challenging evo more and more. That is a good thing. Good science is dealing with challenges.

Sam judge that ruled for so called same sex marriages. Did he have an agenda?
Established by human consensus, which is not scientific.
All science theories are at base established by consensus among scientists, informed by the evidence.
It is not observable, repeatable or predictable.
False. You are being lied to by creationist sources. You are being lied to over and over again. Why do you believe sources that repeatedly lie to you?

Creationism has no real evidence. That is why it has to resort to lies and fabrications.

You asked me to justify the 20,000 years figure I used upthread. I did. I asked you to provide the odds calculation you referred to. You didn’t. Which side do you think has the better evidence?

Evolution has been observed. Repeatedly. Think of bacteria evolving immunity to antibiotics.

Evolution has been repeated, many times. See the Luria–Delbrück experiment for one example.

Evolution is, to some extent, predictable. Multi-drug HIV therapies are the result of one such prediction.

You are being lied to, and lied to massively. The creationist side has no evidence so it has to rely on lies and distortions.

Do you think that lies are stronger than truth, or truth stronger than lies?

Why do you think that evolution has such strong support among biologists of all religions, and none. Ken Miller is Catholic, and he wrote one of the best selling evolution textbooks.

You are being mislead by liars. Better to follow Ken Miller.

Does that place it beyond question or beyond critique?
Of course not. However, science works on evidence. ID has put forward a hypothesis. Normally the next stage in science is to develop predictions from that hypothesis. Then the predictions are tested by experiments.

So far, ID has not made any testable predictions. For example, does ID predict that the flu virus will continue to evolve, requiring a new vaccine every year or so, or will the designer set a limit to how far the flu virus can evolve?

That can be tested. If, as some ID people say, mutations lose information, then every mutated flu virus will have less information than its predecessor. At some point it will reach the minimum information, below which it can no longer infect people.
How can any theory be critiqued, or upheld, by merely silencing all discussion as to its adequacy?
Discussion is not silenced. This is the age of the internet, and there are online ID journals, which publish ID papers. So far those papers appear to be unimpressive, but that might change. A lot of the ID papers are not actually supporting ID with evidence, they are more critiques of evolution. You cannot build a new theory by merely critiquing the old. You actually need to have predictions, and experiments to show that those predictions were correct.

Behe’s IC is an interesting case in point. Behe, correctly, made a prediction: “IC systems cannot evolve”. A prediction can be tested. Behe’s prediction was tested, and the testing led to some good and interesting science. His prediction as a whole failed, IC can evolve but only by indirect routes. That is not a problem; most predictions do fail. Behe reacted correctly, and modified his hypothesis and prediction: “IC systems are unlikely to evolve”. Again he tested that prediction to determine the limits of “unlikely”. 20,000 years was the answer in Behe and Snoke (2004).

That is not a criticism of Behe, he was doing good science, and he acted correctly. He has enhanced the theory of evolution by making it clear that IC systems cannot evolve by direct routes. That part of his prediction was confirmed by the experiments. The overall theory is now more accurate thanks to Behe’s criticism.

All science theories are at base established by consensus among scientists, informed by the evidence.

False. You are being lied to by creationist sources. You are being lied to over and over again. Why do you believe sources that repeatedly lie to you?

Creationism has no real evidence. That is why it has to resort to lies and fabrications.

You asked me to justify the 20,000 years figure I used upthread. I did. I asked you to provide the odds calculation you referred to. You didn’t. Which side do you think has the better evidence?

Evolution has been observed. Repeatedly. Think of bacteria evolving immunity to antibiotics.

Evolution has been repeated, many times. See the Luria–Delbrück experiment for one example.

Evolution is, to some extent, predictable. Multi-drug HIV therapies are the result of one such prediction.

You are being lied to, and lied to massively. The creationist side has no evidence so it has to rely on lies and distortions.

Do you think that lies are stronger than truth, or truth stronger than lies?

Why do you think that evolution has such strong support among biologists of all religions, and none. Ken Miller is Catholic, and he wrote one of the best selling evolution textbooks.

You are being mislead by liars. Better to follow Ken Miller.

Truth is what we are after.

Bacterial immunity is as I showed before because of latent memory of sorts. Bacteria in an isolated cave surprised researchers because they had anti-biotic resistance.

We have hashed the UPB stuff over and over. You don’t think it valid. I do. When the odds of something happening get so ridiculously small one should give pause to consider what that means.

I have also showed you science papers that show bacteria communicate with each other when threatened and adapt to the threat.

If you asked me which side had better evidence 60 years ago, I might have agreed with you. Today? No way.

So Ken Miller says pseudogenes are chance experiments in gene duplication that have failed? But now we know Junk DNA has gone down the tubes. Has he edited his textbook?
Of course not. However, science works on evidence. ID has put forward a hypothesis. Normally the next stage in science is to develop predictions from that hypothesis. Then the predictions are tested by experiments.

So far, ID has not made any testable predictions. For example, does ID predict that the flu virus will continue to evolve, requiring a new vaccine every year or so, or will the designer set a limit to how far the flu virus can evolve?

That can be tested. If, as some ID people say, mutations lose information, then every mutated flu virus will have less information than its predecessor. At some point it will reach the minimum information, below which it can no longer infect people.

Discussion is not silenced. This is the age of the internet, and there are online ID journals, which publish ID papers. So far those papers appear to be unimpressive, but that might change. A lot of the ID papers are not actually supporting ID with evidence, they are more critiques of evolution. You cannot build a new theory by merely critiquing the old. You actually need to have predictions, and experiments to show that those predictions were correct.

Behe’s IC is an interesting case in point. Behe, correctly, made a prediction: “IC systems cannot evolve”. A prediction can be tested. Behe’s prediction was tested, and the testing led to some good and interesting science. His prediction as a whole failed, IC can evolve but only by indirect routes. That is not a problem; most predictions do fail. Behe reacted correctly, and modified his hypothesis and prediction: “IC systems are unlikely to evolve”. Again he tested that prediction to determine the limits of “unlikely”. 20,000 years was the answer in Behe and Snoke (2004).

That is not a criticism of Behe, he was doing good science, and he acted correctly. He has enhanced the theory of evolution by making it clear that IC systems cannot evolve by direct routes. That part of his prediction was confirmed by the experiments. The overall theory is now more accurate thanks to Behe’s criticism.

ID Predictions.
I wouldn’t identify consciousness with God, necessarily, so I fail to see your point.

Consciousness might be “light” in the subjective sense of what it is that allows reality to be apprehended by an intelligent agent, but that need not be essentially what God is.
My point was that the idea of such a thing as a creator with a set design or watching over a process isn’t necessary.

All the best,
Let’s go back to the music analogy for creation. Suppose the natural environment is like the music track and life akin to the vocal track. It would make sense that God uses laws of physics (music theory) front loaded at the Big Bang to “design” or lay down the music track. Once in play, the vocal track could be given full rein.

Clearly the voice, as instrument, and the musical instruments, themselves, must “play nicely” together in the sense required by theistic evolution. Nature must be properly sequenced and functional in order for “selection” of the type required for evolution to fully operate as a workable culling mechanism for living things. This is very much in the same sense that the vocals and music must play off of each other for a complete and successful musical score to be performed.

I see no inherent lack in the power of God being portrayed nor it being a deficient account of creation if the universe and life within it are taken to be, like vocals and music, two aspects of creation and “performed” as distinct tracks playing off of each other.

Am I claiming this is the necessary way that it must be seen? No. On the other hand, theistic evolutionists seem to be insisting that a one track view is the way it must be. I see no reason to accept that except that it, in turn, “plays well” with the atheistic or Darwinian account that insists only the sound track IS required, with NO musician nor musicianship.

Even if we concede that music theory (the scientific method) can extrapolate from the music - as it is being performed - a proper depiction of the score (theory of evolution), it is not clear to me that the lyrics or lyrical performance MUST be understood to have derived from the instruments (secondary causes) merely because the music is.
As Aquinas wrote: we have a bow, arrow, archer and target. Without the archer, the bow, arrow and target are useless. It would be like a driverless car “knowing” how to cross the country, surviving multiple crashes, and morphing into something different than what it was when it started.

Conservative, Bush appointed judges could be just as clueless as liberal Democrat-appointed judges. What is your point?

Is it that judges are just as biased as anyone else and, therefore, their judgements should all be taken with a metric tonne of salt? Sure, I would agree, but that doesn’t bolster your insistence that the judge made a correct ruling when he determined that Creationism and intelligent design are necessarily and essentially the same thing.

I’ve read the verdict. It only holds, logically speaking, if “Creationism” is defined, trivially, as being the set of beliefs held then and forever by the perpetrators of “cdesign proponentsists” and with the assumiption that those beliefs themselves could not EVOLVE and change in the minds of those individuals over time. Secondly, the judge had to presume intelligent design, is and CAN ONLY BE identical to the set of explicit beliefs those individuals held at the time they published the Pandas texts and could be held by anyone else ONLY for the same motives.

By that folly, the judge took to himself to determine what has been “understood” by many (including Bradski and Hans W) to be a philosophically binding judgement from a legal ruling that every flavor of “intelligent design” had to be, from that time on, identical to and nothing but the misconceived notion in the minds of those Creationist individuals on trial at the time they perpetrated the cdesign proponentsists error.
I think there’s a real question of the judge understanding the facts as presented, and you are right, there are different flavors of ID but it had to be legally condemned. What does that mean? It means it was a threat that had to be stopped. Darwin forbid that people would start thinking that life that looks designed was, in fact, designed.

The “everything just stumbled into place and here we are” argument is nonsensical. That a college professor could be censured for mentioning ID is troublesome.

Intelligence originates when the necessary conditions are present. A worm and a human zygote do not have the necessary conditions for intelligence. A grown human (normally) has the necessary conditions.

What conditions? Can they be scientifically replicated?

If quantum physics points to the essential indeterminacy of matter at some subatomic level then it may be true that God does not merely notice the falling of hairs from heads or sparrows from trees but supervenes in all physical reality at its most basic level in a manner (crudely put) akin to animators creating and controlling the nodes or bones of every entity in animated sequences.

In other words, “natural causes” may merely be “viscous” in nature for the sake of practical consistency or ontological integrity - so, for example, that human beings can make some sense of it - when, in fact, there is no “essential” consistency in matter itself, but in the nature of God who actively determines every “node” and what it does.

Secondary causes are then “formal” constructs and completely contingent in the way the notes in a musical piece play off each other to achieve a kind of integral harmony and balance but are not necessarily connected to each other in a “causal” sense,
I would like to expand on your animation analogy. Having a full knowledge of the workings of creating things in 3D rendering, where an object can be created and viewed from every angle, think of the bones of an ape and a human. If I put 3D renders of both side to side, I would only have to make some changes in terms of skeletal structure to turn an ape design into a human. Any creature with a head, upper and lower abdomen, and four limbs would fall under the same “body plan.” I could use this basic template to create a great many variations of this plan. If I could manipulate DNA, I could change the codes to enlarge, shrink or modify certain parts. And the same basic template would still be obvious. Man is not just another animal. He alone can be in communion with God and know Him personally.

Going back to the music analogy, the arrangement of notes could not be accidental. We don’t listen to Bach for its noise value, but for its arrangement, including tone, pitch and harmony, and a knowledge of how sounds can affect us.

Even in large populations it is conservative.

Here is the peer reviewed paper on Natural Selection:

Reductive Evolution Can Prevent Populations from Taking Simple Adaptive Paths to High Fitness


Interview WIth Lynn Margulis

And you don’t believe natural selection is the answer?
This is the problem I have with neo-Darwinists: They teach that what is generating novelty is the accumulation of random mutations in DNA, in a direction set by natural selection. If you want bigger eggs you keep selecting the hens that are laying the bigger eggs, and you get bigger and bigger eggs. But you also get hens with defective feathers and wobbly eggs. Natural selection eliminates and maybe maintains, but it doesn’t create.
I was taught over and over again that the accumulation of random mutations led to evolutionary change — led to new species. I believed it until I looked for evidence. …

Metamorphosis Video Exclusive: Dr. Ann Gauger Discusses Limits of Natural Selection

In addition we now understand DNA actively fights against mutations going through several iterations of repair.
That is correct. Referring to adaptability, take the sugar beet. Grown in less than ideal conditions, it can only yield a relatively small amount of sugar. Grown under ideal conditions it can yield as much as 60%. The same with people who grow up malnourished and those who do not. Of course, there are limits, but I think adaptability is often overlooked.

These are very interesting ideas Peter Plato, however, I would point out that experiments in physics (such as Wheeler’s Delayed Choice experiment) only point to a possible primacy of consciousness over matter, or perhaps simply a strange interdependency between consciousness and all things material. I do not see how these ideas and their attending experiments require that we take the extra step of calling consciousness “God.”

We can easily observe that all of creation is fractal in nature, complexity and novelty growing and expanding outward like branches of a tree. This could simply an organic and living process rather than something that has a set design, and the consciousness or “God” behind it could simply be learning as it goes. If this is the case, we are simply the outermost branch or leading edge of consciousness or God at the nexus of space and time we call earth.

All the best,
But that is not reproducible nor can it be demonstrated. I have read books that were very well written but the conclusions boiled down to speculation as opposed to a collection of facts leading to a reasonable conclusion.

No. A judge deciding what the law allowed to be taught in a public school science class.

A judge deciding what is legal and what isn’t. What a novel concept. 🙂

You miss the point. Judges are not scientists. They are limited in that regard. I could attend lecture after lecture but still not comprehend things properly. An abridgement of thought by legal means is wrong, just because the sacred public classroom might be violated? What’s next? Police searches of all materials carried by all students before they enter public schools? And if ID or Creationist materials are found, then what? Fines? Jail time? Honestly.

It is conservative in static environments. It is not conservative in changing environments. Galapágos finch beaks changed under natural selection in a changing environment.

Where a population is well adapted to its environment, then natural selection is conservative. Where the population is not well adapted, then natural selection is not conservative and will drive the genome of the population towards making it better adapted. Such a situation can arise when a population moves to a new territory, or the environment changes.

Natural selection is currently moving elephants towards having smaller, or absent, tusks. Their environment has changed with the arrival of poachers. Large tusks, which used to be advantageous, as now likely to get you shot for ivory. Small tusks are advantageous, so natural selection is driving the change.

Galapágos finches have the built-in ability to change beak size, which does not fall under evolution. Bacteria have the built-in ability for horizontal gene transfer to prevent death or injury after contact with a harmful substance. To me it is clear, natural always implies a non-God related process, which is the preferred answer for some.

You are incorrect. Evolution is a well established scientific theory, and has amply earned its place in science class.

The Dawkins style, “evolution justifies atheism” is indeed philosophy and does not have a place in science classes.

Regarding your last sentence, it is reworded and repeated here constantly. For non-theists, it must be preached daily. It is a pillar of the worldview.

Does that place it beyond question or beyond critique? How can any theory be critiqued, or upheld, by merely silencing all discussion as to its adequacy?

That approach simply seems contradictory to the very enterprise of science. “We will not speak of alternatives or critiques of evolution theory because we have decided (via legal sanction) that it alone is properly scientific and no alternative views shall, henceforth, be allowed.”

Science theory determined by legal and dogmatic fiat, in other words.

Why would that approach be tolerated by any scientist in good standing?
That is the primary reason for countless threads like this. It is dogma. And, if necessary, upheld by legal fiat. Open inquiry by those with the necessary knowledge and reasoning skills is simply not allowed. Strangely, when brute force or fiat does not work, the alternative is anonymous people calling others names, discarding cogent answers and thinking and obfuscating the issues raised by a blanket of emotion. In effect, smothering any “fires” of dissent.

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