Junk DNA was a fact. No longerAin’t that the truth . . .
Well, sad as it is, only almost and not necessarily. My experience is that debating atheists on cosmological fine-tuning can be just as exasperating and futile (I have had my share of battles, espcially on atheist websites). But that’s a subject for another discussion…
Interestingly, on that subject many (not all!) atheists turn out to be just as much science deniers as creationists are on evolution *). One can of course have a vigorous and legitimate debate about the philsosophical outcomes, but not about the facts.
As the saying goes, you are entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts.
*) and in Victor Stenger they have their own atheistic equivalent of a Michael Behe on this issue, too
Fossil record fact - abrupt appearance, stasis and variation within
Tree of Life was a fact. No longer
Need I go on?