The teaching of Jesus implies that God prevents misfortunes whenever possible
“seems” is the key word. You assume without evidence and on principle that miracles
never occur even though there is abundant evidence that they do. .
And your view of the world is, how shall I put this, naive at best.
Yours is simplistic in its implication that an earthly Utopia is feasible. Any evidence?
Do you really believe that the vast majority of living beings live, and have lived, a happy and comfortable life, relaxing in the sunshine and pondering the meaning of life?
Do you really believe that the vast majority of living beings live, and have lived, are diseased and in constant pain?
Have you not heard of the food chain? Every living creature on the planet is either busy trying not to be eaten alive or spends most of its time looking to kill something. Even as I write this there is a kookaburra sitting a few metres from me bashing something to death against a branch so it won’t struggle so much while he eats it.
Have you not heard of the immense amount of pleasure and satisfaction enjoyed by the vast majority of living beings ? Do you agree with Schopenhauer that it would be better if life had never existed on this planet? If not why not?
Did you have chicken for dinner last night? Maybe beef? Fish? How did you buy it? Nicely trimmed, filleted, marinated and prepared to cook no doubt. How about you had to wander the local suburb until you found a sheep and then beat it to death with a rock before you got your lamb chop? How about you eviscerated a pig and left it screaming while you tore chunks of pork from its belly? How about you had to tear the chicken apart with your bare hands to get to the liver?
Did you have chicken for dinner last night? Maybe beef? Fish? You are prepared to live off the fat of the land while condemning the source of your nourishment and enjoyment unless you are a vegetarian of course, in which case you are condemning most people on earth to death by slow starvation. Have you ever killed anything? A fly or mosquito? If so why? Isn’t it because you value your life and the lives of your friends and relatives - and perhaps a few others in the world (although that seems doubtful in view of your condemnation of anything that poses a potential threat to your survival).
All this is going on right now, Tony. As you are reading this, countless millions of life forms are, right at this exact moment, killing something else so that they can live a little longer.
Have you ever lived for any length of time in Africa where you can see wild life for what it really is? Where the norm is a peaceful existence full of pleasure, excitement and enjoyment - of food, mating, reproduction and caring for their young who play and delight in being alive? Your distorted view of life is both negative and unrealistic in exaggerating its disadvantages and totally ignoring its benefits. Is killing per se evil? If so why? Can you offer a feasible alternative from your comfortable armchair in an artificial, sheltered, man-made environment?
And you say it was designed this way… Whenever possible, eh? He seems to be missing most of the time.
Do you have any
statistics to justify your reliance on “seems”, i.e. appearances?
And your view of the world is, how shall I put this, naive at best. Do you really believe that the vast majority of living beings live, and have lived, a happy and comfortable life, relaxing in the sunshine and pondering the meaning of life?
And your view of the world is, how shall I put this, naive at best. Do you really believe that the vast majority of living beings live in, and have lived, in constant pain and fear, unable to relax or enjoy the pleasures of life? Have you ever seen zebra and wildebeeste aware of lions they can actually see yet continuing to graze fearlessly rather than stampeding in blind panic?
Have you not heard of the food chain? Every living creature on the planet is either busy trying not to be eaten alive or spends most of its time looking to kill something. Even as I write this there is a kookaburra sitting a few metres from me bashing something to death against a branch so it won’t struggle so much while he eats it.
Another distortion of the facts. Is every living creature on the planet really either busy trying not to be ** always** eaten alive or spending
most of its time looking to kill something? Are you aware that most predators kill swiftly to avoid injury to themselves thereby sparing their prey a lingering death from injury or disease?
Which would you prefer? Or do you regard death as the worst of all evils and long to live on this earth for all eternity? Do you regret having been born? Would most human beings prefer to be dead rather than alive? Do you believe it is possible to live without any risks or dangers and would such a life be even desirable? Would you be bored?