Nothing could be further from the truth !.I think that you make a good point on how you see Genesis. This book is pivotal as to how we understand the remainder of the Scripture, the Fall, and Christ’s act of Redemption.
Since Genesis is an account of how a primitive people understand the Creation and the beginning of evil in the world, I am comfortable with what you are trying to convey.
However the author(s) of Genesis understood the existence of creation and how it came to be,the mathematical facet,at the very least,demonstrates that the Hebrew authors were not prepared to allow the narrative to become an issue at the expense of the Spiritual message.
Those who become finely tuned into the incorporation of 86 400 weeks as a mirror for the amount of seconds in a 24 hour day by the artificial chronological structure from Adam to the Flood should come away with a deeper appreceation of contemporary deficiences in comprehending the Hebrew authors rather than any primitiveness on their part.
Your position is actually a mildly brainwashed one,it supports the division of faith/belief as one thing and investigation of physical phenomena as another,more often than not the thin end of this awful wedge begins with Gen 1 and the creation/evolution debacle based on the text.
It may eventually dawn on someone that the Hebrew author(s) take care of things on their own mathematical terms despite the primitive and ubiquitous mishandling of the sacred texts by contemporaries.I have watched misguided attempts to defend the Hebrew authors by muddying the waters with the definition of a ‘day’ but all this does is undermine the appreceation of the exquisite mathematical structure that actually exists within the texts.