Ireland repeals abortion ban!

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There is also the aspect of contraceptives. Pro-choice people have some choice things to say about the position of no-contraceptives + pro-life.
Every one of us was once a blastocyst. Every one of us began life as a zygote, a unique individual of the human species. Every one of us was once a developing fetus, a newborn, a one year old, a teenager. We were human beings from the beginning. We didn’t suddenly become human at some arbitrary point along the way. It is noteworthy though, that a Princeton professor has suggested that birth not be the limit of the abortion right, but that newborns should be able to be terminated up to several months after birth for parents who change their mind or are unsatisfied.
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It is noteworthy though, that a Princeton professor has suggested that birth not be the limit of the abortion right, but that newborns should be able to be terminated up to several months after birth for parents who change their mind or are unsatisfied.
This is a logical extension of the same materialistic reductionism described earlier.
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I really am thinking that people should avoid celebrating St. Patrick’s Day next year. So many people go crazy over Ireland. Going to parades, pubs, throwing wild parties, etc. But perhaps next year, Irish Catholics might think of not joining these frivolities.

Perhaps it should be turned into a day of interceding for Ireland. Doing what St. Patrick himself would have done.

The Irish leader usually visits America. Perhaps Catholics should turn up at Irish Embassies with protest signs to show how we really feel.

You always hear about how the Irish love Americans. But really, I heard on Irish radio a few years ago that this is true…when Americans contribute to Irish causes. Otherwise…it’s just a bunch of hype to bring in tourists. Don’t get all romantic over Ireland and wish to come here to ‘watch the sun go down on Galway Bay.’
The sunset is just as nice where you live now.

Ireland has been viewed with Rose Colored Glasses. Maybe those glasses have been taken off now.

I think we should all wear black on St. Patrick’s Day as a sign and a testimony.

(sorry for the blunt post…it’s how I’m feeling now)
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Autumn-Smoke, this may help. A young priest’s, from Cork, take on what happened, and how we should have hope. I’d agree with your St Paddy’s day comments, albeit 66% will still be celebrating but could prove useful for the Prolife movement to utilise St Paddy’s day.
really am thinking that people should avoid celebrating St. Patrick’s Day next year.
I think that is a good idea. I am Irish and I feel ashamed of Ireland. Avoid the parades, avoid all the wearing green nonsense, avoid all the merriment. Instead why not pray the Rosary quietly or pray to St Patrick to help deliver our nation from the grip of evil.
“And the pro-choice side suffers for it.” There, fixed it for you. I hear prolifers spoken of with utter disgust and contempt, as stupid, evil controllers of women’s bodies who don’t actually care about the babies they profess to wish to save.
A person voted Yes…

Get a real life & :roll_eyes:

A person voted No…

More prayers/rosaries & 😭

A person didn’t vote…

What’s the point? It’s useless & 😴
“And the pro-choice side suffers for it.” There, fixed it for you.
Actually, you didn’t. Remember that it was the pro-choice side that won, and the pro-life side that lost. Partially because their message was ignored or rejected, not least of all because many in the movement resort to “baby killers” accusations, which shut off any possibility of dialog. No dialog means no possibility of convincing others of your case.

In a lot of ways, the defeat in the referendum was a self-goal by the Church and the pro-life movement. Neither side did a decent job of endearing themselves or their cause to the voting public. In fact, it seems they went all out to antagonize them.
I can’t comment on the Irish situation, but the online forums I’ve seen show prochoice people as utterly closed to discussion.
Yeah I think it’s a problem in many areas. Pointing a finger at Ireland is ignoring our problems in the US, plenty of work to do all around. I think it’s time for all of us to be more outspoken, in charity, and stand strong. Some people have made up their mind, but quite a few are on the fence.
I can’t comment on the Irish situation, but the online forums I’ve seen show prochoice people as utterly closed to discussion.
Pro Choice: We are at our financial and psychological limit with our existing children. I’d rather not resort to having an abortion so I guess contraception is the way to go.
Anti Abortion: Deathly silence…
PC: But surely it would be better not to have to need an abortion in the first place?
AA: Deathly silence…
PC: So you don’t want me to have an abortion but you won’t agree on a method that will prevent me needing one.
AA: Deathly silence…
Pointing a finger at Ireland is ignoring our problems in the US, plenty of work to do all around.
I don’t believe being deeply disappointed by Ireland’s vote is ignoring the problem in America. People keep saying that America should focus on its own sin. And while this is true, let’s remember that abortion was forced on us by a Supreme Court decision. While this was welcomed by many, many people, others have been dedicated in reversing that decision ever since. Ireland, on the other hand, decided by a popular vote to allow abortion and we should all be deeply troubled by this. Mourning the loss of Ireland’s Catholic faith as a country isn’t ignoring the evils in our own country. Let’s continue to pray for all the innocent victims in all countries of the world. This is one more tragedy for all of us.
Lol no one is stopping(using threat of government force) anyone from using contraception.
Look at it this way. If you vote for a politician, you don’t always know his real position on abortion. A national referendum leaves no doubt on how you feel on abortion…
Lol no one is stopping(using threat of government force) anyone from using contraception.
This is a religious forum. Not a political one. So I think that the punishment that the church threatens (as opposed to the government) is appropriate here.
Yes, the scourge of Socialism/Communism destroys many once religious peoples’ faith. I’m part Czech and my Catholic Czech family immigrated to the US in the late 1800’s. Look at what Communism did to those people. They lost a huge part of their identity. Here in the Midwest U.S., heavily populated by German, Czech, and Irish, we are still holding strong to the faith of our ancestors.
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