Ireland repeals abortion ban!

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I have to point out that a dominant state church will fail eventually. All such structures throughout history have gone down eventually, given enough centuries.
I’m speaking from a church past that transistion, from a religious upheaval of over 150 years, where socialdemocrats (not the same thing as communists, more like FDR Democrats or British Labour) in power 40 years in the middle, so from our experience blaming political foes is folly at best.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It just doesn’t matter if you sincerely believe you are right, that truism cannot be avoided.
Or in another metaphor: the further back you pull on a crossbow windlass the faster the bodkin will fly. Or you might end up breaking the crossbow.
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I absolutely agree, apologies I should have worded that better. What I am saying though is that we in the US have been showered with gifts from God and I don’t think we can say the result is that much better. I am disappointed as well that Ireland hasn’t stood firm on this, but we also bear some shame. How many Catholics vote for a party politician which will clearly support abortion, or at least not against it. And the excuse used is “I voted for a person and not responsible for their position on one issue.” Yet the church position is quite clear last I checked, some issues are much more weighted than others, and we cannot vote for politicians which support abortion. Yet when the polls close the “Catholic” vote is often split. So I completely agree it’s a disappointment, I just don’t think the U S as a group is in such a morally superior position either. So in summary I’m disappointed in all of us, so much work to do all around 😦
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Whom are you talking to? I’m not Catholic, and have no moral objections to most birth control. Catholics aren’t silent; they’d say abstain or use NFP. Perfectly consistent, even if you disagree.
Satan has claimed this victory, My poor wife took this really bad as she spent months fighting this and spent long nights arguing for life and I can tell you that some of the posts were pure satanic, rosary beads dripping with blood being pulled from a woman is one example, yelling victory and your schools are next, you would not believe how much hate there is here for God and to call Ireland Catholic now would be a mistake as they clearly voted to free Barabbas. We need your prayers as we are out numbered greatly.
Yes, this is a spiritual battle, satan is behind this. He is clever, clever enough to persuade people that killing defenceless children is an act of compassion and that the freedom to do so is something that should be celebrated. But he knows that his head will be crushed, so he is trying to cause as much pain and destruction as he can before he gets defeated.

Your wife should not despair, she has stood for what is true and good, and God will see that. And the fight continues.
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I have heard advice against artificial contraception by the Church but threatening punishment? What is the punishment?

An inquisition?

I have used hormonal birth control to regulate my hormones and I have yet to be hauled away to a Church Tribunal.
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I have been told I have been going to hell by Evangelical Christians for being atheist when I was younger and for being Catholic when I was older. To me, they are just empty threats and not punishment. Big difference between the two. There can be a threat of punishment but that is just the potential for punishment and not exactly punishment itself.

This is why I have a problem when people claim I am ramming beliefs down their throat when all I am doing is stating my position and the rationale behind it. I am not holding a gun to their head.
Like marijuana, abortion is part of the creed and life of the supporters of the cultural revolution.
It is one of those identifiers and creators of solidarity and fellow-feeling, much like Jewish dietary laws or the fasts of Christianity and Islam. The passing round of the shared joint is a sort of Holy Communion of the modern bourgeois bohemian (or was, until the collective snorting of Cocaine at dinner parties began to supplant it).
Support for abortion (like its almost invariable corollary, horror at the death penalty) is more like a sort of masonic handshake, a test. Those who don’t pass it are obviously not to be trusted or welcomed or liked.
Modern liberal utopianism by its nature excludes […] God from the universe - though it can just about tolerate a tamed, minimised, Nice God who doesn’t really care about all that stuff and certainly doesn’t require obedience to absolute laws.
So it is rare for left-wing people to be against abortion . My late brother [Christopher Hitchens] was one of those rare left-wing opponents of abortion: He explained ‘[an] unborn child seems to me to be a real concept. It’s not a growth or an appendix’.
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On The Celebration of Corpus Christi
the following seems appropriate.
Jesus gives us the Eucharist
“This is My Body, given up for you.” The Eucharist teaches
us how to live and how to love. Let us pray that parents who
sacrifice their babies for the sake of themselves may learn
instead to put themselves aside for the sake of their babies.”
But the relative reticence and silence needs to be addressed.
The Carrying of the Cross
Jesus was not condemned by the power of wicked people.
He was condemned because of the silence of good people.
Silence always helps the oppressor, never the victim. Let us
pray that we may never be silent about abortion, but rather
will clearly speak up to save babies from death.”
The Holy Spirit inspired John Paul ii and others to set The Church
on a path for the New Evangelization. John Paul ii applauded all the
efforts, but asked for a vast united in all the works of The Church, ‘sign’ for the New Evangelization; and said that this remained fragmented.
Where is the source of all the relative silence and reticence?
It certainly is not The Holy Spirit.
The source of the quotes are from “In The Palm of His Hand” by Priests for Life.
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Let’s not forget the Holy Innocents slaughtered by
Herod, their blood speaks for the millions of babies
killed before they had a chance of living a full useful
and contributing life. We must THANK God for OUR
lives, and remember these Holy Innocents and do
Good for the Kingdom of God(the Church) to dispel
the specter of the kingdom of darkness, ruled by
the prince of this world.
And we must strive with all diligence to end the atrocity;
for in Providence they speak of the need to protect every
single person, no matter what size they are.
And know you’re not expressing the following.
But some unwittingly have Caiaphas type prophesy attitude
either complicity or complacently or by omission;
it is better they die for our nation.
In other words; the compassionate prudent all due diligent
Gospel affirming exhortation to witness for life by the likes
of John Paul ii, Benedict xvi, Mother Teresa, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen,
John Cardinal O’Conner and others; for a vast sign to the world;
need to be put on the back burner for other causes type of thinking;
so we can ‘gradually’ promote the God given duty to protect each person
regardless of size.
By all the Teachings of The Church, Saints, and those of God’s Good Will;
who reflect sacrificial love and witness — this is crying up to heaven
for a change of attitude; purpose, and witness in the world.
“In the face of the actual suppression of the human being there can be no compromises or prevarications. One cannot think that a society can effectively combat crime when society itself legalizes crime in the area of conceived life.”
  • Benedict xvi
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