I’m not a doctor but I have experience in this. There are many women, women who want their pregnancies, that suffer from what is commonly called missed abortions. This happens very frequently. My doctor says in his practice (which is large), he has a patient a week with this problem. It’s bascally a failed spontaneous abortion. The embryo growth is stunted for whatever reason and it dies. And for some reason, it is not aborted. I had an 8 week ultrasound and everything looked great. Right size & heartbeat. We were good to go. At about 12 weeks. I started to spot. Another ultrasound showed the embryo had died, but the placental beat was still going strong. The embryo was much smaller than it was at 8 weeks which meant my body had started to absorb it. It meant that the fetus has died closer to the 8 week mark than the 12 week. This same thing actually happened to me again. We caught it & treated sooner.A relative of mine says that abortion is acceptable if a woman is raped or the child will have crippling deformities. An abortion clinic in my state is allowing abortions up to (I’m not quite sure) 24 weeks. Opinions?
I had the same procedure that women who abort live fetuses have. I asked my doctor how they coded my abortion. He said he coded the procedure the same way he coded it for all other patents. He said the diagnosis codes are what varies when it comes why he does an abortion. So beware of abortion statistics. While obstectrical D&C and similar figures may be made available in some states, without considering the cooresponding patients diagnostic codes, the numbers of abortions for our purposes will be inflated. Again, missed abortions that result in obstretical D&Cs are common. Also. because there is no national requirement to report abortion data, a number of states have no survellance systems in place. Also, according to Guttmacher, only 6 states that do report the data to the CDC, also include whether or not the fetus was viable.
So what is comes down to is that we really don’t know how many abortions are happening across the county. We might have a ball park idea but even that ball park is suspect if we dont allow the statiticians access to coorespoding diagnostic data. You will hear people say that all abortions are immoral. I for one have to disagree with that. A missed abortion will only bring infection and death. There is no moral or ethical reason not to perform an abortion to remove embryonic or fetal tissue from a woman’s womb in that case. No rule is hard and fast, not even for abortion.