Actually, the past and the future do not exist. (That is why they can’t be direct causes, actually). It is just that God sees all His creation in a single act. Aquinas deals with this at length in his De potentia if you are interested.I agree that from God’s perspective future does exist as now and past in his eternal now. The problem is why do we experience only now if past and future does exist.
Agreed.No. A timeless God can only have one eternal act otherwise is not timeless.
And that is a very serious problem. That is why his philosophy is wrong because he couldn’t realize that a eternal universe cannot have a dynamic.Thomas often pointed out that God’s sustaining causality is nothing but a continuation of God’s creating act. But Thomas did not speculate on how the details of an eternal creation would work. I like to think of it as something similar to his eternal begetting of his Son.
No, I don’t think an “eternal” creation (I explained in my answer why I hesitate to apply the word “eternal” to any kind of creation) would be like the procession of the Eternal Word. As a matter of fact, a very important philosopher, namely Plotinus, posited something along those lines, and Aquinas clearly rejected that view.
Remember that even a universe infinitely extended in time would have a beginning, just not at temporal beginning. God would simply be decreeing that there should be an infinity of creatures, arranged in a temporal succession without a temporal beginning.
Or, to put it a different way, in the present moment, a universe with no temporal beginning would not be very different from a universe with such a beginning.
Therefore, I don’t see why an universe with no temporal beginning cannot be dynamic. (I would be interested to know why Bahman thinks this.)
I think that Aquinas considered it a purely academic question, since, he argues, in fact the universe does have a temporal beginning. (And it wouldn’t make a huge difference if it didn’t.) He deals quite a lot with the dynamic of creation, actually: that is the subject of his De potentia and the treatise on creation in the Summa.How he could make a claim when he present an incomplete philosophy which does not even address the dynamic of creation?