But the current frame is subject to time hence any knowledge related to it is subject to time either.
Here is the problem that I see: it is misleading to say that the current “frame” is subject to time, because the present (the “frame”) is a kind of abstraction.
In reality, what we have is a series of beings (or in Thomas’ language, substances) that are constantly undergoing changes. There
is no unified thing called the “present,” at least not in the same way that there are planets, dogs, trees, or human beings.
Look at it this way: if we could halt all of the physical changes in the universe, we would also halt time. (And this position was held by Aristotle, by the way, 2300 years before Einstein, although it dovetails quite nicely with special relativity.)
I think that some people think of time as if it were a film advancing, without regard for the changes taking place in the universe. But that cannot be the case: time is always measured
relative to real changes that take place (the ticks of a watch; the motions of the moon and sun, or their apparent motion; the resonance of cesium atoms; or what have you).
Certainly, God knows what His creatures are doing, but it is not a knowledge that depends on time.
We don’t know exactly how that works, but perhaps an analogy would help us to see it. Suppose I am driving down a city street, and I come up to a traffic jam. From my vantage point, I cannot possibly tell how long the traffic jam extends. All I can see (for all practical purposes) are the cars immediately near me: what is going on at my “point” along the street.
How could I get information about the length of the traffic jam? By listening to the traffic report, and that works because radio stations have a traffic helicopter, which can get a bird’s-eye view of the traffic.
Do you see what I mean about the difference between being “immersed” in time, as we are, and being “outside” of time, as God is?
I am making analogy between the
spatial journey that I take along the street, and the
temporal journey we all take in time. By getting a better vantage point, I can see all the points along road. God does something similar, although much more perfect, because he has a vantage point that sees all points in time.
So, He does not have to be constantly “updating” His movie frame. He can see all of the “frames” simultaneously.