What were you lied to about?
On 12Nov2018, during the second hour of the show, I called in to talk to Trent Horn about why I am an Atheist. I opened up the conversation that theistic claims for why they believe in the supernatural are all internally logically consistent, but there is no evidence of it in reality so far that anyone can point to that demonstrates its existence. That’s where I pointed out the similarity of religious claims to comic books and fantasy stories. These are all internally logically consistent, b…
No, that’s an Agnostic, someone who asserts a lack of knowledge (i.e., not “convinced”) in God.“Are you convinced that the supernatural exists?” If you say no, then you’re an Atheist.
Yes, that seems to be one of dogmas of Atheism.As an atheist, I don’t believe there actually is something to the label “Atheism”.
No. For example, why on Earth would being “convinced” be necessary? Theists and atheists can have a “crisis of faith”.Being an atheist is to take a single position to a single question put to you. “Are you convinced that the supernatural exists?” If you say no, then you’re an Atheist.
You know, it does depend on that “X”.The jury listens to the arguments and evidence the prosecutor puts forth. In the end, there are 8 members who remain unconvinced and 4 that are convinced that “X” is a true statement about reality. Okay, now tell me what those 8 jury member’s world view is now. Tell me their education level, their world philosophy, anything at all about them other than they were unconvinced based on the bad evidence and arguments the prosecutor put forth. You can’t, its not possible.
I guess I happen to be “unconvinced based on the bad evidence and arguments the prosecutor [you] put forth”…There are world views that tend to have more atheists in them, like philosophical naturalism, secular humanism, etc. However, you can be religious and a theist and still be these world views as well.
That’s obviously nonsense: if they start at a default position, then they are not really neutral. Being neutral would require having no position.There are 12 people that are neutral to the case being presented. They are at the default position of not accepting the positive claim of the prosecutor is trying to argue for.
Person A is making a positive claim about reality to Person B. Person B is at the default position of not accepting that new updated model of reality until Person A presents their reasons. If Person A fails to convince Person B why they should update their model of reality to Person A’s model of reality, that is not convincing them. Or do you see this differently and why?No. For example, why on Earth would being “convinced” be necessary? Theists and atheists can have a “crisis of faith”.
Atheists don’t use religious language. Faith is a term used by the religious. So you’d need to use a term that is universal to both groups. Just like you don’t use the term magic but people that believe in Harry Potter do.Theists and atheists can have a “crisis of faith”.
Not in this case because this is an example of just not convincing someone for why someone else believes X. The specifics of X is irrelevant, I am just pointing out that some people can be convinced with the evidence presented and others need more evidence or better evidence before they are convinced of X.You know, it does depend on that “X”.
You can make assumptions, but you can’t actually know what their reasons are until you ask them.As a matter of fact, in many cases even one’s view concerning actual arguments of a prosecutor can indicate a lot about someone’s world-view and the like. Just like in case of Dreyfus.
Every scientist in the lab is a philosophical naturalist. So you are saying that every scientist is not a religious person? Philosophical naturalism just states that all we are allowed to offer as an explanation for something is what reality indicates to be part of reality. That is why the supernatural is not allowed to be an explanation for anything because the supernatural has yet to be demonstrated to be part of reality at all. However, when we run into something that is an “I don’t know” answer, that is when the scientist has to honestly say “I don’t know.” and then can go on to have a philosophical discussion of her religion and belief in the supernatural for how it could address this. But they are not allowed to actually present the supernatural as the actual honest answer to that unknown question.“Philosophical naturalism”: “Philosophical naturalism is the doctrine that the natural world is all there is — in other words, that the supernatural is definitionally impossible”.
They are neutral in that they are fine changing their model to yea or nay. However, they are at the default position of what reality was before the change that the prosecutor is arguing for.That’s obviously nonsense: if they start at a default position, then they are not really neutral. Being neutral would require having no position.
Atheism is a label. The church like aspect of some groups seems to be replicating the social aspect of church only.So then can atheism be part of a religion even if they disagree that there should be religion at all?
It seems that when I get into these types of discussions that nonbelief gets twisted into a religious paradigm as if genuine lack of belief is impossible. Perhaps atheists are anomalies. 90-97% of humans believe in something supernatural. Maybe most atheists just lack the needs that religion fulfills for most?Or can atheism be a state that will cause a new religion that since it doesn’t exist the atheists can’t deny it but they can produce it?