And which tuning system did God create to produce those “certain sounds” which “resonate with the human soul” etc? Just intonation? Equal temperament? Another?
And as I asked before, did God create the “certain sounds” of the saxophone or a kazoo or a Roland JD-XA?
How about a dog whistle, with tones too high for humans to hear? Did God not create dog whistles?
How about
Chinese opera? Stockhausen’s
Sirius? Glass’
Einstein On The Beach? Or did God only create
Taylor Swift (I’m guessing the latter, given the > billion view count).
Sorry, all your arguments are inherently relativist to your own tastes, and I think this thread ran its course several days back. You have the last word if you want, see you around.
I am sure that you know as well as anyone who, exactly, “created” dog whistles, why they were “created” and why they work.
I am not clear what the question of “creating” or making artifacts has to do with beauty, per se, but your point seems to be clearly targeting your own position.
Consider this: if, by definition, “beauty” is purely subjective, then every question you have asked can be aimed squarely at you.
On every one of these questions…
How about
Chinese opera? Stockhausen’s
Sirius? Glass’
Einstein On The Beach? Or did God only create
Taylor Swift (I’m guessing the latter, given the > billion view count).
…you MUST, by the implication of your own claim - that “beauty” is purely subjectively determined - insist that Chinese opera, Stockhausen’s Sirius, Glass’ Einstein on the Beach and Taylor Swift’s music are “beautiful,” since beautiful is merely determined by whatever anyone’s subjective preferences say it is.
For you, all of these are ‘beautiful’ purely as a matter of definition, as if there was nothing else to be said about the matter. Ah, but there is BECAUSE these pieces are not self-evidently beautiful to everyone.
For me, since, I insist that beauty is an objective trait, the question as to which of these pieces is truly beautiful is an open question. One worth discussing in order to try to get at what beauty is and how we would know when we hear/see/experience it.
For you, the question is settled. Whatever anyone says they think is beautiful, IS BEAUTIFUL simply as a matter of their preference. Case closed. No point in discussing it.
For me, there is a point in discussing it, but clearly you are not the person to open a discussion with since you have made up your mind. Which is why your final comment is telling. You have no interest in discussing the question with an open mind and, astonishingly, make the point that everyone else’s arguments are “inherently relativistic,” as if merely stating THAT ends the argument.
Sorry, all your arguments are inherently relativist to your own tastes, and I think this thread ran its course several days back. You have the last word if you want, see you around.
You are simply projecting your closed mind onto others as if you having made up your mind that beauty is nothing but subjective preference closes the case for everyone. You may as well plug your ears and go along singing, “La la la lala,” which is the basic thrust of your “argument.”